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anyone have the list of things you can eat on WW Core plan?

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soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

4369 total posts


anyone have the list of things you can eat on WW Core plan?

Posted 3/29/06 2:27 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

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Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: anyone have the list of things you can eat on WW Core plan?

Fresh, frozen or canned (without added sauce, fat or sugar)
Tomato paste, puree and sauce
Vegetable juices are not Core Foods

Fresh, frozen or canned fruits (without added sugar)
Unsweetened applesauce is a Core Food, but sweetened applesauce is not
Dried fruits are not Core Foods
Fruit juices are not Core Foods

Fresh, canned, frozen or homemade soups made only with Core Foods
Bean soup (e.g., lentil soup, split pea soup)
Broth-based soup
Tomato soup
Cream soups are not Core Foods

Fat-Free Dairy Products and Dairy Substitutes:
Fat-free milk, cheese and sour cream
Soy milk, cheese and yogurt (plain)
Weight Watchers Smoothies or fat-free, sugar-free instant hot cocoa or reduced-calorie dairy shakes is limited to once a day

Egg and Egg Substitutes:
Whole eggs, egg whites and egg substitutes

Ready-To-Eat Cold Cereal:
Puffed wheat, puffed rice, shredded wheat, and 100% bran cereals that do not contain added sugar

Cooked (Hot) Cereal:
Cooked (hot) cereal
Any plain variety that does not contain added sugar

Grains and Starches:
Whole-wheat pasta, brown rice, potatoes, and grains
Starchy vegetables (e.g., peas, corn)
Whole-wheat pasta or brown rice or potatoes is limited to one meal a day

Lean Meat, Poultry, Fish and Meat Substitutes:
Beef, lamb, pork and veal:
At the meat case look for cuts from the "loin," "round," and "leg"
Organ meats
Poultry – Chicken and turkey:
Fresh, frozen, or canned.
Organ meats (e.g., chicken livers)
Fish and shellfish:
Fresh, frozen, or canned, any variety
Meat substitutes:
Dried beans and lentils
Tofu, any type
Vegetarian burgers, frozen

Beef, lamb, pork and veal:
Choose visibly lean cuts and trim any excess fat
Ground beef with no more than 7% fat or ground turkey or ground chicken is limited to one meal a day
Processed meals such as deli products and hot dogs are not Core Foods

Poultry – Chicken and turkey:
Trim any visible fat before preparing and remove skin before eating
Fish and shellfish:
Canned varieties must be packed in water, broth, or tomato juice (not packed in oil)

Oils and Condiments:
Fat-free salad dressings
Fat-free margarine
Fat-free mayonnaise
Nonstick cooking or baking spray
Extracts, flavorings, and herbs
Select other condiments and extras

Include 2 teaspoons of olive, canola, safflower, sunflower, or flaxseed oil each day

Coffee (without sugar)
Tea (without sugar)
Diet soft drinks
Club soda
Seltzer (plain or flavored, unsweetened)

Posted 3/29/06 2:40 PM

can hardly wait

Member since 5/05

2650 total posts


Re: anyone have the list of things you can eat on WW Core plan?

I used to eat chicken cacciatore without the pasta, easy recipe,

1. saute/fry hot red pepper flakes (as much or as little as you like), and sliced green peppers(or whatever peppers you like) in a little bit of olive oil until the peppers start to wilt (it helps to put the lid to the pot on, only takes a few minutes)--do it on a medium heat so you don't burn the oil...

2. then add the chicken--for this I use thick chicken breasts, but you can use chicken on the bone, or thin cut, or tenderloins, etc.--just add the chicken and kind of toss it around so it all gets coated in the oil and red pepper flakes, and gets white (you know how chicken gets white and not brown)

3. then add tomatos--I used one can of red pack diced tomatoes...but you can use whatever you like, let it simmer for about and hour, and you can serve over pasta, or just eat the chicken and peppers....

Posted 3/29/06 2:41 PM

soooo in love:)

Member since 5/05

4369 total posts


Re: anyone have the list of things you can eat on WW Core plan?

thank you!

Posted 3/29/06 3:05 PM

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