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Brother Left for the Navy

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Such a Big Boy!

Member since 1/06

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Brother Left for the Navy

I can't stop thinking about him and what he's doing. It's so cold in the great lakes right now and he's lived in AZ for the last 6 years. Anyone else know anyone in the Navy that went through boot camp? Can you give me some insight as to what he might be going through. He called on Tues when he got there and just said 'he doesn't know if he's gonna make it" I'm just missing him. He's my little bro. Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/06 11:15 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Fall Is Here

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

I know exactly how you're feeling. It's like an empty feeling, a void. It will get better...keep him in your paryers & write to him a lot. He will be going through a lot of training & he will be kept very busy for now. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/06 11:18 AM

Time for me to FLY!

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

Dh went to boot camp in the Great Lakes too. He said the first week is very confusing and disorienting. People screaming at you, everything moving so quickly.

After you get settled in, things are much easier. As long as you pay attention and do what you're told everything will be fine. He also said it takes a while to get phone priveledges, so don't be upset if you don't hear from him much.

Good luck to him!

Posted 1/19/06 11:21 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

Aww... I'm sure it's just a lot to get used to Claudette. He'll be fine...lots of change he has to get used to.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/06 11:44 AM

To a healthy 2013

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To a brand new year to a healthier me

Re: Brother Left for the Navy

its so long ago but my dad was in the navy and he said the training was hard but after a while you get settled in he was on there for 41/2 almost 5 years and when he met my mom he was still in there for a while till us girls came along then he left. but he had a great experience in there he actually has a yearbook from being in the navy.

Posted 1/19/06 11:51 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

Dh is in the USAF. He'll get through and be a stronger man in the long run. Dh went to Basic Training. Just write letters and DO NOT do anything girly or anything because he'll just get made fun of. Just send it to him exactly like it states. Exactly the way he said his name and title should be. Blue or Black ink no girly colored envelopes if you send a card. And if he has a GF be super nice to her right now:)

Posted 1/19/06 11:56 AM

woulda, coulda, shoulda

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

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Posted 1/19/06 11:57 AM

Such a Big Boy!

Member since 1/06

1602 total posts


Re: Brother Left for the Navy

Thanks Everyone. It's the first time he's left home, so we're all a little heartbroken. Thanks for the advise on the envelope writing. I'll pass that along to his gfriend.Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/06 1:53 PM

When you wish upon a star

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

While I do not have a personal history other than my father being in the navy before I was born, I do wish I could offer some words for you.

I hope your little brother stays safe and will kepp him in my prayers Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/19/06 2:00 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy


Posted 1/19/06 2:02 PM

I luv My Daughter

Member since 9/05

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

when I was 18 my best guy friend left for the was so hard because he would say how miserable he was. You just have to be there for him to support him and write as much as possible.

Posted 1/19/06 3:11 PM

True love

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

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Posted 1/19/06 3:13 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

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Posted 1/19/06 4:18 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Brother Left for the Navy

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Posted 1/19/06 5:38 PM

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