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Breastfeeding classes?

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Member since 5/05

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Breastfeeding classes?

Is anyone here planning on going to classes for this and if so, where?

Posted 2/27/06 2:54 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/05

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?

I'm taking them at my hospital- NYU

Posted 2/27/06 2:58 PM


Member since 1/06

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?

We went took them at the hospital.

Posted 2/27/06 3:14 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?

for those who did, how far along are/were you when you took them? did you sign up thru the hospital or your docs office?

Posted 2/27/06 3:32 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?

I took one at the hospital and I was in my ninth month of pregnancy.

Posted 2/27/06 3:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding classes?

StonyBrook University has a free class that was very good. Anyone can attend it, whether you are using the hospital or not.

Get yourself a copy of The Nursing Mother's Companion Guide. It was a great tool to have at the hospital.

Posted 2/27/06 3:34 PM

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Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Breastfeeding classes?

My hospital offers this as well. Why would you take it prior to giving birth though? What if you can't breastfeed?

Posted 2/27/06 3:40 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding classes?

Posted by FelAndJon

My hospital offers this as well. Why would you take it prior to giving birth though? What if you can't breastfeed?

If you want to try to breastfeed, its helpful to take the course so you know how to get the baby to properly latch on and get all the correct information on what to expect and how often you will be feeding the baby. They also tell you how long you can store it in the refrigerator or freezer.

Posted 2/27/06 3:50 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding classes?

I am taking one at Good Samaritian in Suffern. I am not delivering there, but it is the closest hospital to me. Chat Icon

Message edited 2/27/2006 7:19:57 PM.

Posted 2/27/06 7:19 PM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?

They give a great BF class at Mercy Hospital in RVC. I took it and it was very helpful. Chat Icon

Posted 2/27/06 7:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?

I believe a BF is essential in today's age...unless you are surrounded by women who have and are bfing..but that is not the norm anymore. You need to learn how to hold the baby, how often to feed, what to do when you encounter problems, resources, etc...

Posted 2/27/06 8:05 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?

We signed up to take one at the hospital we are delivering at, Mercy.

Posted 2/28/06 3:21 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Breastfeeding classes?


Posted 2/28/06 4:11 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding classes?

Posted by FelAndJon

My hospital offers this as well. Why would you take it prior to giving birth though? What if you can't breastfeed?

It's so essential that you have all the information going into it because a lot of women give up BFing because of a lack of information/knowledge. BFing can be tremendously difficult, and you'll feel more confident in tackling it if you've already learned about the techniques. I know I did...

Message edited 2/28/2006 4:15:27 PM.

Posted 2/28/06 4:14 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

10212 total posts

Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: Breastfeeding classes?

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by FelAndJon

My hospital offers this as well. Why would you take it prior to giving birth though? What if you can't breastfeed?

It's so essential that you have all the information going into it because a lot of women give up BFing because of a lack of information/knowledge. BFing can be tremendously difficult, and you'll feel more confident in tackling it if you've already learned about the techniques. I know I did...

Thank you for the honesty. I meant, why take it in advance of actually having the baby? Don't you also have a LC in the hospital that will give you a lesson with your actual baby? I do plan on breastfeeding but I just can't imagine "practicing" with a doll.

Posted 2/28/06 4:21 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Breastfeeding classes?

Posted by FelAndJon

Posted by Bxgell2

Posted by FelAndJon

My hospital offers this as well. Why would you take it prior to giving birth though? What if you can't breastfeed?

It's so essential that you have all the information going into it because a lot of women give up BFing because of a lack of information/knowledge. BFing can be tremendously difficult, and you'll feel more confident in tackling it if you've already learned about the techniques. I know I did...

Thank you for the honesty. I meant, why take it in advance of actually having the baby? Don't you also have a LC in the hospital that will give you a lesson with your actual baby? I do plan on breastfeeding but I just can't imagine "practicing" with a doll.

I promise it's not as hokey as you think Chat Icon And the reason why you should take it before having the baby is because sometimes the LC isn't available when you need her. And, even when they are, they won't be with you 24/7 and TRUST ME, the first few weeks can be very difficult. You'll be doubting yourself left and right and seeing an LC once or twice in the hospital usually isn't sufficient. I know with myself it helped tremendously to have an inkling as to what I was doing, especially when DH started doubting that my little one was getting enough milk. If I hadn't taken the class and done some reading, I may have stupidly listened to him and compromise my milk supply without even knowing it...

Posted 2/28/06 4:45 PM

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