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For Florida Home owners

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just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


For Florida Home owners

Are you in a deed restricted area and do you like it? and is there a side the west or east coast you prefer or doesnt matter? thanks for your input!!

Posted 1/15/06 2:31 PM
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Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

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Re: For Florida Home owners

I'm not a Florida homeowner. We rent a townhouse. I love the east coast. I've been to the west coast several times, but for some reason love where we are.

Posted 1/15/06 4:34 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: For Florida Home owners

We are not in a deed restricted area. I love that we arent.

In deed restricted basically every house looks alike. They all have their garages on the same side, all have the same color roof, all have the same color house, etc...And if you want to change one thing, even as so much as put a pink flamingo on your lawn you have to get approval from the entire neighborhood. If one person says "no" then it's no. So basically dont tick off your neighbors. My co-worker lives in a deed restricted area and their was a tree that was annoying him so he cut it down. BIG MISTAKE!!! He gets letters at least 3 times a week from the home owners association fining him and demanding he replace that tree. And the HOA can put a lean on your house.

My old boss lives in deed restricted and she likes it because you wont see 4 cars in the driveway, or a boat in the driveway. You'll see 2 cars in the driveway (and some real strict deed restriced wont even let you park your car in your driveway. it has to be in your garage) and well manicured lawns. If a bird poops on your roof and your neighbor dont like it you have to clean it. She felt that it keeps everything looking uniformed.

I like that I can park in my driveway and if I want to change the color of my house I dont need approval from anyone. It's my house and if I want to do something I will. I dont need anyone's approval on what I want to do to my house.

We are on the west coast and love it. It's so peaceful and not so much "city". I am 30 min away from Siesta Key which is the number 3 beach in the US, I have venice beach and englewood beach not too far away either. The highway isnt bad when I commute to work and the stores arent overly crowded.

Posted 1/15/06 4:54 PM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: For Florida Home owners

Posted by HarleyGirlFLA

We are not in a deed restricted area. I love that we arent.

In deed restricted basically every house looks alike. They all have their garages on the same side, all have the same color roof, all have the same color house, etc...And if you want to change one thing, even as so much as put a pink flamingo on your lawn you have to get approval from the entire neighborhood. If one person says "no" then it's no. So basically dont tick off your neighbors. My co-worker lives in a deed restricted area and their was a tree that was annoying him so he cut it down. BIG MISTAKE!!! He gets letters at least 3 times a week from the home owners association fining him and demanding he replace that tree. And the HOA can put a lean on your house.

My old boss lives in deed restricted and she likes it because you wont see 4 cars in the driveway, or a boat in the driveway. You'll see 2 cars in the driveway (and some real strict deed restriced wont even let you park your car in your driveway. it has to be in your garage) and well manicured lawns. If a bird poops on your roof and your neighbor dont like it you have to clean it. She felt that it keeps everything looking uniformed.

I like that I can park in my driveway and if I want to change the color of my house I dont need approval from anyone. It's my house and if I want to do something I will. I dont need anyone's approval on what I want to do to my house.

We are on the west coast and love it. It's so peaceful and not so much "city". I am 30 min away from Siesta Key which is the number 3 beach in the US, I have venice beach and englewood beach not too far away either. The highway isnt bad when I commute to work and the stores arent overly crowded.

thank you so much for your reply. I needed feedback from other than family. my SIL lives in NPR in a deed restricted community and yes its really nice and you cant park in the street, I think or have too many cars in the driveway some strict crap like that and yup if she wants to change anything she has to get it approved. the homes dont all look a like, some what but they are different colors, the layout is same on most except for across the street the homes on the water arent. she is in the gulf woodlands, its well manicured and quiet BUT so many houses are for sale there like something is up and she mentioned someone is suing the board, yada yada so people are getting out. then I drove around like in trinity very nice but other parts of new port richey and I was skeaved, cars on lawn, boats or RV's on lawn, guy on his front lawn BBQing, I was like Chat Icon it goes from 1 extreme to the other crossing over marine parkway. so I was wondering if towns that arent deed restricted live like that, that only the deed restricted areas are the nice ones, so thank y ou again.
I think I want to buy a house in FL and maybe rent it out, but I know unless its a condo in a deed restricted area they wont let you rent.

What I hated most about my SIL area is that the neighbors just walk right in, so I guess thats what you mean by dont piss off your neighbor, thats just a lil to close for comfort for me, no knock just walk in. and ask to use computer to do bills, it was just wierd. but im so glad to hear its not like that everywhere!

Posted 1/15/06 7:47 PM

Come on in

Member since 5/05

9674 total posts


Re: For Florida Home owners

You're welcome.

The area that I am in is pleasant. The guy down block from us does have his boat in his driveway but that is only because he works in Sarasota on the docks and his boat is his "company car" Their is one house a guy who bought 2 lots and one lot is his house and the second lot is his garage for his RV. So he mostly keeps it parked in there. The only eye sore is that giant garage.

I know what you mean about the one extreme to another. I live in North Port and the part of North Port that I live in is all new. The oldest house is probably 6 years old. Everyone takes really good care of their property. Further down deep into North Port is known as "old" North Port. A lot of the houses there were built in the 60's and 70's. Some of them I think are the Brady House Chat Icon and that is where you will find a lot of 5 cars just parked on the lawn, half naked man with a really bad mullet BBQ on his front lawn, RV's and campers in the driveway, and I am afraid to even know what else is going on.

Their are a lot of houses that are for rent in my area. A lot of people have a house built and then rent it out. It might be the county that has that rule, but I know around here a lot of people do it. If it is a rule it's not enforced in my town. (I guess unless it's reported)

I dont have a lot of neighbors and the ones I do have the furthest it goes is a hello. I wouldnt like just having anyone walk right in. What if I laying on the couch in my robe. I barely leave my front blinds open worrying who could see in.

Posted 1/15/06 10:42 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

241 total posts


Re: For Florida Home owners

We have a home in a deed restricted area in West Palm Beach & we wouldn't have it any other way. We use it strictly as a getaway so we're only there summertime,holidays & long weekends. When our home was being constucted we had a gazillion choices in color of home,roof style,upgrades,etc. Although at first glance,all the homes look alike, if you look closely- there are small differences or should I say owners "preferences".

Maybe our home owners association is not as strict but there are no pesky neighbors that seek to make trouble for us. Everyone is free to spruce-up their landscaping,we even added 2 palm trees without asking permission,not a problem. Although we did add permanant storm shutters to our house after all the hurricane hoopla- for that we needed approval. As for our neighbors,they don't just barge in but they are VERY friendly,for us that is good because they are our eyes & ears while we are in NY. Our community is gated & that also makes me feel secure.

It is quite an investment and I wouldn't be happy if my neighbor had an overgrown lawn or 10 cars parked out front months on end. My BIL lives in Fort Lauderdale,in an unrestricted area..& all I will say is....never!

That doesn't mean there are not gorgeous areas or properties that are unrestricted..I just prefer where we are. Do your research, talk to the actual homeowners,not just the association when you shop around. There are lots of factors to consider. Like I said, our community is pretty flexable- within reason. I like the safety,location and uniformity.

Good Luck.

Posted 1/16/06 10:05 AM

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