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Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

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it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

DH and I are at our wits end with Kanga. She is becomming more and more out of control thinking she is the boss around here. I know it's not going to be pretty but we have to put an end to it. I guess I'll be calling doggie trainers.

Posted 6/15/06 6:27 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

We let the cats sleep with us- wait, lemme rephrase, they sleep on MY side of the bed. Anything with more than 2 legs gets catapulted off DH's side. Our dog only sleeps in our bed when DH is away. A few good shoves off the bed should suffice, plus, provide Kanga with his own nice bed in your room.

Many time, this is a dominance issue. Luna (our dog) is somewhat submissive, but in the few times she tried to show dominance (leaning against us, growling when we put our hands near food, any mouthing while playing), we quickly push her down and roll her onto her back and lay on her. This seems rough, but it's how dogs show their dominance. Kanga needs to realize that you and DH are the the alpha male and female in the house. Also, don't let your dog lay on you- that's a sign of dominance as well (and is the reason so many lap dogs have dominance issues).

Posted 6/15/06 6:56 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

Thanks for the response Amy. Unfortunately I think we've created a monster. She does have her own bed in our room, we do do dominance down with her, tried the shake can, clicker, water spray she's out of control. DH will put her choker and lease on and hold it with her on her bed. Then he falls asleep lets go and onto our bed she comes.

She just started this annoying loud bark so we've resorted to putting a muzzle on her so she doesn't wake the baby.

I think we need professional helpChat Icon

Posted 6/15/06 8:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2320 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

I would not let her in your bedroom at night. Put her bed in a different room of the house and keep your door closed. If you are worried about her causing problems in the house while you are sleeping you may have to put her in a crate at night.

Posted 6/15/06 8:37 AM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

We have not yet successfully broken our pups of the need to sleep in our bedChat Icon

Posted 6/15/06 9:50 AM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

I definitely recommend obedience training then. The annoying bark thing you would have to ignore- otherwise any attention to it would reinforce the behavior. Unfortunately, with a baby, that's unrealistic. What about getting "the Dog Whisperer" DVD. It sounds ridiculous, but I've watched the show and use some of the techniques I've seen (teaching her to walk properly on a leash)- and they worked.

Good luck to you.


Posted 6/15/06 10:49 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

5297 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

Posted by MrsBumbleb

DH and I are at our wits end with Kanga. She is becomming more and more out of control thinking she is the boss around here. I know it's not going to be pretty but we have to put an end to it. I guess I'll be calling doggie trainers.

Poor KangaChat Icon

Posted 6/15/06 8:35 PM


Member since 3/06

18677 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

I can't be any help - I can't sleep without Joey in bed with me (Joey is my yorkie, not my DH - LOL)

Posted 6/15/06 11:51 PM

Don't Worry...Be Happy

Member since 5/06

6261 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

I need him in bed with me or else I have a hard time sleeping...Even though I do wish I can kick him off every once in a while Chat Icon

I created a monster when he was a puppy and he's slept with us for 4 years now.

Posted 6/16/06 12:07 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

386 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

Posted by Porrruss

Many time, this is a dominance issue. Luna (our dog) is somewhat submissive, but in the few times she tried to show dominance (leaning against us, growling when we put our hands near food, any mouthing while playing), we quickly push her down and roll her onto her back and lay on her. This seems rough, but it's how dogs show their dominance. Kanga needs to realize that you and DH are the the alpha male and female in the house. Also, don't let your dog lay on you- that's a sign of dominance as well (and is the reason so many lap dogs have dominance issues).

Uhoh....This is what my dog doesChat Icon
She's constantly running up to us when we're sitting or laying down and will just stand on top of us or lean into us really hard! I had no idea why she was doing this. She will also mouth at us when playing sometimes, but we discipline her for that. We'll definitely have to nip this dominance thing in the bud! Thanks for shedding some light on this Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 7:42 AM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

Molly will sleep in our bed once in awhile but I think she is much more comfy on the floor. She will toss and turn and move around so much that lately we just put her on the floor and she goes to sleep in my closet.

That at about 6 she starts crying to come up into bed to cuddle with us.Chat Icon

Posted 6/16/06 9:57 AM

Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05

11618 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

Posted by mrsl


Uhoh....This is what my dog doesChat Icon
She's constantly running up to us when we're sitting or laying down and will just stand on top of us or lean into us really hard! I had no idea why she was doing this. She will also mouth at us when playing sometimes, but we discipline her for that. We'll definitely have to nip this dominance thing in the bud! Thanks for shedding some light on this Chat Icon

Yep- your dog is claiming dominance by doing that. When she leans, give her a good shove. Same thing with standing over you. With the mouthing (or any other signs of dominance), just pull her legs out from under her and force her onto her back- then lay your body over her. Doing this tells her who the boss is.

It's gotten to the point now with Luna when we talk to her, she rolls right over. People usually think irolling over means the dog is asking for a belly rub, but actually, it's the dog saying, "you are the boss." The belly rub is a great way to reinforce submissive behavior though.

If you ever watch dogs play, you'll see them do these things (pushing, knocking one another over). Inevitably, one dog will roll over to their back.

Posted 6/16/06 11:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2961 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

When we move to the new house this is one thing that I will be working on with Sandy. Its just to much for me. I dont sleep well with a DH who moves all over the place and in turn moves Sandy all over me. Its way to hot!!

Posted 6/16/06 12:43 PM

My 3 Blessings

Member since 3/06

6551 total posts


Re: Anyone break their pet of sleeping in bed with them?

We are "trying" right now! It's a pain, but must be done!

Posted 6/16/06 3:03 PM

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