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I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

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I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

With this bug thats going around I did not want my baby sick for his first Christmas. I kept him away from my parents because they were with my niece and nephew who were sick, I skipped out on Christmas parties for fear that someone may have a cold and give it to him. I was successful in keeping him away from the mall until the 23rd.

We were in Macys, John was playing in his carriage and I was looking for a size and I hear a woman talking to my son, I turn around and she is playing I got your nose!!! Yes a strange woman is touching my son's nose. I politley walked away and washed him with a wipey. Christmas morning my baby woke up with a temp of 101.8. He has been sick ever since. I took him to the dr's 2x already. Today there were 4 other kids in the dr's office with the same thing. 1 little baby had to be brought to the hospital.

My baby wont eat and he is coughing and you can hear a wheezing sound. I feel so bad for him, I could kill that woman, its one thing to coo over a baby but why oh why must you touch their faces?????

Sorry vent overChat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 1:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

I've been lucky.. everyone touches his feet here.
I'm sorry he is sick!

Feel better John and Mommy!

Posted 12/29/05 1:30 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Sta I hope John feels better soon! My Mother laughs and says I 'pod' her because she is covered one way and then the other so that only I can see her. This is exactly why. People just don't think. They just see a cute baby and feel the need to touch and it's not right!

Chat Icon 's to you both

Posted 12/29/05 1:34 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

This is why mosquito netting works wonders for moms. Joseph had just gotten over RSV and some little girl tried to touch his face. I grabbed her arm & said "I'm sorry he just got over being sick." It wasnt' until I let go that I realized how hard I grabbed her...and then I realized what mother bears were all about.

Posted 12/29/05 2:17 PM


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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I hope he feels better soon!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 2:31 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Awwww...poor lil guy, I hope he feels better really soonChat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 2:47 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Chat Icon Chat Icon Thank you ladies. I feel so bad he has been sleeping for just about 3 hours now, I've been going in every 15 mins to check on him, even though I've got the angel care monitor.

Maybe he will eat when he wakes up Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 2:50 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope he feels better soon. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 3:09 PM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to John!!!

As a side note, DH and I went out to eat the other night and for some strange reason Joseph woke up while we were there screaming. I took him into the lobby area and was walking with him and would you believe some lady comes up and starts patting his back (he was on my shoulder) and rubbing at him and telling me he's sick. I could NOT believe the audacity! I don't think ANY strangers should touch a baby! Anywhere! It's terrible what people think they can do just because infants are cute. Unbelieveable!

Posted 12/29/05 5:40 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Posted by jcndd

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon to John!!!

As a side note, DH and I went out to eat the other night and for some strange reason Joseph woke up while we were there screaming. I took him into the lobby area and was walking with him and would you believe some lady comes up and starts patting his back (he was on my shoulder) and rubbing at him and telling me he's sick. I could NOT believe the audacity! I don't think ANY strangers should touch a baby! Anywhere! It's terrible what people think they can do just because infants are cute. Unbelieveable!

OMG- no one has come up to him and touched him yet...but I tend to hover over himChat Icon

Alot of people just come to his carriage and talk to him...

Posted 12/29/05 6:02 PM

Straight up nasty

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

I'm so sorry Stacy...I hope John feels better very soonChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 6:11 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

I feel so bad for you! Chat Icon Thats why I tell everyone before they hold my daughter to wash there hands!!! I dont care what they say, and of course my MIL always says "well my hands r clean" , I'm like unless I see u wash them there not clean!

Posted 12/29/05 7:04 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

Awww, I'm sorry, Stace. It really stinks when they are sickChat Icon
Hope he feels better soon!!!!!Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 7:45 PM

Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I tried so hard to keep John from getting sick

I know how you feel - we just went through this with Jesse. One ER visit, two antibiotics and many doses of Motrin later, I think he is over it. Hope you both feel better Chat Icon

Posted 12/29/05 8:08 PM

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