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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1185 total posts
Name: Sandra
For Working Parents
I am wondering, what do you do if you have to leave for work prior to your child going to school--is there early a.m. day care or do you have a sitter?
I am not a mom, yet...but wondering what people do .....
Any info would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Posted 9/21/05 9:59 AM |
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LIF Toddler

Member since 6/05 403 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: For Working Parents
I take my daughter to before school program. In out school you can drop them off anything after 7:15 and then I have her in an afterschool program . There she has to be picked up by 5:45.
Although I dont drop her off until 8:40 in the morning, so I can make work at 9.
So Im not that bad as far as her having a looong school day, poor kid.
Posted 9/21/05 1:28 PM |
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Member since 5/05 8135 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: For Working Parents
There is no before school I am basically late to work everyday by about 15-30 minutes. boss is ok with that. She does go to an after-school program which she has to be be picked up by 6...DH usually picks her up about 5 since he gets our earlier than me.
Our biggest problem is that when school is closed (holiday/snow day), so is the after-school program...then one of us has to take the day off since we don't have any family near by. What does everyone else do in these situations?
Posted 9/21/05 1:41 PM |
Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05 2298 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: For Working Parents
this is a delima that we have no answer for yet
Posted 9/21/05 4:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1185 total posts
Name: Sandra
Re: For Working Parents
Thanks for the DH and I both leave for work at 6a.m.....yeah...that early. So, I guess I would have to have some sort of babysitter for 3 hours in the a.m. (we are adopting). Its kills me to think someone else would be putting my kids on the bus, but I have to work ---How much do sitters get paid?
Posted 9/22/05 9:50 AM |
Live Life with No Regrets

Member since 5/05 2298 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: For Working Parents
Child care on the Island runs abt 300-500 A WEEK thats upward of $1,500 a MONTH talk abt trying to afford a house...can we afford children ??? another reason to move south
Message edited 9/22/2005 2:33:27 PM.
Posted 9/22/05 2:32 PM |
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