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so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

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so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

ok first i thought i wanted the snap and go, a seperate car seat and then a sperete stroller for when she got older, i got all this stuff already at my shower yesterday...

I am thinking now i may want to return the infant car seat, the snap and go frame and the stroller and just get a travel systetm. it will be a little cheaper PLUS i will be able to use the extra money i get back on some thigns i didnt get. I actually got two snap and go frames so i was thinking i would keep one at my moms and this way i would only have to bring the baby in the infant car seat to her and she could snap it in the frame and take her out

So my questions are.

1) do you think this is a good idea?

2) what travel system do you recommned? I want someting lightweight.

3) wil the infant car seat from the travel system fit in the snap and go frame?

Posted 7/16/06 11:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

I have a snap and go and an extra stroller and love it.
I am glad I didn't get a travel system, they are so heavy.

Hope this helps.

Posted 7/16/06 12:36 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

Ok, there are so many options, you just have to do what's right for you. Here's what I did.

I had a Kohlcraft Universal car seat thingy (the same as the Snap and Go). I NEVER used it. Ever, it just sat in the garage (it was a hand-me-down and not new). What I did use was the stroller I got (the peg Perego Venezia) and just snapped the infant seat into that (I would say this is like the travel system, but it wasn't purchased this way). Once he was out of the infant seat, I had the same stroller to use for him. I also had a second lightweight umbrella stroller to for quick trips to the mall and such. That is what worked for us.

Posted 7/16/06 12:47 PM

My Everything

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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

Hated my travel system!! I am actually going to sell it and just get a new infant seat and snap and go frame when we have another baby and then a double stroller.
I think your plan is great.

Posted 7/16/06 1:07 PM

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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

Posted by sunny

I have a snap and go and an extra stroller and love it.
I am glad I didn't get a travel system, they are so heavy.

Hope this helps.

Same here. I'm glad I went this way too.

Posted 7/16/06 1:24 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

I have the infant seat with the snap n go. I use it all the time. I had originally registered for a travel system but the one I liked was discontinued so I opted for this plus a regular stroller. The stroller I got was of a better quality than the one that came with the travel system. Also, the snap n go is really easy to maneuver (more so than the travel system with the infant seat attached). I think once I use the regular stroller it will be fine, because the infant seat will not be attached on top. I also have another full size stroller that I plan to use as a spare and whenever we go someplace for the entire day because in that one, the baby can lie completely down. Once she gets big, I will probably get one of the cheap umbrella strollers for quick trips someplace.

Posted 7/16/06 1:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

I have the Graco Metrolite travel system and it worked out great...I guess since its the light version - It's not as heavy or bulky as other TS

Posted 7/16/06 6:40 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

I have the reg graco travel system, I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love the way it handles, but it's soo heavy, I hurt my back trying to lift it into my Murano.

I lovvee my stroller frame, so light so easy to manuever and get in/out of the truck. I totally regret buying a travel system and if i could do it over again I would get the frame and infant seat, and a lightweight stroller for when she's bigger.

I still have to buy a lightweight for myself when she grows out of the seat.

Posted 7/16/06 6:42 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

Posted by Ricki

I have the Graco Metrolite travel system and it worked out great...I guess since its the light version - It's not as heavy or bulky as other TS

me too. LOVED it!

Posted 7/16/06 8:32 PM

My love.

Member since 5/05

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Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

I had the quattro tour - hated it. I mean, it was good for the days at the mall when I had a ton of stuff I was carrying with me...but as she got older and I had less stuff I felt the travel system was too bulky so I bought the Pliko P3 and I looove it!

Posted 7/16/06 8:42 PM

I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05

6707 total posts


Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

thanks everyone.

Posted 7/16/06 10:42 PM


Member since 4/06

2784 total posts


Re: so torn what shouls i get.. stroller related..LONG

I have seen a lot of snap and go strollers on craigs list. Maybe you can return 1 and buy one for less $ to keep at your moms.

I did not use the snap and go. I didn't think I would get much use out of it and I was right. DD only lasted 4 months in the infant carrier. I had the peg perego carrier w/ the pp venezia and then the pliko stroller.

Posted 7/17/06 12:05 AM

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