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newborn - 1month - awake in the night

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LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


newborn - 1month - awake in the night

did antone else have their newborn wake for a feeding in the middle of the night and then stay awake for a few hours????

Posted 5/27/06 10:07 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my Katie Bug

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11357 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

Posted by KAS

did antone else have their newborn wake for a feeding in the middle of the night and then stay awake for a few hours????

I swear we're twins LOL
Katie is famous for this...especially at her 4am feeding. She thinks its party time and won't go back to sleep.

Posted 5/27/06 10:09 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

Yep! Gianna's 4-5am feeding she is bright eyed and bushy tailed! I just put her back in her bassinet, she usually fusses for 5-10 mins then goes back to sleep, sometimes she has other plans though!

Posted 5/27/06 10:16 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 11/05

289 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

my husband was a nervous-nelly and kept askinng "what is wrong with her - she is crying (she cried for about 1/2 hour) and I can't calm her down - what is wrong!" and it was making me nervous - hello.....babies do this, right? he didn't know what he was doing wrong (those were his words) - I was like....she's only a month and this happens sometimes! he made me more anxious than i already am normally Chat Icon I swear our daughter picked up on his nerves!!!

I should have told him to go to sleep Chat Icon

Posted 5/27/06 10:23 AM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

It happened to us too, many times... probably by about 6 weeks or so she finally stopped.

Posted 5/27/06 10:44 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

4320 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

Jackson does this ALL the time. And wouldn't you know it - the early morning hours are MY shift Chat Icon
Of course during the day he has no trouble sleeping for 3 to 4 hours at a time....

Posted 5/27/06 10:53 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

Not always but there were times that did happen. They are still developing a sleep pattern and getting used to days and nights at that point.

Posted 5/27/06 10:58 AM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

DD is 2 months and sometimes when I nurse her during a middle of the night feeding she may stay up and or fuss an hour...

Posted 5/27/06 5:41 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1535 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

Brianna would have her witching hour at like 11-1am where she would cry for no reason and I would have to rock her to sleep and even when I put her down she would cry I used the car seat and rocked her for ever it felt like but this too passed... It felt like FOREVER!!

Posted 5/27/06 10:31 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

Posted by sweetness

Yep! Gianna's 4-5am feeding she is bright eyed and bushy tailed! I just put her back in her bassinet, she usually fusses for 5-10 mins then goes back to sleep, sometimes she has other plans though!

Same here! It will sometimes take a half hour for Gracie to go back to sleep.

Posted 5/27/06 10:36 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: newborn - 1month - awake in the night

Posted by dandr10199

Posted by sweetness

Yep! Gianna's 4-5am feeding she is bright eyed and bushy tailed! I just put her back in her bassinet, she usually fusses for 5-10 mins then goes back to sleep, sometimes she has other plans though!

Same here! It will sometimes take a half hour for Gracie to go back to sleep.

Up until Alex was about 4 months she would wake at all hours, never fall back asleep easily, and I can't even count the number of times she stayed up for an hour or more after waking up for a feeding Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/29/06 5:44 PM

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