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Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

before my car accidents I was very active, dance, sports, yoga, you name it. Since then it's been so hard for me to get back into anything. I always end up in pain.

I used to go to Curves and I did really well for a long time. One morning I had pain, so I said "oh I'll take an aleve and lay down for half an hour and then I'll go to curves" I literally couldnt get out of bed for 2 weeks (as in crawling/being carried to the bathroom, etc). I know I need to be more active and I'm being told by my doctors to exercise again. I also did PT and I had awful pain..some of you remember last year I was basically in bed for months and I was out of work and school..I kept going to PT and I didn't feel better. I stopped going to PT when I got the flu and within a week i was feeling 100% it's such a catch 22. I know I need to exercise. i need to lose the weight I've put on since the accidents and all of tat ebign sedentary, and I need to make my muscles strong, etc...but I'm also so totally terrified. I joined Cruves again, because I really love it and I have a great time, but I'm already feeling the old stiffness in my back. I just don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone ahve any words of encouragmemnt or advice if you've been through this? I feel like even my doctors don't understand, they just keep giving me their "prescription" which is to exericse as much as possible...but it puts me in pain and I'm so afraid of not ebing able tot alk again, or walking hunched over like I did for months...

Posted 3/2/06 11:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

I had back surgery about 10 years ago...I still experience a lot of pain and find myself hunched over or in bed a lot. Working out and strengthening your abs helps a lot, but I also just had 3 sets of epidural shots and they worked miracles...I also see a chiropractor 3 to 4 times a week.

I hope you find some relief! I feel your pain!
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Posted 3/3/06 6:12 AM

Babygirl is 4!

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Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

I had back surgery 2 years ago and have never felt better in my life - no more pain, no more struggling to get out of bed. Until then, the Drs. were giving me drugs, p/t, chiropractic, traction, you name it. But when they did an MRI at MY insistance we found the problem and it had to be operated on right away.

If you have not yet, I suggest you get an MRI to determine exactly what the problem is. If it canbe repaired by surgery, I would go for it.

Posted 3/3/06 6:31 AM

My new 71 Super Beetle

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Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

How about walking. If you walk 45 minutes a day that could really help you out. I know my chiropractor use to tell me to stretch and keep active - he recommended walking. When its warm out I walk 3 miles a day. I gotta get back into that soon.

I was in a car accident in September 1999. I was waiting at a red light, and someone that wasnt paying attention didnt realize we were at a red light slammed into the back of my civic which was lowered 2 inches to the ground. My car went under a toyota corolla which was in front of me and the corolla hit a lexus. My friend Neal who was in the car with me at the time and myself spent the next 7 hours sitting in the ER in oceanside. And the next few years going to the chiropractor for therapy from our injuries. We also got countless MRI's, Went to the orthopedist and Neurologist for about a year.

From the accident, I have a herniated Disc in my neck, 2 in my back, Sciatica, and TMJ. My friend Neal had Herniated discs in his neck and Back and had damage to his knee too, I guess from hitting the glove box. He works out in a gym 5 days a week and has had no problems since.

Me on the other hand, my back hurts if its going to rain or snow, if I detail too many cars, and If I sleep wierd or sit for too long in one spot. I used to go to the Chiropractor a few times a week, but I had to break myself from that. It was like an addiction. Now if my back hurts, I use a heating pad and one of those Therma PAds. They work the best for me. You leave them on for 8 hours and the heat just makes you feel so much better.


Posted 3/3/06 7:00 AM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

I love thermacare heat wraps! But sometimes I need ice! it's so complictaed. Snow and rian kill me, especially if I'm out driving in it. I just don't know why there's no answer for me. I'm hoping that maybe I'll get past this initial pain and get used to working out and then I'll feel a lot better. I wasn't getting ANYWHERE with YEARS of PT.

Posted 3/3/06 9:52 AM

Daylight savings :)

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Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

Jen, have you seen other doctors for second opinions? A friend of mine had an accident and had a lot of back and neck pain. She knew there was something seriously wrong and went to over 10 different doctors until she found someone who treated her and was successful. She heard everything from "It's all in your head, go see a therapist" to "we need to schedule you for surgery ASAP" In the end, she did have surgery on her neck.

One of the reasons I am telling you this is that one of the doctors she saw had her going for PT as well and it wasn't helping - she still had a lot of pain. When she went to the doc she finally stuck with, he told her that PT was the worst thing for her at that point in her recovery b/c she still had inflammation and the PT was aggravating it. I think he treated her with anti-inflammatories and then started her on PT later on.

Maybe a second opinion would give you different options on treatment?

Posted 3/3/06 10:28 AM

I'm two!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

Have you tried the Pilates reformer? Yeah, it's a piece of equipment that you'd have to buy (unless you find a Pilates studio), but I'd try that. I would start to slowly work your way into strengthening your back. You'll probably feel some pain, but I know that any sort of physical therapy can be painful at first.
Good luck!

Posted 3/3/06 10:33 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

NY sports club has pilates reformer classes. I took them and they are awesome! I didn't ahve back problems though. You could try water based physical therapy too

Posted 3/3/06 12:35 PM

The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05

18163 total posts


Re: Chronic back Pain and exercise (sorry..really long)

I'll look into the reformer. I've been to several doctors, and I've gotten "there's nothing wrong with you, everyone has herniated discs" to "theres o much wrong with you, we can't operate" and EVERY doctor says "you need to lose weight!" meanwhile I GAINED 50 lbs since the accident. on a 5'2 little me, that's a LOT. I wanted to kill one doctor, he had me doing range of motion and he told me to touch my toes and I coudnlt go all the wya down b/c of pain, and of course he says to me "Could you ever touch your toes?"

I was so ******. i was like "I JUST GOT THROUGHT TELLING YOU I WAS A DANCER!" Chat Icon

PT was clearly the wrong thing for me at the time because as soon as I stopped I felt much better. I really hate going to ANOTHER doctor, but I guess I need more opinions.

Posted 3/3/06 12:41 PM

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