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Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

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Member since 5/05

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Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

Kevin just started sleeping in his crib and I guess he's loving all the room he now has to roll around. It's taking a LOT longer for him to fall asleep and he's been rolling around and ending up in weird positions (scrunched in the corner, arm or leg through the slats...)

Do you go in and rearrange them or just let them be?

I've been going in because I don't want him to fall asleep with an arm or leg stuck out of the crib or having him end up all scrunced up against the bumper (even though we have the breathable bumpers).

Posted 2/13/06 3:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

Do you have the sleep positioners. I used those so my DD wouldn't move around

Posted 2/13/06 3:57 PM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

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Re: Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

No matter how many times I straightened my boys out, they always went right back into the position they wanted to be in. Mine never stuck thier arms out of the slats while sleeping, so I am not sure what to do about that. I now just leave them and let them sleep where ever they are.

Posted 2/13/06 4:05 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

Andrew flips around all the time and ends up in strange positions. I usually leave him if he's sound asleep, even if his butt is straight up in the air or it looks like an uncomfortable position to me . But if his limbs are hanging through the slats I do move him b/c I'm afraid he might hurt himself when he goes to flip again...

Posted 2/13/06 4:17 PM

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Re: Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

Jake loves to slide his arms under the bumpers (yeah great, I know). But I leave him... he rolls around alot but I know that if gets himself into a position he's not happy with, he'll certainly let us know.

Posted 2/13/06 4:26 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

We wait until Jesse is sound asleep and then move him - he doesn't even wake up.

Posted 2/13/06 7:39 PM

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Member since 5/05

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Re: Advice needed...Baby rolling around in crib at night & nap time

We leave him in whatever position he is in. Sometimes they are really awkward and DH and I laugh.

Posted 2/13/06 7:45 PM

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