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BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

Well we are putting house hunting on hold for a year. Our current apartments are turning to condos, so we are searching for a new apartment.

I can be really frugel at times, and I am so tempted to get a one bedroom apt. DH thinks I am crazy. We found a good compromise with a one bedroom with a den that we can use as the baby's room.

If you brought a baby home to a one bedroom, can you give me feedback? I feel guilty even paying for this den. Either the positives for ammo to use against DH or negatives to make me feel better about spending the extra 45 a month.


ETA: we are only siging a year lease, so baby will be 9 months old when we can move into another apt.

Message edited 9/4/2006 6:58:28 PM.

Posted 9/4/06 6:57 PM
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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

Well, we have a one bedroom apartment. We could have moved to a two bedroom, but I thought it was stupid to spend an extra 200+ dollars a month for the baby to have her own room. We have an extremely large bedroom, and I am so grateful to have her right next to my bed because I check on her a gazillion times a night. She's not waking in the middle of teh night to eat anymore, but when she was, it was a godsend that she was right there. And there were no fussy transitions to the crib because she's been in there since day one. We are, however, going to get a room divider for when she gets bigger because I do not want her to be able to see us if she wakes up in the middle of the night. When she gets older and is sitting up and standing in the crib, I don't want her to see us and think we'll take her out if it's not the appropriate time for her to come out.
We'll be moving out of here when she's a year, so I felt like we could live with it since we'll be saving money. Here's what my room currently looks like. We're going to be switching it soon, though so that the baby's things are on the other side of the room.

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Posted 9/4/06 7:05 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

thanks!! the room in the apartment is a good size as well.

I think DH is nervous that certain "things" won't get done if the baby is sleeping in there with us. I made the mistake of saying a whole lot of couch love will be going on, and I think that is when he decided 45.00 is worth it...

anyone want to give me feedback on that situation?Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/06 7:12 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

Personally, I think if the difference is only $45, then it is worth it. I just think to have the division of space and a separate place to put all of the baby's things will make things easier for you. If it were a difference of $200, I wouldn't do it, but for $45 I would.

Like Rachel said, it will be difficult once the baby can see and hear you in the room. And, it may be harder for you to sleep in there -- you will hear every little sound the baby makes, whereas if they have their own room, you only hear them once they are loud enough to be picked up by the monitor.


Message edited 9/4/2006 7:45:05 PM.

Posted 9/4/06 7:42 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

hey girl, that was our situation when Alia was born. we lived in a one bedroom apartment but thankfully it was big enough to have her crib there.
in terms of doing the deed, it didnt bother us.Chat Icon External Image

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Posted 9/4/06 7:48 PM

My Everything

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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

For $45 a month honestly I would skip a dinner out to eat a month and get a 2 bedroom. Sharing a room will depend so much on what your baby is like.
We tried cosleeping with DD but that didn't work then we had her just sleeping in her room and at 6 months we finally had to give up on the cosleeping idea because none of us were sleeping well. She does soooo much better in her own room in the dark and the quiet with no dispruptions from us tossing or turning or making sound in our sleep.

Posted 9/4/06 7:55 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

Posted by pharmcat2000

Personally, I think if the difference is only $45, then it is worth it. I just think to have the division of space and a separate place to put all of the baby's things will make things easier for you. If it were a difference of $200, I wouldn't do it, but for $45 I would.

Like Rachel said, it will be difficult once the baby can see and hear you in the room. And, it may be harder for you to sleep in there -- you will hear every little sound the baby makes, whereas if they have their own room, you only hear them once they are loud enough to be picked up by the monitor.


I agree.. with that little of a difference, I would pick the 2 br. When we had our son, the difference was over $200! We opted to save it.. and made it through. When we went to a 2 BR there was still plenty of "couch" action!

Posted 9/4/06 9:30 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

thanks guys! I see your point, and its true, 45.00 is a night out of eating. I will go for it. Also good for when we have out of town guests and my sister comes to my house on the weekends from school.

Posted 9/4/06 9:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

I lived in a 1 bedroom till my son was 3 1/2 years old. It wasn't a problem for us. Now I live in a 2 bedroom w/ Patrick having his own room & the girls in our room. We will probably be here until we can afford a house.

Posted 9/4/06 9:52 PM

Life is good!

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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

We have a 1 bedroom, and wish we didn't. Our bedroom is also big with enough room for her crib and all the matching furniture.

The problem is that she has always had sleep issues, and I think I add to them by flying over to her every time she makes a peep.

If she was in another room, I wouldn't hear it as much and maybe she would have learned to put herself back to sleepChat Icon

Posted 9/4/06 10:29 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

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Re: BTDT question for moms who share a room with baby

I have a 3 bedroom house, so can't really comment, but I do know that as soon as I put Noah into his own room, we both slept MUCH better.

For us, we woke each other up consantly with every fart, sneeze, peep etc..(it was the DH farting, I am a lady and never pass wind of course)

If the difference is $45, go for a 2 bedroom...believe you me, the good nights sleep is worth $45 a month!!

Posted 9/5/06 3:17 AM

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