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My chin is all broken out

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Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


My chin is all broken out

Okay ladies. I have heard about pregnancy acne but this makes me feel like a 13 year old having a babyChat Icon

What happened to the glow I am supposed to have? I feel ugly and greasy.

Any think to at least take the redness out today?

Posted 9/6/06 10:01 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: My chin is all broken out

my chin seems to be my bad spot too. i've tried a couple of different face washes and NOTHING helps.

i'm still waiting for the "glow" to happen too...Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 10:39 AM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

3164 total posts


Re: My chin is all broken out

no glow here either Chat Icon just breaking out all the time. I never even had this as a teenager...

Posted 9/6/06 10:41 AM

Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


Re: My chin is all broken out

Okay, so I am not alone in this. Maybe the glow comes from all of the rednessChat Icon

My face feels so greasy. And someone told me I looked tired yesterdayChat Icon

I feel normal so why do I look so scary?

Posted 9/6/06 10:44 AM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

2967 total posts

Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: My chin is all broken out

How far along are you? In the first trimester my skin was AWFUL- my forehead looked like a connect the dots game!

By the middle of the second trimester I was told I had the "glow" (but by mom so who knows!) and my skin stopped breaking out.

I remember Diane had told me that her skin cleared up by the second trimester and to be patient- Diane- you were right! Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 10:45 AM

Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


Re: My chin is all broken out

Posted by casey31

How far along are you? In the first trimester my skin was AWFUL- my forehead looked like a connect the dots game!

By the middle of the second trimester I was told I had the "glow" (but by mom so who knows!) and my skin stopped breaking out.

I remember Diane had told me that her skin cleared up by the second trimester and to be patient- Diane- you were right! Chat Icon

I am 17 weeks and the first trimester wasn't that bad. This actually just started this week.Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 10:47 AM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: My chin is all broken out

My skin is bad too. It helped when I got a facial at edamame (the pregnancy spa). I also bought the products that they suggested, which are totally safe during pregnancy and that seemed to help, but I am still more broken out and blotchy than usual.Chat Icon

Posted 9/6/06 10:52 AM

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