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If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

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If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

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I have to take prenatals and DHA supplements and Andrew has to take Triv-vi-Sol.

Then I am on Fenugreek for milk supplyChat Icon

If BF'ing is so great, what's up with all the supplements?Chat Icon

Thanks for letting me ventChat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 3:24 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Chat Icon BF-ing is really hard! Everyone always paints it as the "most natural thing in the world" but I don't know anyone who really had a smooth ride, myself included.

We should have a "breastfeeding venting thread", lol :)

Posted 6/13/06 3:30 PM


Member since 8/05

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

BFing is not easy especially in the beginning! Chat Icon We had a tough time at first, but now I'm so glad that I stuck with it. I was only told to keep taking my prenatals though. nothing else for either of us. Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 4:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Posted by computergirl

Chat Icon BF-ing is really hard! Everyone always paints it as the "most natural thing in the world" but I don't know anyone who really had a smooth ride, myself included.

We should have a "breastfeeding venting thread", lol :)

I totally agree!

BF'ing is the hardest thing i have done yet. It beats my extremely stressful job that's for sure!

You are not alone, I take prenatals and gianna takes vitamins too add to that I have had mastitis, and nip infections and right now battling plugged ducts.

I want to give up everyday, but I keep on pushing and I am proud i have made it through 6 hard weeks!

Posted 6/13/06 4:16 PM

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Nope definitely not easy - but hey you're losing weight. If I could go back five years, I would consider STILL pumping to lose weight.Chat Icon

Posted 6/13/06 4:29 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Posted by BabyInMarch

BFing is not easy especially in the beginning! Chat Icon We had a tough time at first, but now I'm so glad that I stuck with it. I was only told to keep taking my prenatals though. nothing else for either of us. Chat Icon

Same here. The beginning was rough, but now 5+ weeks later we are both doing great! I just take my prenatals and my DD does not take anything else but breast milk.

Posted 6/13/06 4:52 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

I am glad that I still take my prenatals because I have had to cut so many things out of my diet. DD doesn't take any vitamins. I didn't think doctors put babies on vitamins anymore as long as they are eating well and gaining weight, especially if they are on breastmilk.

Posted 6/14/06 9:08 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

I was told by the hospital and by my ped that babies that are BF don't get aall the vitamins they need. I was told to give Andrew Tri Vi Sol.

I think I might stop the vitamins though. I am pretty sure that is what is upsetting Andrew's stomachChat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 9:23 AM

My Everything

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Prenatals and DHA I understand but not sure why they would put Andrew on vitamins as well. Miranda is almost 9 months old and our ped. does not recommend vitamins. He prefers they get it from milk, formula and solids. Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 9:35 AM

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Posted by 5ofClubs

I was told by the hospital and by my ped that babies that are BF don't get aall the vitamins they need. I was told to give Andrew Tri Vi Sol.

I think I might stop the vitamins though. I am pretty sure that is what is upsetting Andrew's stomachChat Icon

WOw! I am sorry they told you that. It is certainly not true, actually just the opposite. That is how formula got to be so popular in US and how generations of mothers were turned away from breastfeeding. They were told their milk wasn't nutritious enough!Chat Icon Chat Icon

AS long as you are talking your prenatals your should both be fine. He doesn't need anything else but his mommies milk.

And of course it is hard in the beginning but it will bet better and better as you both become more experienced. Once you get a hang of it BF is actually a very enjoyable experience.Chat Icon

Good luck and feel free to vent to us!

Posted 6/14/06 9:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/06

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

DS was on vitamins - I think its to be SURE that they are getting everything they need - with formula - you are sure...with BM its a guessing game

Posted 6/14/06 10:01 AM

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Posted by 5ofClubs

I was told by the hospital and by my ped that babies that are BF don't get aall the vitamins they need. I was told to give Andrew Tri Vi Sol.

I think I might stop the vitamins though. I am pretty sure that is what is upsetting Andrew's stomachChat Icon

I was told the same. I stopped giving it to them because I couldn't stand the smell.Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/06 11:06 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

BFing actually does provide all the vitamins that a baby will need. The important thing is to eat healthy and take prenatals because your body will give the baby all the vitamin/nutrition needs before it will allow your body to "keep" it. The only difference is that Formula has a listed amount and the baby will take what it needs from that measured/known amount. BM actually changes based on the needs of the baby. No two BM are alike.

We haven't done vitamins here at all.

ETS: Flouride is important and some places do not have fl water.

Message edited 6/14/2006 1:13:30 PM.

Posted 6/14/06 1:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

I actually asked my Doc after reading some info on the Kellymom website about giving Vitamins while EBF...and because I am vegetarian I was the doc said absolutely I should be giving her Tri Vi Sol....Chat Icon if It was so "absolutely" necessary you think they would have told me in the hospital before I had to start doing my own research...

Sometimes I really think the medical professionals that I deal with ****...they dont tell you anything and you basically have to do all your own research and tell them what to do!!No wonder I get no sleep...

Posted 6/14/06 3:11 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Posted by monkeybride

Prenatals and DHA I understand but not sure why they would put Andrew on vitamins as well. Miranda is almost 9 months old and our ped. does not recommend vitamins. He prefers they get it from milk, formula and solids. Chat Icon

Same here...

Posted 6/14/06 8:59 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

Posted by beachgirl

I actually asked my Doc after reading some info on the Kellymom website about giving Vitamins while EBF...and because I am vegetarian I was the doc said absolutely I should be giving her Tri Vi Sol....Chat Icon if It was so "absolutely" necessary you think they would have told me in the hospital before I had to start doing my own research...

Sometimes I really think the medical professionals that I deal with ****...they dont tell you anything and you basically have to do all your own research and tell them what to do!!No wonder I get no sleep...

My ped told me the same thing today. He acted like I was being negligient because I hadn't been giving her anything for 2 months. I asked him why she needed vitamins -- that I thought BM had everything in it that a baby needs, especially since I am still taking my prenatals. He said that not all vitamins pass into the BM for the baby. He also told me to give her the TriViSol for now and that when she is 6 months that she will get a prescription for vitamins with flouride in them. I think I'm going to contact La Leche and ask them about this before I start giving her the vitamins. I don't want to start something that may upset her stomach.

Posted 6/15/06 11:22 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: If BF'ing is so great why do I and Andrew have to take so many supplements?

I BF and didn't give my son Vitamins until 6 months. My dr. gave me a prescription for the vitamins with Flouride in it.

Posted 6/16/06 6:50 AM

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