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Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

and before I call them I want to investigate this??

I have heard 'stories' about how they burn out their employees. Is this true? Does anyone have any positive feedback? I am interested in the child care and it would be close to home, where now I am commuting to NYC every day...

All your inputs are appreciated!!

Thank you!

Posted 4/25/06 1:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

call them and see what they have to say. It might be just what you are looking for! Chat Icon Good Luck!

Posted 4/25/06 1:05 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I worked for them for a really long time.
My experience wasn't that bad - until I had transfer to another group - and they worked me like a dog. For 4 months before my wedding, I was working 14 hour shifts - it was horrible. Then I was 'let go' a week before my wedding when they did layoffs.

I am not to familiar with the Day Care side. I don't think it is that bad.
It doesn't hurt to call and find out. If you go on an interview have lists of everything you want to ask.

Posted 4/25/06 1:12 PM

Such a Big Boy!

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I didn't work for them personally but my aunt did. She was their slave for many many years. Basically, the higher people got, the more in jeapordy they work for getting 'laid off'. She started with a pretty big group. Each one of them was laid off after hitting a certain number of years. They laid her off after 20 years of service to them. Very unjustified. She knew it was coming too. Wasn't surprised when it happened. They came in, told her she was fired, gave her 1 hour to pack of 20 years of stuff and files and escorted her off the property. She was in a pretty high position as well. Good luck with your decision. They may have changed now that Sanjay isn't the big guy over there anymore.

Posted 4/25/06 1:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

Computer Associates have been financially unstable for years now.

Their products aren't that great (I work in the computer field - so I know).

The last product I got from them was a complete bomb... would never buy from them again.

But a job is a job. If its decent pay... and GREAT experience for you... its worth the shot.

The one nice thing about having Computer Associated on your resume is the fact that they are a "known company".

Posted 4/25/06 1:24 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I've heard a lot of the bad stories too but one of DH's friends wife has worked there for a while and LOVES it (and they have 2 kids that I *think* are in the daycare but I am not positive).

Posted 4/25/06 1:37 PM

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

While I've heard the slave driving comments too, I do know that their daycare is supposed to be one of the best. It's Montesorri based. I would go check them out.

At least you're going into knowing that job security is an issue - no surprises. Work there until your kids are out & move on.

Posted 4/25/06 1:43 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

Posted by nrthshgrl

While I've heard the slave driving comments too, I do know that their daycare is supposed to be one of the best. It's Montesorri based. I would go check them out.

At least you're going into knowing that job security is an issue - no surprises. Work there until your kids are out & move on.

I am not sure if they do many layoffs like that in daycare though. I can try to see if my friends that are still there know any more info about the daycare section

Posted 4/25/06 1:45 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1185 total posts


Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

Posted by Marcie

Posted by nrthshgrl

While I've heard the slave driving comments too, I do know that their daycare is supposed to be one of the best. It's Montesorri based. I would go check them out.

At least you're going into knowing that job security is an issue - no surprises. Work there until your kids are out & move on.

I am not sure if they do many layoffs like that in daycare though. I can try to see if my friends that are still there know any more info about the daycare section

With regard to the daycare, I want to utilize that benefit, but I applied for an admin in the marketing dept. any input for that area?

Posted 4/25/06 2:14 PM

Twin mommy

Member since 5/05

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I would bump this later if you dont get your answer - I know there are a few ladies that work there that are on the boards.

Posted 4/25/06 2:17 PM

big brother <3

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I had 5 friends laid off from there in the past couple years. Two worked in marketing. From what they said, the salary they were making was awful.

ETA: They did have free pet insurance, which I thought was nice.

Message edited 4/25/2006 3:34:58 PM.

Posted 4/25/06 2:24 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

My BIL's wife works there and will be utilizing daycare. The day care is great but it's over $200 for the week for a newborn (don't know other prices so I don't know if that's a good rate!). I know she worked there for over 5 years before she was promoted (I think like 6/7 years) and the money is not that great (at least the position she's in) and I know she has worked alot of overtime. Good luck with your decision!

Posted 4/25/06 3:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1185 total posts


Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I am not in need of a job, but I'd like to move back to working on LI, so I can have a phone call w/ the person, and if it dosen't work out, that would be fine.

Thank you for your inputs and will bump for later!

Posted 4/25/06 3:36 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

article on CA i just saw on yahoo news

Posted 4/25/06 3:58 PM

Plan B is Now Plan A

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I know lots of people who have worked there and the main complaint is the low salary and the layoff situation.

They have a great day care center-none better in the area and $200 a week is cheap for Montessori. I have friends who pay $2000/mo for daycare!

Benefits are good, the salary isn't.

Are you working now? It couldn't hurt to take the job if you're not working.

CA does have a repuatation in the industry of treating their employees like crap but it can't be in every instance. You only hear about the crappy stuff.


Posted 4/25/06 4:05 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I used to work on the daycare side...

There are 3 'levels'

Nido - Age 6 weeks - 18 months 3-4 teachers per room, usually 8 children per room.

CC - 18 months - 3 years - again, 3-4 teachers, 12 children

Primary/Kindergarten - 3-6 years - And I believe 16 children (that may be wrong - I rarely worked in primary).

Children are provided up to 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2 snacks. This does not include formula/baby foods. There is also an area where parents may go and nurse.

I think it was a great program - and I looooooove so many of the teachers in Nido. Parents come down throughout the day, and many bring their kids to lunch with them (especially the older kids).

Some of the vocabulary with Montessori is a little different (it's not 'play' it's 'work,' not as much creativity allowed... materials are used for one thing only, etc.)

Tuition is based on a sliding scale... and there are discounts for more than one child.

If you have any other questions I'll try to answer them - but I haven't worked since winter break 2003-2004 - so some of my info may be a bit outdated.

good luck!

Posted 4/25/06 6:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

They actually don't do the sliding scale anymore.

Posted 4/25/06 6:29 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

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Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

Posted by npbride

They actually don't do the sliding scale anymore.

Really? Do you know the prices for the childcare?

Posted 4/25/06 6:38 PM

Don't eat me, hippo!

Member since 5/05

9252 total posts


Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

Posted by npbride

They actually don't do the sliding scale anymore.

i knew i'd be a bit out of date! Chat Icon


Posted 4/25/06 6:47 PM

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LC's Mommy

Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

I work at CA but not at the headquarters anymore. I am in the Stamford, CT office but used to be in Islandia. I am not sure about the daycare as far as how much, I would be shocked if they don't base it on what you earn anymore. One of my old co-workers may know I will ask her.

I have been there 7+ years and really no complaints. Yeah the salary isn't great but the benefits are. As far as layoffs I have seen a few people in my office get laid off and 1 in particular was completey blindsided. She worked for the company over 20 yrs and her position was eliminated. I would say admin positions are pretty safe. If you have any questions FM me.

Posted 4/25/06 6:50 PM

Complete Happiness :)

Member since 5/05

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: Computer Associates called me after reviewing my resume

Posted by npbride

They actually don't do the sliding scale anymore.

I also believe that they do not do this anymore.

Posted 4/25/06 6:50 PM

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