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Cord Blood registry

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

241 total posts


Cord Blood registry

Is anyone banking their baby's umbilical cord blood? I am torn. I feel really guilty not doing because neither me nor DH have much family history of any diseases and it is very expensive. But, god forbid, we need it?? What are your plans??

If you are doing it, what company are you using and why?

Posted 8/2/05 5:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Cord Blood registry

we decided to do it..we are using Cord Blood Registry..they had the best pricing..
its like having car insurance, you hope its something you never have to use..

also in the coming years they will find more ailments that this could hopefully help cure..

Posted 8/2/05 6:04 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Cord Blood registry

We did it and used viacord. Their updates on the medical advances have been impressive. Talk to your pediatrician first. Mine told me (2 1/2 years ago- there have been many advances since) that he would not have suggested it for my first child because- God forbid he did have something, his own cells would have it too and it wouldnt help him. OF course it may help us, but thats not really why we did it. I had the same what if/guilt thing going on, and I figured Lord knows I have wasted 1000K on other less important things.

Good luck with your decision!

Posted 8/2/05 11:34 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

1101 total posts


Re: Cord Blood registry

we are using vitacord. I was so impressed with their research. My SIL suffers from a TBI and my brother had an acciedent and suffers from a spinal cord injury which has left him paralyzed. The research vitacord is doing now is coming up with ways to help and one day fix these problems to me this is a just and worthy cause.

Posted 8/3/05 10:32 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Cord Blood registry

Using Viacord!

Posted 8/3/05 11:01 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Cord Blood registry

We decided to do it - went with Viacord.

It is about $1900 the first year and $125 every year after. I hope it's the biggest waste of money ever.

In my opinion - If I didn't do it - and I needed it one day I would be sooo upset...I would never forgive myself. It's expensive - but its a small price to pay for the health of my children and family.

Posted 8/3/05 11:32 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Cord Blood registry

Also, with Viacord, if you are a healthcare provider make sure you let them know, they give you professional courtesy, I paid ALOT less for the initial fee I'm talking more than $600 less!!!, and then it is $85 per year for storage.

Posted 8/3/05 11:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Cord Blood registry

I talked in depth with my OB about this. He said he went to a few seminars from the big companies and CBR and Viacord are the best and those are the ones you should stick to. Also when you call up ask if you can have the old price, CBR gave us their old price, and I know a friend who negotiated with Viacord.

a good friend of mine's son had leukemia and the doctors and insurance company said that he was too far that there wasn't enough time to have another child. He is now 100+ days in remission!!! (not from cord blood, but a marrow donor) but they had NO FAMILY HISTORY of leukemia.

My midwife explained it very simple. You don't expect to get in a car accident, but you still have insurance and think how much a year you pay for that!! (I know we pay more than my first CBR year)

Posted 8/5/05 9:59 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 8/05

4 total posts


Re: Cord Blood registry

We're using Viacord. They do no testing on any of the blood, and in my families opinion had the easiest "process" to work with. I think at birth it'll be about 1700 dollars, but you can break up payments over years if you needed to. Hope it helps!

Posted 8/6/05 1:28 PM

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