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HELP-Fussy/unhappy 5 month old.

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LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

421 total posts


HELP-Fussy/unhappy 5 month old.

I need help with my 5 month old. I am not sure what is going on with him. He has never been a happy baby...he was a month early and so we have always given him time, but he is 5 months now and I am not sure what to do. He sleeps great. He goes from 6-6 and doesn't wake up, so it isn't a crying thing..he just is ALWAYS fussy! Do you think he is bored? he cries in the stroller, or if he is by himself for more than a few minutes. he will sit in bouncer, but then fussses after 10 minutes..goes on mat for 10 minutes and fusses. loves bumbo seat, but lasts 10 minutes....he hates jumperoo.

Has anyone been through this? After 1:00, he is so unhappy....until his bath and then bed again......


Posted 6/26/06 9:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: HELP-Fussy/unhappy 5 month old.

My daughter was like that until about 6 months. I think it was a combination of two factors - first, yes, she was bored silly. At daycare she was just FINE, and everytime we took her out, she was FINE. No one believed us that she was so cranky because everytime we took her out she was an absolute angel! I discussed it with my pediatrician (who also didn't believe me because she was so entertaining at the doctor's office! Chat Icon ) and he told me it was likely because she needed more stimulation than we were giving her. And OMG he was right. We quickly learned that the cure-all for her fussiness was to engage her at all times and to take her out as much as possible. We've adapted and now, on the weekends, we're constantly on the go, and Alex is much happier because of it.

Second issue - I discussed the issue with DH's mom and she laughed and laughed (she's in Israel so she didn't know what we were going through) and said that's exactly how DH was until he started moving on his own. I've noticed that ever since Alex has become more mobile and can do what she wants, when she wants, she's much happier. Is your baby crawling yet? Moving around yet? You may see a decline in the fussiness when that happens. DH's mom told me he was an absolute TERROR until the day he started crawling...

Posted 6/26/06 9:48 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/05

421 total posts


Re: HELP-Fussy/unhappy 5 month old.

Posted by Bxgell2

My daughter was like that until about 6 months. I think it was a combination of two factors - first, yes, she was bored silly. At daycare she was just FINE, and everytime we took her out, she was FINE. No one believed us that she was so cranky because everytime we took her out she was an absolute angel! I discussed it with my pediatrician (who also didn't believe me because she was so entertaining at the doctor's office! Chat Icon ) and he told me it was likely because she needed more stimulation than we were giving her. And OMG he was right. We quickly learned that the cure-all for her fussiness was to engage her at all times and to take her out as much as possible. We've adapted and now, on the weekends, we're constantly on the go, and Alex is much happier because of it.

Second issue - I discussed the issue with DH's mom and she laughed and laughed (she's in Israel so she didn't know what we were going through) and said that's exactly how DH was until he started moving on his own. I've noticed that ever since Alex has become more mobile and can do what she wants, when she wants, she's much happier. Is your baby crawling yet? Moving around yet? You may see a decline in the fussiness when that happens. DH's mom told me he was an absolute TERROR until the day he started crawling...

Funny that you say that because he is constantly trying to sit up and move around...which is why he hates the bouncer. he isn't crawling at all...he just hit 5 months and will hold himself up on his tummy, but doesn't last long....

he isn't always happy when we are with other people though..he is hypersensitive...he cries if you sneeze!!!

Posted 6/26/06 9:52 AM

my princess

Member since 10/05

2936 total posts


Re: HELP-Fussy/unhappy 5 month old.

My son was the same way. As long as we were out and about he was a happy camper. I guess he was bored of us.

He was fussy and gassy and always complaining. I think it got better at about 6-7 months.

If people were over or if we were at a party he was having a blast.

Just like adults every baby has their personality!Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/06 9:55 AM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: HELP-Fussy/unhappy 5 month old.

I agree with a lot of that, Noah is 5 and a half months and he can now sit up on his own, that has changed a lot for him. He is happy sitting on the sofa with me for ages, he loves to hold the remotes (don't tell daddy) a spoon, he hates pacifiers, but loves to chew on the handle. I also got a playnest, which is great...I posted a picture somewhere else. He is still bored after a little while and is clingy, but is in general, a much happier baby. He also just likes being carted around on my hip, which stops me from getting things done, but it makes him happy!

Posted 6/26/06 9:55 AM

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