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too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
last minute help
I need some suggestions for baby shower games. As many of you know, I have planned my whole shower, but I totally forgot to plan games. I do have a couple little things I've found to use as prizes, but I have no idea about the games. Help!! My shower is on Sunday. I need some quick suggestions of things I can get today because I have a family party tomorrow, not to mention I need to bake about 125 cookies.
Posted 8/18/06 10:35 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: last minute help
I went to one a few weeks ago and they had a ton of's what she did:
Baby Shower Bingo (you give out blank grids and each guest fills the boxes with what gifts they think you will get. As you open them they X them off, first to get BINGO wins a prize...or you can keep giving prizes until you run out)
Baby word scramble - 20 baby related words on sheet scrambled (eg. rocking chair, diaper, formula, etc) first to unscramble them all correctly wins
Nursery Rhymes - they did about 10 or so - they gave a sentence and asked the guests to finish it (e.g. Hey diddle, diddle, the cat and the fiddle.......and you would have to finish the sentence). That puzzle was hard for most people
Chinese Auction - everyone got 20 raffle tickets. There were 10 prizes and they put a tiny wicker bassinett in front of each prize and the guests put their raffle tickets in whatever prize(s) they wanted. The mom-to-be picked winners for each prize (each person was only allowed to win one prize)
Celebrity Baby Match - match the celebrity to her baby's name. Another whoever finishes fastest with the correct answers wins
Name the character - they had about 20 pictures of children's characters on a sheet and first to get them correct the fastest wins (e.g. Paddington Bear, Little Bo Peep, Velveteen Rabbit, etc.)
Some people just set a timer for say 10 minutes and whosever gift you are openning when the timer goes off gets a prize.
hmmm let me see if I can think of more. Hope that helps for now.
FM me if you want more details or need help
Message edited 8/18/2006 11:23:32 AM.
Posted 8/18/06 11:21 AM |

Member since 5/05 5754 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: last minute help
i love the celebrity baby name game, i did that at my SIL's party, everyone got a kick out of it, even if they didn't know the answers.
Posted 8/18/06 11:25 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 2/06 182 total posts
Re: last minute help
An easy one that was played at a shower I recently attende was this. It was called "What's in your purse?" Either have a family member or close friend Call out an item in front of the group. The first 3 people to pull the item from there purse get a ticket or something (piece of paper, etc.) Continue this with a number of items handing out a ticket to the first three winners of each item. When you reach the bottom of the list the guest add up how many tickets they have collected and then prizes are awarded. You can have 1 prize for the most or top three winners,. whatever u want. It was fun. Here are some items that were read out from the list. bobby pin, calculator, red lipstick, picture of your child, 50 dollar bill, q-tip, a piece of cinnamon gum, a business card, etc. You kind of want unusual or less common items or everyone will have them in there purse.
Another one was placing a diaper in front of every guests place setting. In one diaper per table put a tootsie roll. At some point during the day ask all guests to open there diaper. Whoever has a dirty diaper wins a prize.
Hope these helped there easy and don't take much to get together, GOOD LUCK!!!
Posted 8/18/06 11:57 AM |
wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06 6689 total posts
Name: D
Re: last minute help
i agree with bingo - you can make a blank template up (I can help you if you want!) and have them fill it in with gifts they think you'll get.....
I've also seen the baby food taste test or "look" test where you have to figure out what different foods are....
Posted 8/19/06 3:28 PM |
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