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Well....a long vent sorry

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my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Well....a long vent sorry

My body has a funny way of tricking me. I was 2 weeks late for AF so I started to get my hopes up wishing I could be pregnant. Then all of a sudden guess what yup I get AF. so all that baby dust all my praying nothing worked. I am getting soo fustrated. I still have to go back to the doctor but I just dont want to hear the words your infertile from him because he told me to try for 3 months straight if nothing happens then it is a good chance you are infertile now. well I have been trying for 6 months so I guess hes right. I know I should be happy I have atleast one child when other people cant even do that but it just depresses me when I have been watching the news the past week and all these babies have been killed by there parents why can they have kids and people who really want kids cant. Thanks veryone for listening.

Posted 1/26/06 9:57 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

Amanda --- Your Dr. should not be using the term "infertile" -- perhaps you may have some issues but as most of us have seen here, most problems can be overcome one way or another. Sometimes it just takes a lot more time and patience than we want to give.

There are so many possibilities for not getting pg, and some of them are really easy to fix. So be calm, take it easy, and yes go to your Dr. and ask for a complete blood work-up and any other tests he sees fit (HSP, ultrasound, whatever).

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Posted 1/26/06 10:41 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

I have a question maybe you might know. he said that I have to go back one day when I have my AF to test me for endometriosis but why would he not be able to see that with a sonogram one day when I dont have my AF. He told me it looks like I have endometriosis cause of my symptoms and if I havnt been able to get pg after 3 months then its a good chance I could be infertile and that theres some kind of surgery hed have to do. I dnno Im trying to make an appt for him as I speak but I dunno what to do I think Im just frustrated cause its been 6 months.

Posted 1/26/06 10:47 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

Mmmmm I don't know anything about endometiosis, but I am sure some of the women here do. You misght want to post on infertility too.

I know they do the blood workup on CD2 or 3.

Posted 1/26/06 10:50 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

THank you I just made an appt for the 7th so hopefully then I will know whats going on. I just have this fear of doctors lol. It took me a a year and a half to go back after having my son ad I was in horible pain thats how much Id rather have the pain then see themlol.

Posted 1/26/06 10:54 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

I read your post and am wondering why your Dr would say you are infertile after only THREE months of trying? That doesn't sound right. I thought that it was considered normal if a healthy couple took up to a year to conceive.

But anyway I wanted you to know that I had NO symptoms of endometriosis - I had a sonogram and they didn't see anything. Then I had an HSG and the Dr. saw "something" but couldn't tell if it was endo. THEN I had a laparoscopy and only once he was in there looking around did he discover the endo. He was able to successfully remove it. So don't worry, even if you do have it, it can be fixed in most cases!

Posted 1/26/06 11:12 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

what is an HSG. I think what worries him is that I am having all the symptoms and that the first 2 pregnancies I had I got pregnant the 1st time we tried I was very fertile at that time. which was 2 yrs ago I had one miscarriage and about 4 days after i miscarried i got pregnant with my son. I will know more Im sure when i got to the doctor on the 7th but I just want to know what to ask him or what to say not to sound like an idiot you know. and if there is a test to ask for it I would like to know before i go into his office. thank you chiliswife

Posted 1/26/06 11:16 AM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

Posted by ChilisWife

I read your post and am wondering why your Dr would say you are infertile after only THREE months of trying? That doesn't sound right. I thought that it was considered normal if a healthy couple took up to a year to conceive.

But anyway I wanted you to know that I had NO symptoms of endometriosis - I had a sonogram and they didn't see anything. Then I had an HSG and the Dr. saw "something" but couldn't tell if it was endo. THEN I had a laparoscopy and only once he was in there looking around did he discover the endo. He was able to successfully remove it. So don't worry, even if you do have it, it can be fixed in most cases!

I totally agree! Most of us have been trying for more than 3 months and many woman conceive after trying for more than 3 months.

I also had endo and it was not found or diagnosed until after I had a laparoscopy.

Please get a second opinion if you feel uncomfortable with what your current doctor is telling you.

Good luck!!

Message edited 1/26/2006 11:25:57 AM.

Posted 1/26/06 11:24 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

thats why i didnt go back to him yet cause i wanted to keep trying and wait now that it has been 6 months Im willing to go to him and see what he has to say.Yesturday I had to call into work sick cause I was in soo much pain I couldnt get out of bed so now is when I will say ok lets call the doctor as much as I hate them. so hopefully after seeing him I will no more but I will definately keep that laparascopy in mind cause i keep feeling this lump on my C-section scar and you can only feel when I have my AF and he said he couldnt feel it but if he was just to give me an sonogram or a laparascopy he could see what it is. Ive had my husband feel it so I kow other people can feel it lol.

Posted 1/26/06 11:32 AM

God Bless America

Member since 5/05

3572 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

an HSG is a hysterosalpinogram (I think - may have the spelling wrong). They inject you with dye and take an x-ray of your organs. If you do a search on the infertility board you will fine tons of info about HSG's.

Posted 1/26/06 11:44 AM

my beautiful baby is here :-)

Member since 9/05

1136 total posts


Re: Well....a long vent sorry

Thanks alexa for the info

Posted 1/26/06 12:06 PM

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