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distrcit I work in-WITH NO CONTRACT, is going to fact finding as well, like the city did- boop aka jaime you'll appreciate this!

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Member since 5/05

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distrcit I work in-WITH NO CONTRACT, is going to fact finding as well, like the city did- boop aka jaime you'll appreciate this!

The district I work in, a Long Island one - the board has rejected our final proposal for a contract so now we must bring in someone to do a fact find fo us- could take at least two months and even that is not binding. so far its been a year. It is so disheartening...

** i know the city hasnt had a contract for two years and I am not in anyway comparing the situations so please dont flame me for it***

I am saying for a large Long Island district, you would think they would try to come to a decision rationally.

Posted 9/17/05 1:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: distrcit I work in-WITH NO CONTRACT, is going to fact finding as well, like the city did- boop aka jaime you'll appreciate this!

My district will be in the same boat soon. Our budget was voted down the second time, despite being the lowest increase in the county and we most recently had a scandal... they "found" 1.7 more million dollars over the summerChat Icon

What did the community want to do with that money? Let's see restore the 5 elementary positions that we lost (we now have the largest class sizes in Nassau on the elem level)? Rehire the guidance counselor who after 8 years experience in my building was let go? Restore any of the other approx. dozen positions that were consolidated over the last few years? Buy new textbooks? Fix the 50 year old locks on the classroom doors that don't open? NOOOOO!

Restore middle school sportsChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon because as the community said "that's the way we can impact the most kids". WHAT?

Oh, and we are in contract negoiations too! Did I mention we are already the second lowest paid district in Nassau county. Every year I've worked there I only got a 3% raise once... everything else about 2%.

It's ridiculous how education is treated in this country. Don't they know we have LIPA and gas bills to pay as well?

I hear you on this oneChat Icon

Posted 9/17/05 1:40 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: distrcit I work in-WITH NO CONTRACT, is going to fact finding as well, like the city did- boop aka jaime you'll appreciate this!

it is ridiculous how they waste so much money on crap but cant pay their teachers the 3% increase among the other things we are asking for and it is not much. Out of 54 districts, we are ranked 45 in the pay scale, the bottom lowest... and we are only trying to be as compatible as the districts around us..
it is sad...

Posted 9/17/05 1:52 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22140 total posts


Re: distrcit I work in-WITH NO CONTRACT, is going to fact finding as well, like the city did- boop aka jaime you'll appreciate this!

I'm a city teacher, so I know and believe me, it *****! They want to lower the starting salary. They did it for the cops. And you know what? They won't have teachers and cops if they start at $25, 000. That is what a teacher made in 1988. It's almost 20 years later. And there won't be cops protecting the streets if they are paid $25, 000. Their lives are worth a bit more. Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/05 2:07 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: distrcit I work in-WITH NO CONTRACT, is going to fact finding as well, like the city did- boop aka jaime you'll appreciate this!

I'm a city teacher too, and I really hope that the results of your fact finding are more favorable to you than ours. I am just so disheartened about what's happening now- it's not even about the money, it's about the fact that you want to be respected for what you do and given decent working conditions, and in the city's case, not be policed and micro-managed by administration. I think we all want that, in the city and in the suburbs.

Posted 9/17/05 4:00 PM

They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05

13848 total posts


Re: distrcit I work in-WITH NO CONTRACT, is going to fact finding as well, like the city did- boop aka jaime you'll appreciate this!

I would kill for my NY salary- CA is 48th!!!!! out of 50 in student spending and my district hasn't given us a raise in 5 YEARS!!!! I took a 15000 paycut when I moved out here. Our class size averages around 34 in elementary, 37 in middle and over 40 in high school. We are grieving it through our union but since our district is practically bankrupt, not much you can do. Thank Gov. Arnold!

That being said, even NY is ridiculous in what it pays the teachers and gives our children. Education is just taken so lightly-THIS IS OUR FUTURE!Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/05 4:41 PM
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