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I am trying to stay away from bad stuff right

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Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


I am trying to stay away from bad stuff right

so I gave up all artificial sweetners including Splenda and mostly all coke, coffee, tea etc

I have beeen trying to eat veggies and drink lots of water and orange juice

Well today I read the OJ container and it says contains Splenda Chat Icon
I drink Tropicana light 1/2 the sugar and calories

I am so annoyed at myself

Posted 5/3/06 10:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: I am trying to stay away from bad stuff right

Splenda is made from real sugar so don't worryChat Icon

Posted 5/4/06 12:02 AM

Ready for the sun!

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Re: I am trying to stay away from bad stuff right

Splenda is OK to have....don't be too hard on yourself

Posted 5/4/06 6:59 AM

Balancing act on a highwire

Member since 5/05

1292 total posts


Re: I am trying to stay away from bad stuff right

I heard Splenda was ok in small doeses because you don't absorb it....but I try to avoid it anyway. When I look at food labels, everything seems to have "sucralose." So frustrating.

Posted 5/4/06 9:03 AM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: I am trying to stay away from bad stuff right

I don't eat anything "fake" even when I'm not PG- here's some info on Splenda:

Products featuring Splenda can be labeled “natural” because of the FDA-approved claim that Splenda is made from sugar (an assertion disputed by the Sugar Association, which is suing Splenda’s manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson). Splenda is the trade name for a new synthetic compound called sucralose, comprised of two molecules of sucrose (sugar) and three molecules of chlorine. While some industry experts claim the molecule is similar to salt, other independent researchers say it has more in common with pesticides.

Sucralose is not recognized in the body as food — that’s why it has no calories. The majority of people don’t absorb a significant amount of Splenda in their small intestine. The irony is that your body actually wants to clear unrecognizable substances by digesting them, so the healthier your gastrointestinal system is, the more likely it is you’ll absorb the chlorinated molecules of Splenda. These get stored in your fat cells and it may take years to figure out whether they’re influencing your health.

So is Splenda safe? The truth is we don’t know yet. There are no long-term studies of the side effects of Splenda in humans. But the manufacturer’s own short-term studies showed that sucralose, the chemical name for Splenda, caused shrunken thymus glands and enlarged livers and kidneys in rodents. In this case, the FDA decided that because these studies weren’t based on human test animals, they were not conclusive. Of course, there are countless examples of foods and drugs that proved dangerous to humans that were first found to be dangerous to laboratory rats. So the reality is that we are the guinea pigs for Splenda.

Posted 5/4/06 9:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/06

1893 total posts


Re: I am trying to stay away from bad stuff right

I did the same thing, and I have to say that I miss Diet Coke sooooo much! I did see that OJ that you are talking about in the store, so I didn't get that one. The one that I get is the Healthy Kids or any of the ones that are fortified with Calcium (since I HATE milk!). I have a glass every morning and it is 30% of your calcium for the day.

FYI - I also saw the fortified in Costco in a six pack, which I will probably buy next since I go through so much!

Posted 5/5/06 9:21 AM

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