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Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

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Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

My friend is newly pregnant (about 5 weeks), and is experiencing spotting.

It's NOT heavy, and it's most visible when she wipes. She said it's also brown in color, not red.

She can't reach her MD tonight, and she forgot to call this afternoon Chat Icon - is this normal? Have any of you experienced this?

The pregnancy is NOT public yet, even her parents don't know, so she can't go to any of them! I told her LIF would be there to rescue her! Chat Icon

Thanks so much ladies, I'll relay all of your reponses.

Posted 6/10/05 11:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

I spotted like this in my 6th and 7th weeks.

It was very light, sometimes pinkish and sometimes brownish. It did show up on my clothes at all, it was just on the tp.

I freaked out! But it was nothing, it stopped after the 7th week.

Posted 6/10/05 11:05 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

I spotted like that when I was about to MC. Sorry for the downer. It does happen a lot when there is implantation but it could also be something bad. Tell your friend to get an appointment for a sono ASAP if the bleeding/spotting gets any worse.

Posted 6/10/05 11:19 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

I started spotting brown 2 weeks before I m/c. She needs to see her doctor for an ultrasound to make sure all is ok. Int he meantime, no sex, tell her to rest-just in case. There is nothing she can do to prevent a m/c nor is it anything she may have done to cause it, but....just in case.

I always felt I was doing too much before my m/c...but in my case I m/c because the baby never developed

Posted 6/11/05 9:06 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

I was spotting like I had AF and it was brown though, not red.... At that point I was about 6-7 weeks along and I had a very healthy pregnancy!

Posted 6/11/05 11:37 AM


Member since 5/05

30390 total posts


Re: Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

ok, so the verdict is about half and half (normal or bad.)

I let her know, and she has an appt w/ the doc on Monday.

Thank you, everyone, for your help! Chat Icon

Posted 6/11/05 2:44 PM


Member since 5/05

6297 total posts

Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Q for a preggo friend---(little TMI, sorry)

I was under the impression that if its brown than thats old blood. If it was red I would be concerned.

Posted 6/11/05 5:41 PM

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