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I dont know what to do about work anymore..

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My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


I dont know what to do about work anymore..

I am thinking I may have to leave work MUCH SOONER than I ever thought I would.

I am a preschool teacher and no one follows the guidelines about leaving their sick kids at home. I am so sick right now and I know I got it from work. Its not the most ideal situation and although I really dont wanna leave just yet, I am thinking I may have to.

Working so closely with young children I guess isnt the best job to have throughout pregnancy...even my doctor said this. I just feel so bad leaving my kids.Chat Icon

Posted 1/31/06 6:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Spring Baby06
My two loves

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Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

I am also a teacher and always planned on going to the end of my pregnancy. However, going on 32 weeks I am slowing down and I hate going to work. I'm exhausted, cranky, and I don't want to be there. I've decided that I will stop work about 3 weeks before my EDD. At least this gives me an "end" in sight. I wake up every morning wanted to take off.

Hang in thereChat Icon Chat Icon Maybe you should take some time before the baby comes.

Posted 1/31/06 7:30 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

I taught pre-k up until the end of my 6th month...

The sick part didnt bother me, I guess since Id been doing it sooo long, I built a huge defense system... it was the lifting....

You'd think at 4 yrs. old a child wouldnt have to be "carried" but I had staff kids in my class..he would constantly run out of them room...and sometimes the only way to bring them back...was to carry them!

I had a great ast. who helped alot! I got through it... but I feel your pain!

Posted 1/31/06 7:39 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/05

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Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

I teach kindergarten and I am not due until July (16 weeks today) and I can't stand going to work. I am tired and cranky and I just want vacation to start already!Chat Icon

Posted 1/31/06 7:43 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

I am also a teacher, and although I work with older children (1st-8th grades), I am very prone to sickness, as well. However, working is an essential part of my life, not only for money, but for my own sense of satisfaction. I have explained to the kids that they need to sit in the back of the classroom if they know they are getting sick or are sick because I really need to stay healthy. I teach chorus and general music, and my room has very little ventillation, so the germs just keep flying at me. They all respect that I need them to keep their distance, and so far, this is the healthiest year I've had. (Knock on wood!)
I think it's important to let those you work with know your limitations and when you need help. I have a great support system where I teach and they are great about helping me out when I need them to. They lift things for me or run up the four flights of stairs to photocopy something for me, etc.
Don't be afraid to ask for help. I know we are all so independent, especially as teachers, but there comes a point when you really need others to help.
Hang in there. The beggining is the toughest because you feel so crappy all the timeChat Icon

Posted 1/31/06 8:25 PM


Member since 8/05

4987 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

I work with kids from preschool age up to 3rd grade. They are low-functioning special ed kids who don't exactly know how to keep their germs contained! Chat Icon I have been sick a lot, but am just dealing with it. I don't think it's really something that would take me out of work early even as much as I really want to leave! I'm almost 36 weeks now and am planning on working until 38 weeks. Hang in there! I know it ***** being sick all the time, but unfortunately it seems to be one of the many joys of pregnancy! Hope you feel better! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/31/06 8:53 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

I am only 10 weeks now and I was doing so good before this.

I am thinking of asking my boss for a leave for the month of february. Hopefully when I go back, I will feel better overall and be able to function more. I dont know if she will "go for that" but maybe its something I should consider?

Posted 1/31/06 9:55 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

Honestly, and please do not take this the wrong way, but there are so many women out there who are pregnany and feeling crappy. It's just one of the things you have to deal with when you are having a baby. I am trying to stick EVERYTHING out now because you never know if, god forbid, later on in your pregnancy if you will go early or need to be on bedrest, and if your job is important to you, it's best to really try to stick it out. Maybe if you have personal days or sick days, use a couple now, but I would always rather assume that something else could happen down the line, and I would hate to have used up any time when I could have stuck it out. However, if you are REALLY that miserable, I'd speak to your doctor. Hang in thereChat Icon

Posted 1/31/06 10:13 PM

My princess!

Member since 5/05

6548 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

Ok..Maybe I should clarify some stuff.

I work in a private preschool part time. I work with 3 year olds. I have 3...yes 3...sick days a year. I get no tenure, contract or medical leave. Nothing like that. I love my job and I adore my kids. I have been doing this for 12 years now. But for the money that I make, and what I get out of it (which is basically nothing)...this is why I am considering this.

I am not pregnant sick (thank god). I am flu sick because of the age of my students and how the parents bring them to school..NO MATTER WHAT...I just thought that maybe a month at home to build up my immunity again and in my 2nd trimester would help.

I didnt take anyone the wrong way and I appreciate all the feedback and honest opinions..but I think you need to understand my job a little more. I should have clarified from the beginning.

Posted 1/31/06 10:17 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

Yes, you should have clarified that. I'm sorry I did not give you the answer you were looking for, and trust me, I DO understand your work situation because I, too, work in a private school with no tenure or medical leave or contract. I was trying to be supportive, as I was feeling horrible in my first trimester, as well, and it always helped when someone pointed out to me that things WOULD get better and that they could be worse. So I apologize for responding. Obviously things are worse than that. I hope you find a reasonable solution for yourself. Good luck and stay healthy.

Posted 1/31/06 10:22 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: I dont know what to do about work anymore..

Noreen, if you need the time, take it!! You need to do whats right for you. I have seen first hand the kind of "parents" at your school, that don't care if their child has 106 fever and is throwing up, they still dump em at the door. So if you think a month off with help, then take it and hopefully you'll be well rested and healthy upon your return.
For now, make sure you are taking vitamins, keep a window open in the classroom at all times, no matter who is cold, to keep fresh air coming in, drink lots of fluids and rest when possible. I hope you feel better soon!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/31/06 10:22 PM

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