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Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

Okay, I am very very excited. BUT, Has anyone heard of this happening before the baby was due? I am 39 weeks pg and found out today I am 80% effaced, up from 50% last week and not at all dilated. The doctor did a sonogram and said that my amniotic fluid was low.....He thinks I am going to go this weekend.... He wants me to come back on Friday to check my fluid levels again. I have never heard of this as an indicator and am kind of freaked hearing this. Does anyone know about low fluid levels? Is that dangerous? Is this normal?Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 8/31/2005 4:26:11 PM.

Posted 8/31/05 3:32 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

I have heard about this. Apparently, the closer you get to your actual delivery date, the more fluid you are going to lose. I wouldn't be worried about it.. You are going to have a BABY!! Be excited! I think that if it was a cause for concern, your OB would have admitted you right away. Did you get a stress test?

Posted 8/31/05 3:50 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Re: Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

THanks for replying. I am just nuts. But I am VERY VERY excited. Just nervous. I think you are right- maybe it is just a little leak and it will be monitored in two days. SO exciting though but I am freaked out!

Posted 8/31/05 4:00 PM


Member since 5/05

6297 total posts

Tracey - brideinapril

Re: Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

Don't be scared!!!! If it was something to worry about your Doctor wouldn't have let you just go home! You are very close and it just means that you will have the baby anytime now! My fluids were low with my son, he was born perfect, just a little peely - like when you are in the water too long and you come out and your skin on your hands and feet are white. His was similar to that. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
sending you lots of labor vibes!

Posted 8/31/05 4:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

I know what you mean.. Walking around with the baby in your belly and getting the baby out and he/she becoming a reality is a very big thing. But it's an amazing experience so don't be afraid, okay?

I know that low amniotic fluid in the first or even 2nd trimester can be very serious. Not that in the third it isn't but if your OB has not scheduled a stress test or an ultrasound, then I think it's okay. I pray that everything works out and that you have a wonderful delivery and experience! All my best. Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 4:13 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

Your water may break soon or the doc may want to induce you if it gets too low. Good luck

Posted 8/31/05 4:59 PM

I love my Katie Bug

Member since 5/05

11357 total posts


Re: Dr said my fluid was low.... To deliver soon?

I dont know much about this yet but I wanted to wish you luck and send some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/31/05 5:21 PM

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