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share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

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I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

6616 total posts


share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

we tend to knock our DH's for the stupid things they tend to do during TTC but they also have great indeering qualities during this time as well.

My DH has been really trying hard to help our situation by taking fertility blend for men (from GNC), he drinks lots of water, eats cashews bc thats supposed ot help sperm life. he gets emotional when we dont conceive. the big one is that he stopped DIPPING. hes a baseball coach and hes been addicting to his for 10 yrs and he stopped bc of the nicotine. He really tries to do everything right!!! whata cutie (yea i love him now wait until i ovulate HAHAHAHA)

Message edited 2/14/2006 6:16:47 PM.

Posted 2/13/06 5:52 PM
Long Island Weddings
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just the girls

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Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this

Posted by nancygrace

we tend to knock our DH's for the stupid things they tend to do during TTC but they also have great indeering qualities during this time as well.

My DH has been really trying hard to help our situation by taking fertility blend for men (from GNC), he drinks lots of water, eats cashews bc thats supposed ot help sperm life. he gets emotional when we dont conceive. he stoped jerking off (HA HAHA ) the big one is that he stopped DIPPING. hes a baseball coach and hes been addicting to his for 10 yrs and he stopped bc of the nicotine. He really tries to do everything right!!! whata cutie (yea i love him now wait until i ovulate HAHAHAHA)

My DH has been wonderful too, but I have to ask how did you get him to stop DIPPING? My DH played AAA out west, he is a pitcher. He still plays hardball for the long island mens hardball club. but he still dips no matter how many pics I show him of oral cancer, even when he watches sports he has to dip! maybe when I get PG he will stop. MENChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/13/06 7:20 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this

OMGChat Icon you said Jerking off I almost fell overChat Icon Chat Icon

thats great that he has been so good

Posted 2/13/06 7:21 PM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

6616 total posts


Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2

OMGChat Icon you said Jerking off I almost fell overChat Icon Chat Icon

thats great that he has been so good

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/13/06 7:35 PM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

6616 total posts


Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

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Posted 2/14/06 6:16 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

I actually read that j/o is good...if the guy is cleaning up his act (changing diet, using boxers finally isntead of tighty whities like my dh, stop smoking, dipping or drinking, taking vitamins, etc), it takes 3 months for new sperm to take over, so as much as they can get rid of the "old stuff" the sooner the new sperm will fill in...SO I tell him when we are not near O go to town!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/14/06 10:23 PM

I'm 2!

Member since 9/05

6616 total posts


Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

Posted by karacg

I actually read that j/o is good...if the guy is cleaning up his act (changing diet, using boxers finally isntead of tighty whities like my dh, stop smoking, dipping or drinking, taking vitamins, etc), it takes 3 months for new sperm to take over, so as much as they can get rid of the "old stuff" the sooner the new sperm will fill in...SO I tell him when we are not near O go to town!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

thanks for the infoChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/14/06 10:34 PM

Peace out Homies!

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Gerty ®

Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

I have to say the biggest thing my DH did was become my emotional support. He has been beside me through the whole experience and never complained about my emotional chaos.

Posted 2/15/06 6:58 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

my DH was my rock through my m/c and understands how important it is for me to ttc again. he knows more about CM, temps and charting then he ever wanted to, and he doesnt complain when i wake him up every morning with the 4 beeps on the BBT, or stumble out of bed to POAS. he humors me through every PG symptom i have starting day 1 post ovulation. he is as upset as i am when AF shows her face, and understands how i can get upset and even jealous around pregnant women. he shares the dreams i have for a sister or brother for our daughter, and will sit with me discussing baby names and nursery themes. i wouldnt be able to make this journey without him...

Posted 2/15/06 7:14 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

DH has been wonderful. It is very hard for him to see me obsessing about this- and he feels like it is only our second month "trying" and he doesn't understand, deep down why I am upset and nervous about this. He felt "alone". However, we had a talk and I am trying to stay grounded- but he understands that I can't help the way I feel and we are trying to be partners more in this process. But, he doesn't mind the temping, timing the BDing- he is taking fertility blend for men....overall, he is pretty awesome!

Posted 2/15/06 9:05 AM

Texting king

Member since 10/05

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Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

Posted by karacg

I actually read that j/o is good...if the guy is cleaning up his act (changing diet, using boxers finally isntead of tighty whities like my dh, stop smoking, dipping or drinking, taking vitamins, etc), it takes 3 months for new sperm to take over, so as much as they can get rid of the "old stuff" the sooner the new sperm will fill in...SO I tell him when we are not near O go to town!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

You mean not taking or taking vitamins. DH takes SEVERAL vitamins this going to affect our TTC???

Posted 2/15/06 4:40 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: share how wonderful your DH has been through all this..I guess noone has anything nice to say about DH????

Our Dr also told us if we dont have sex frequently enough, like 4-5's a week, DH doing it "himself" is good to produce more sperm and better quality....

Posted 2/15/06 5:49 PM

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