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When they start eating cereal 3x a day...

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Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


When they start eating cereal 3x a day...

How much formula were they drinking and was there a sharp decrease...????

Bella's schedule has gone from:

(clockwork--eats really well)
7am-8 oz bottle
11am-5tbsp cereal/1/2 fruit/1/2 veggie/4 oz bottle(sometimes only drank 2)
3pm-8 oz bottle
7pm-5tbsp cereal/fruit/veggie/4oz
(and she gained a pound and 3 oz so I know she was eating/drinking enough)

(what the f?)
7-8oz bottle
11-3-4 tbsp cereal/whole fruit/2-4ozbottle (only ate 3/4)
3-3-4 tbsp cereal/whole veggie/won't really drink the bottle (harder to feed--only ate half yesterday)
5ish--sometimes needs 2-3 oz
7ish--5tbsp cereal/fruit/veggie/4oz bottle

What can we do? She is not a baby that likes to eat often. When we started her on solids we had to cut a bottle out because she stopped eating because it was too much for her. I just worry about her formula intake only being around 14-18 oz now when we were at 24 oz before the doctor last week. We are also incorporating yogurts and stage 2 foods now. She eats well, I just don't know what to do about the bottle situation.

She doesn't have a "night" bottle per se...she just gets about 4 oz a half hour before bedtime.

Also, my daycare lady is pushing me to "break up" her feedings...I just don't know what the right thing to do is...she's a little over 6 months old...

Posted 3/15/06 6:48 PM
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Re: When they start eating cereal 3x a day...

Ryans been on 3xs a day since he's 4 month check up.... (which was 2 weeks after we started the whole cereal) thing

His sched goes like this:

6- 6oz bottle
6:30 2-3tblspns oatmeal( with 1-2oz formula) half jar of fruit

10- 6 oz bottle
12- 2-3 tblspns oat.(with 1-2 oz formula) half jar veg

2- 6oz bottle
5:45- 2-3 tblspns oat. (with 1-2oz formula) half jar fruit, and half jar veg.

6ish- bath

and on rare occasion he'll take another 2-4oz to go to bed @ 6:30-7

So if he drank everything he'd be getting 27-32oz/ day... but he NEVER finishes his bottles anymore... (If i get 4oz out of each bottle its a god sent!)

I talked to my ped. because I was concerned it wasnt enough... and though making taking away that 2nd feeding... But he assured me- that its enough.... RJ is gaining beautifully... and just is full on what he's taking...

As far as "breaking up your feedings" Im not sure it really matter when they eat it as long as there eating... but maybe doing 3 meals a day...break, lunch and dinner.... is a good suggestion... (I just figured....thats what he'll be doing eventually anyway- so why not stop now)

Every baby is different... and its not weird for a child as they get older to want less bottle, and more "grown-up" food....

Posted 3/15/06 7:02 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: When they start eating cereal 3x a day...

I never gave Jake cereal 3x per day. We started the solids 3x per day at the end of 6mos with veggie or fruit. It sounds like Bella is eating great. Jake apparently went through a growth spurt where he was downing all his bottles and eating everything and now it seems to have slowed down and he's not finishing his bottles either. His schedule goes like this (He's 8 mos):

6:30am - 2 tbls cereal (if I'm lucky) and 1/2 a jar of stage 2 fruit plus a 4oz bottle (He's become not much of a morning eater and often does not finish this bottle)

10:30am - 8oz bottle

2:30pm - 1 jar of stage 1 fruit or veggies or 1/2 of a Yo Baby Yogurt and 6oz bottle

6:30pm - 1 jar of stage 2 dinner/ or 1 stage 1 meat w/ a stage 1 veggie plus a 7oz bottle (which sometimes he inhales, sometime he'll leave as much as 2oz)

The ped told me he should have 24oz including whatever goes into the cereal...he just barely makes that each day. She also told me she'd be happy if he replaced one entire meal with a full Yo Baby Yogurt so I'm thinking of doing that with the first feeding of the day since he doesn't seem to really want to eat much then anyway. And I guess when he does have the Yo Baby, it's almost like having formula. Chat Icon

Posted 3/15/06 7:55 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: When they start eating cereal 3x a day...

wow, maybe Bella is eating too much...

she was in such a nice groove before we added the 3rd cereal feeding...

Posted 3/15/06 8:18 PM

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