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When did you start to feel pregnant?

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Member since 5/06

2423 total posts


When did you start to feel pregnant?

Hi everyone, I am new around here, and just got my positive HPT recently. The problem is, I don't really feel ANYTHING, so between that, and not seeing the doctor yet (did my second blood test yesterday and should have the results tomorrow, plus they don't seem to want me in until 8 WEEKS!) I am a little anxious about things being okay.

When did you all start to feel symptoms, because right now, i have no MS, no soreness in my BB's, and maybe just a little hungrier, but I am always hungry anyway, so I don't know if that one is in my head!

Also, when did you have your first doctor's appointment?

Thanks everyone... just a little nervous and worried here.

Posted 8/6/06 5:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

A 1st docs appt is commonly not until the 7th or 8th week. They will do a sono then to confirm the pregnancy. I felt nothing with this pregnancy BUT there is a little bean in there with a heartbeat and I am 13 weeks so I guess all is well.

Just try to relax. Cramping is normal. If you start to bleed or spot call your doc. Other than that enjoy feeling good!!!

ETA: I wanted to answer your when do you start to feel pregnant question.. I am 13 weeks and I dont feel pregnant, I just feel fatChat Icon

Message edited 8/6/2006 5:54:17 PM.

Posted 8/6/06 5:53 PM

My guys

Member since 5/06

2173 total posts


Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

With my first son, I felt no symptoms othet than my boobs got very big right away...I actually busted my bra in front of my 7th graders this was my first sign that something was going on.

Posted 8/6/06 6:24 PM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

With my first pregnancy, I had NO symptoms, except sore boobs! I had the EASIEST pregnancy with no m/s or anything. Just heartburn the last 3 months...

This one so far I didnt have any symptoms and then around the 6th week, the m/s hit me like a ton of bricks, except its more like Evening sickness. I cant smell certain things. I feel dizzy and tired all the time.

Relax and be happy while you are symptom free!Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/06 6:41 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

I had no symptoms at all except a tiny bit of nausea. (very tiny) I went to the dr for my annual appointment and he did the blood test. We found out then that I was 9 weeks pg. I had taken 3 home pg tests and all 3 had a very faint line. I didn't realize that was positive. I had very little symptoms throughout the entire pregnancy so far, which I am highly grateful for.

Posted 8/6/06 7:02 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

I hope my next one is is funny what we wish for. I had ms, I wanted it gone, while others were wishing to feel sick.

Just take it as it comes. The test is positive. you may just have struck gold with a body that loves being pregnant!

Posted 8/6/06 7:14 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

I, thankfully, had barely any symptoms. My skin broke out pretty bad and I had to pee alot, but other than that nothing. I really didn't feel pregnant until I started showing and feeling those little flutters around 21 weeks.

Posted 8/6/06 7:57 PM

#2 on the way!

Member since 5/05

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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

When i felt her .. about 21-22 weeksChat Icon

Posted 8/6/06 9:31 PM

Making big changes

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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

First of all, congrats!!! Second of all, with my first pregnancy, I had really bad morning sickness and sore bbs, but with this pregnancy, I felt terrific. It's funny how every pregnancy is different! Chat Icon

Posted 8/6/06 9:53 PM

Baby # 3 is here!!!

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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

The day I got my BFP I was already nauseous Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/06 8:48 AM

I <3 Gabriella

Member since 6/06

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Re: When did you start to feel pregnant?

I was going to ask the same question this morning!!! Other than sore BB's.... I havent really felt much, other than cramping.... and that is scaring me... As crazy as it sounds, I wish I would feel a little sick.......I have to go for a full blood work up today at lunch.... yuk...

Posted 8/7/06 10:08 AM

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