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Baby doesn't like bassinet

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Baby doesn't like bassinet

I'm wondering if any of the mommies have other suggestions. Jake doesn't seem to like his bassinet much. I can get him to sleep in it for maybe an hour at most, but he won't stay down in it. But... he LOVES his carseat! He can even put himself to sleep in it.

I have a sleep positioner in the bassinet and I've tried angling the mattress pad in the bassinet by placing towels underneath but to no avail. He still prefers the carseat. Is it bad for him to sleep in the carseat? It has the newborn head support thing but sometimes he just looks really uncomfortable in there (even though he's out like a light) and I worry that the positioning is not good for him.

Anyone else have a similar situation? Suggestions?

Posted 7/17/05 5:03 PM
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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

Im not a mommy yet....but working with kids, I hear all different things from all different parents...

You'd be surprised how many moms said they could only get their babies to sleep good in their infant seat...

So whether or not its good for them...Im not sure... but apparently all of their kids slept in their as babies...and their fine!!

If I had to guess...they prob like the fact theres just enough room for them in there.. thats how they lived for 9 months

Posted 7/17/05 5:12 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

That's what my cousin said - they like it because it's small and tight... DH and I think it also may have to do with the semi sitting up position - helps with digestion maybe? I noticed that whenever I lay him flat he gets the hiccups.

I'm glad to know there are alot of other mommies out there that do this!

Posted 7/17/05 8:09 PM


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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

Just a guess but maybe he likes the "confined" feeling. Have you tried swaddling him or getting the miracle blanket?????

Posted 7/17/05 8:11 PM

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

Posted by lorimarie

Just a guess but maybe he likes the "confined" feeling. Have you tried swaddling him or getting the miracle blanket?????

I was going to suggest swaddling.
I have been reading The Happiest Baby on the Block and it talks alot about swaddling and how a lot of babies like that tight feeling in the beginning.

Posted 7/17/05 9:08 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

I say swaddle him and try the bassinet again, if not put him in the crib. DH made a beautiful cradle for our son and by 4 weeks I realized he liked to be in his crib best.

Posted 7/17/05 9:32 PM

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

John H A T E D his bassinet, so we started using the snugglenest. We slept with him between us and he loved it. We used it up until his 3 month "birthday" I wish they made them for bigger babies

snuggle nest

Posted 7/17/05 10:02 PM

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

Like the others, I suggest to try swadlling him tight. But if that doesnt work, lots of my friends have had their babies sleep in the car seat, one even put the car seat in the cribChat Icon

Posted 7/18/05 7:51 AM

Stop 2 smell the roses

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

I have a friend whos daughter would ONLY sleep in the car seat!! they tried everything but she only wanted the car seat!!! At first they felt bad but my motto if it works - stick with it Chat Icon

He would probably get the same feeling from being in his swing.

Posted 7/18/05 11:53 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

A friend of mine had her son sleep in his car seat for quite a few months. He had a bad reflux problem. She had him in the car seat, attached it to his stroller and wheeled him into her room...then she ended up putting the whole seat into his crib...he is fine now...sleeps in his crib with no problem....

Posted 7/18/05 1:39 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

bryan hates his bassinet and only sleeps in his car seat or in our bed. so thats what weve been using- actually we put him in the carseat and in the stroller and wheel him from room to room while he naps so we can watch him- so far its been wonderfu for us- too bad for the bassinet though- what a waste.

Posted 7/18/05 2:45 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

Marissa was ok with the bassinet but at first hated the crib so she wouldn't fall asleep anywhere but her swing so I would let her stay there and when I was eradytogo to bed I would put her in her crib so she would get use to it and now she is fine

Posted 7/19/05 3:12 PM


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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

How did it go? Did you try anything different? Chat Icon

Posted 7/19/05 3:34 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Baby doesn't like bassinet

Well... I think he's outgrowing the swaddling already, he doesn't seem to like that much anymore so that won't work.

We were waiting for the rest of our baby furniture to come in before assembling the crib and that just came today so as soon as I can get DH to assemble the crib, we'll try that.

In the meantime - it's the car seat or the swing that he sleeps in!

Posted 7/19/05 3:44 PM

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