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New mommy Diet/Fitness...

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Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


New mommy Diet/Fitness...

So apparently my family and coworkers think I have lost ALL this weight and are DYING to know how I did it (BTW I didn't lose that much and I wasn't trying)...

This is my life...

6:30 or 7-7:15 am--wake up to Bella standing in her crib smiling at me with total bedhead. Change and feed Bella. (known as wrestling and chasing after)

7:17 am--pick Bella up and move her away from DVD player

7:18--repeat above

7:19--repeat above and give her back bottle to finish eating

repeat above until 8 am--take quick shower
and get ready in 15 minutes or less (skip if showered the bight before)

8-8:30--roll around on floor with Bella.

8:30-9:00--change Bella also known as wrestling.

9:15--realized I have less than three minutes to get out of the house, start running around for last minute things to throw in diaper bag.

9:20--now you are late and running in wedges or other inappropriate footwear to your car parked a block away with your 22 lb baby, way overpacked diaper bag, and jammed to the brim pocketbook.

9:48--after lingering at daycare a few minutes too long you race Mario Andretti style to the train, throw some change in the meter, race into the deli for my Coke (I don't drink coffee)and run like the wind for the train ducking under the gates and up the stairs...the engineer smiles good morning and reminds me once again that they see me every morning and will not leave me...

10:40--race to a meeting in times square that will start 10 minutes late anyway.

11:30--walk to my office 10 blocks away ducking and weaving through tourists.

12:30/1/2/or 3 pm--back to times square for meeting or interview, at that time pace the hallway back and forth because talent is ALWAYS late--usually realize at this time that I haven't eaten lunch and grab whatever is left in company cafeteria or forego altogether for cookies and brownies in the greenroom.

5 pm-ish--realize that if I run REALLY fast and the subway comes at that exact moment, I can make a train that will get me home THAT much earlier.

During that time I will RUN through Penn, down the stairs of the appropriate platform and hear last call as I dash to the last car and duck on. Then I breathe...

6-6:30pm--come through the front door to a smiling Bella that demands I come pick her up right then (even if I REALLY have to pee)

6:45--feed Bella

7:15--bathe and play with Bella

8 pm--Bella goes to sleep.

8:30-9pm--DH and I eat dinner.

10pm-ish--bedtime (no more snacking because I JUST ate dinner Chat Icon )--at this point, realized that I never peed from when I came in the door
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

And that's how I lost all of my 52 pregnancy pounds + 5 or so more...

Anyone want me to train them???

Posted 7/17/06 12:04 PM
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Member since 7/05

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Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

Yes but how much of that was pee?Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 12:06 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

Sounds like you don't eat much at all...that's my diet, without so much of the running around. But I can relate to the DVD player part.Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 12:18 PM

Complete Happiness :)

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LOVE being a Mommy!

Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

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Yes - train me!!!! PLEASE!!!!

Posted 7/17/06 12:37 PM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

See, I do the wrestling thing, and pulling her away from the DVD player all the time (Actually her favorite is the CD player -- she likes to turn it on since it's preloaded with the bear in the big blue house CD and then stare at the television looking for him since it's only the CD) but I'm not losing weight.

I snack way too much.

My biggest problem is that she goes to bed by about 8:30 and then I have a HUGE bowl of ice cream.

I need to get myself some ww 1 point bars or something.

Posted 7/17/06 12:39 PM

I Love You to Pieces!

Member since 5/05

9919 total posts


Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

I am jealous- sign me up!Chat Icon

ETA: But it must be SOOOOO worth it! I love that pic in your avatar!

Message edited 7/17/2006 12:43:44 PM.

Posted 7/17/06 12:42 PM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

8703 total posts


Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

Im not a new mommy but i have a 9lb maltese...can you train me with him??

Posted 7/17/06 12:43 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...


I am jealous- sign me up!Chat Icon

ETA: But it must be SOOOOO worth it! I love that pic in your avatar!

Agree. Bella, Nick Lachey and lost all that weight...

I'm still jealousChat Icon So you don't have to be at work at 9?Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 1:12 PM


Member since 5/05

23599 total posts


Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH


I am jealous- sign me up!Chat Icon

ETA: But it must be SOOOOO worth it! I love that pic in your avatar!

Agree. Bella, Nick Lachey and lost all that weight...

I'm still jealousChat Icon So you don't have to be at work at 9?Chat Icon

Me too...Chat Icon

Posted 7/17/06 1:26 PM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: New mommy Diet/Fitness...

Posted by Tah-wee-ZAH

So you don't have to be at work at 9?Chat Icon

I don't have to work at 9 am...mine is a 10-6 company...I start answering my blackberry at 8 am and usually try to shut it off at 10 pm-(ISH)--so I am technically always freakin' working. Also, some days I will work until 11 pm for shoots and stuff (although I try to avoid that now)--I am lucky not to be chained to a desk...but I also was just in a 2 1/2 hour meeting and still am not back in my office yet as I await another one...

that's another task--changing a diaper WHILE blackberrying furiously(only for the trained--let's just say it almost got poop on it and I almost broke a finger)

and Melbernai the only reason I ain't having a bowl right with you is because I eat dinner literally at 9 pm so I am too full for snacks...a perk to my madness...

Posted 7/17/06 2:49 PM

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