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Anybody have a good baby that backslides?

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Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Anybody have a good baby that backslides?

I don't want people to hate us when I post this but DD is such a good baby. She was sleeping 7 hours starting at about 6 weeks. Now all of a sudden at 11 weeks old she's started waking up at 1:00 or 1:30 am for a feeding. What gives? I've been reading Dr. Weissbluth, but he really doesnt' offer any advice. he had a section on the good baby turning bad but it's about naps and she's ok about that. Anybody else have this with their child? How long did it last? How did you get them back on track or did you?

Posted 8/13/06 1:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05

759 total posts


Re: Anybody have a good baby that backslides?

It could be a growth spurt, which is why she wants to eat more. Or, it could be teething pain...sometimes things are shifting around in their mouths and they are in pain, even though we can't "see" what's going on. I wouldn't necessarily say that a baby that young is "bad"...I think you are very lucky that you had 6 weeks of some great sleep!

When she wakes at 1am, do you offer her a bottle, or do you just try to get her back to sleep? If you offer the bottle, does she drink it?

If she's drinking a full bottle at the time, she's probably just hungry. If she's not drinking the bottle, then I would just try your best to soothe her back to sleep.

Good luck!

Posted 8/13/06 1:31 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: Anybody have a good baby that backslides?

I don't mean that she's literally a "bad" baby. That's just what the chapter in the book was about. She's actually a great baby, I'm just puzzled when she changes her routines as to why. When she wakes at 1am I am nursing her and she nurses so I figure she needs it, it's just weird that she didn't need it for 5 weeks and now she does Chat Icon

Posted 8/13/06 5:11 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Anybody have a good baby that backslides?

I would say it sounds like a growth spurt. This happened to my DD too. She was sleeping through the night, then around 12-13 weeks she started waking at 4am. I always try to soothe her back to sleep first and if that isn't working I give her a bottle but usually only 1/2 the amount that I would give her with a regular feeding. I also make it at least 1/2 water. I read to do that so their bodies don't get used to wanting to wkae up for that feeding. Now, a month later, she rarely takes food if and when she does wake up. She is back to sleeping all night about 75% of the time.

Posted 8/14/06 9:40 PM

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