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high pitched crying

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My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


high pitched crying

The past few days Talia has had one or two episodes a day of high pitched crying. it goes on for about 15 min. then she seems fine.

I think she has a little cold...I am giving her a decongestant...could that be what the crying is from? Do you think I should call the dr.? I get so nervous when she cries this way.

Posted 12/4/05 9:03 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: high pitched crying

or it could be gas, it is very painful and once itthe gas bubble pops the pain is totaly gone

Posted 12/4/05 9:26 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: high pitched crying

Has she had any shots? High pitched crying is a side effect of many of the shots.

Posted 12/4/05 8:03 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: high pitched crying

Miranda has started new kinds of crying as well but I was just thinking she's exploring all the sounds she can make. Becuase she has also started this new whine to let you know she isn't happy with what you are doing.

Posted 12/4/05 8:11 PM

Family of 5!

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Re: high pitched crying

Posted by MrsR

The past few days Talia has had one or two episodes a day of high pitched crying. it goes on for about 15 min. then she seems fine.

I think she has a little cold...I am giving her a decongestant...could that be what the crying is from? Do you think I should call the dr.? I get so nervous when she cries this way.

what kinda decongestant???? The only thing they'll let me give Ryan is little noses saline drops..???

Ryans cry hasnt gotten any higher but much louder and much more dramatic lol.

Posted 12/5/05 8:18 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: high pitched crying

barb - she had a few shots, but that was weeeeeks ago - that was my first thought - but can it still be effecting her?

Marissa...its called pediacare...over the counter...but I wouldn't use it without talking to your dr. first.

Posted 12/5/05 9:54 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: high pitched crying

Looking it up now - Pertussis, DTaP. I believe it's 48 hours but am not sure - here's what I found on the high pitched crying:

Pain cries. Pain cries start with a high-pitched, strong wail followed by loud crying. These cries sound very irritating and may make you feel anxious. Usually, a young child in pain will have other signs of pain along with crying. Commonly, pain cries may be caused by:
A recent immunization. Your child may be fussy, cry more than usual, and have a fever after receiving an immunization, especially diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DTaP) shots. However, he or she will look well even while continuing to cry.
Teething. Teething symptoms may begin about 3 to 5 days before a tooth breaks the skin, although symptoms can be present off and on for 1 to 2 months. The most common symptoms of teething include swelling, tenderness, or discomfort in the gums at the site of the erupting tooth; drooling; biting on fingers or toys; irritability; or difficulty sleeping.
Constipation. A crying episode that usually occurs while the child is trying to pass a stool normally will stop when the stool is passed.
Diaper rash. Irritated skin around the thighs, genitals, buttocks, or abdomen may make a child cry persistently, especially when a diaper is wet or soiled.
Colic behavior, which may sound like a pain cry. Colic is extreme crying behavior in a baby between 3 weeks and 3 months of age. During a crying episode, a colicky baby may cry loudly and continuously, be difficult to console, get red in the face, clench the fists, and arch his or her back or pull the legs up to the stomach.
Abdominal cramps from overfeeding or milk intolerance. Overeating or swallowing too much air during feeding can cause abdominal cramps, which in turn can make a baby cry. Crying also may occur if your child is not able to completely digest the natural sugar (lactose) found in cow's milk or foods made from cow's milk. The baby will often spit up some of the feeding and may have loose stools.
A minor illness, such as a cold or stomach flu (gastroenteritis). Crying related to an illness often begins suddenly. In most cases, there are other signs of illness such as fever, looking sick, and decreased appetite.
Minor injuries. Your child is likely to cry to alert you to minor injuries, such as an eyelash in the eye, an insect bite, an open diaper pin in the skin, or a strand of hair wrapped around a finger, toe, or the penis.

Posted 12/5/05 10:32 AM

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