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Better return policy

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Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

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She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

Hey all you moms. Sorry to post on your board- but I figure you guys are the experts. I am debating between registering at BBB and BRU. I heard BRU has a better return policy and BBB is a bunch of hard azzes. Then I heard it was the opposite. What do you recommend?


Posted 1/10/06 11:09 AM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

WE registered at both because one store had our bedding and the other had the style of stroller we wanted, etc. I had absolutely no rpoblems returning to either store, especially after we got 3 car seats and had to return 2. No questions asked, they took them back and gave us store credit.

Posted 1/10/06 11:11 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

I found both to be good. If something is purchased there off your registry then its generally no problem in either place. But I found the BRU was better about taking back stuff even if you dont know if it was purchased there. As long as they carry it, I have found they will take it back. HTH

Posted 1/10/06 11:12 AM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

I used BRU... and when people gave me gifts that I didn't want, and were from different stores, BRU would give me store credit as long as they carried the product...

Posted 1/10/06 11:31 AM

Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

29064 total posts


Re: Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

I was registred at BBB and I NEVER had a problem! I actually love BBB better then BRU because of there inventory. They have soooo much stock in everything!! My girlfriend was registred at BRU and she was very upset about the amount of stock they carry in their carseats and strollers and other things, then I took her to BBB and she was amazed by how much of a selection she could make in each department, ( strollers, carseats, highchairs etc...) I feel their website is much better too! JMO Chat Icon

Posted 1/10/06 11:36 AM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

If babies R Us carries the product they will takeit back I didn't register there but I returned alot of things there without a problem and they do have more of a selection then other places

Posted 1/10/06 12:23 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

Babies R Us because they have more brands - so they take back anything they sell (even if someone bought it somewhere else). My sister has returned a swing that she had out of the box, but her son never used. She saved the box, explained it to them & they took it back.

Buy Buy Baby has exclusives on many patterns and has a more limited selection. They've turned down taking Advent Bottles (that they do sell) - it was an 4 pack with a bottle scrubber - but they didn't sell that particular combo.

IMO, Sales people are more knowledgable at BBB.

Message edited 1/10/2006 12:32:00 PM.

Posted 1/10/06 12:31 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Registry question- Which had a better return policy?

I registered at both. Never had a problem returning items.

Baby Depot supposedly has a HORRIBLE return policy.

Macy's is pretty tricky also. You better have a receipt or they will give you the lowest price for the return.

Posted 1/10/06 1:45 PM

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