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Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

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The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

A friend may have this done and I thought I'd heard it's dangerous and very painful...any info?

Posted 1/12/06 8:34 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

I did with my first and *almost* had to with my second. For me, I researched it a great deal and it was a risk for me worth to take since I made sure the OB had experience doing it, it was done in a hospital, and many precautions were taken. I just really preferred to not have a c/s if I didn't have too.

It really wasn't that painful. It was a lot of pressure and honestly, I didn't feel much pain until later in the day in my back since all the weight had shifted.

Posted 1/12/06 9:23 AM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

Wow - how do they do this??

Posted 1/12/06 9:50 AM

The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05

1706 total posts


Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

They manually turn the baby with their hands from outside the belly. I believe they watch on a sonogram to see what they're doing.

Posted 1/12/06 10:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

906 total posts


Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

Posted by BabyAvocado

Wow - how do they do this??

I can find the link for you that has the picture of it and decribing what they do. Just give me until my oldest takes a nap. Chat Icon


Message edited 1/12/2006 11:37:24 AM.

Posted 1/12/06 10:55 AM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

i had a breech baby. and the doctor DIDNOT reccommend it. as you said, he told me it is painful and most times not effective. he said a csection was much safer. so thats what i had, and everything went perfect!!

Posted 1/12/06 11:46 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

A version is a very effective and safe method in many cases to turn a baby. It is done in the hospital and by a doctor. I have read many women say it didn't hurt at all and the baby turned easily. Nancy had this done and was very happy with it. Other women have it done and it does not work..the baby stays breech.

Doctors who do not perform them will be quick to rec'd a c/s..but that might not be the fairest or best recommendation for a patient. Once you have a c/s your future births are treated differently. And of course, a c/s is major surgery. A verision is not.

But as most people know I was denied access to one and regret not getting it done. But if you do research you will find it is actually very safe, especially when you actually read the complications that can occur during a c/s.

Posted 1/12/06 2:54 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

My son was breech the whole time and I chose NOT to have a version, and decided to play the wait and see if he'll turn, but he didn't and I had a c/s, which I prepared for and was happy with.

There are many reasons I chose not to, that both my DH and I researched and made the best decision for us. He measured big (he was 9 lb. 7 oz at birth 3 weeks early) and even with the 50-50 success rate, they can still turn back. Plus is can send you into early labor, although they do it about 36-37 weeks.

Posted 1/12/06 3:29 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Did anyone have a breech baby and elect to have it "turned"?

My daughter was breech and we did attempt a version. I thought it was painful but not overly painful. It was not "excruciating" or anything horrid. It wasnt a success in our case and later at birth we found out she had the cord around her neck 2x. As far as if I'd do it again if I had another breechie, I'd say probably not. Only because I think about it now and if she couldnt turn b/c of the cord, what if the cord had gotten more twisted as a result of the version and totally cut off her blood and oxygen supply. I cant help but think of a big "what if" like that when it comes to trying to manipulate the baby.

Posted 1/12/06 7:22 PM

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