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Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

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Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

We're at the point where we need to start babyproofing like crazy...

I'm looing at and they have SO much stuff. Yet I remember when my sister was born my mom didn't Babyproof anything! Just some outlet covers -- but that was it!

How much is necessary and now much is over-protective. I mean, in my opinion you can never be too careful --- I've heard horrible stories ---

How important is it to get the straps to strap on furniture, like entertainment center, dressers, desk, bookshelves, television?

Wire guards, outlet covers and cabinet locks I'm definately going to get.

And for those who have cabinets that don't have pulls, which did you find the best? I bought ones from BRU but they screw in -- one step ahead also has adhesive ones. Which are better?

Is there a babyproofing Item you are SOO glad that you bought or that you couldn't have done without?

TIA! I'm always asking questions!

Posted 7/18/06 10:11 AM
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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

I won't be going babyproof crazy. Outlet covers, yes, securing precarious furniture, YES (that's my biggest fear) but I probably will only babyproof the cabinets with dangerous cleaning supplies in it, not every cabinet in my house. I remember when my SIL used to come visit her parents she would get there and baby proof her mother's entire house. I just thought it was ridiculous that I (an adult) could not open the fridge or even the bathroom door. Chat Icon

I plan to try and teach him what's not okay to play with and I still feel that the best babyproofing is the parents watching the baby. Our mothers didn't babyproof and we survived. Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/06 10:27 AM

My Loves

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

Posted by BabyAvocado

Outlet covers, yes, securing precarious furniture, YES (that's my biggest fear) but I probably will only babyproof the cabinets with dangerous cleaning supplies in it, not every cabinet in my house.

I plan to try and teach him what's not okay to play with and I still feel that the best babyproofing is the parents watching the baby. Our mothers didn't babyproof and we survived. Chat Icon

This is exactly what I didChat Icon

Posted 7/18/06 10:30 AM

I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05

15652 total posts


Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

Posted by BabyAvocado

I won't be going babyproof crazy. Outlet covers, yes, securing precarious furniture, YES (that's my biggest fear) but I probably will only babyproof the cabinets with dangerous cleaning supplies in it, not every cabinet in my house. I remember when my SIL used to come visit her parents she would get there and baby proof her mother's entire house. I just thought it was ridiculous that I (an adult) could not open the fridge or even the bathroom door. Chat Icon

I plan to try and teach him what's not okay to play with and I still feel that the best babyproofing is the parents watching the baby. Our mothers didn't babyproof and we survived. Chat Icon

I aggree---bayproof the cabinets that have small appliances in them and cleaning supplies, as well as my plastic bag cabinet --- but certainly not the tupperware ones because that's fun to play with.

The large furniture thing I've actually never known anyone to do but yet it seems so important to me -- plus she seems to be becoming more and more of a climber lately and she can't even walk yet. She is able to reach 4 shelves up on our entertainment center -- it is crazy!!

Posted 7/18/06 10:31 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

I am also just beginning to babyproof my house as well.
I have cabinet locks just for the cabinets with my knives and cleaning supplies. The other cabinets with my pots I wont. I will let her play with the pots and stuff if she wants to. Outlet plugs DEFINATELY, and I will strap down the TV as well, being my DH had to get the biggest one made...Chat Icon. Other than that I intend on teaching her whats OK and whats not and of course i would never leave her out of my site because anything can happen in a second.

Posted 7/18/06 10:33 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

We have the outlet covers in the 2 kids rooms and the den, the rooms we spend most of the time in and where Sarah is alone for short periods of time.

The dressers in both bedrooms are strapped to the wall, and in the den we have a big gate that blocks off the tv, computer and stereo. Other than their cribs, we only have the glider and ottoman and a toy box in their rooms. I've heard too many scary stories to mess around with not having the heavy pieces of furniture secured. I think I even remember Liz posting on LIW parenting back when she was pregnant with Tara that Luke pulled his dresser on top of himself. And I can't remember if they posted it on here or not, but I know another LIF mommy's kid pulled a tv on top of themself while they were in the room.

ETA: We also have baby gates in their doorways rather than on the stairs.

Message edited 7/18/2006 10:45:23 AM.

Posted 7/18/06 10:37 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

Here's what we've done.....

We put the outlet covers in - he tries to pick them out

Secured his changing table and dresser to the wall. I later secured the drawers when I saw him open one and try to step in it.

Gate at the top of stairs mounted to wall.... we also have the tension one to block him from the kitchen.

Ottoman is used to block the entertainment center and other electronics

Corner cushions for the glass table - which he's already pulled off two of them and tossed into the dog's water bowl.

Latches on kitchen/bathroom cabinets (screw in kind that you push down the lever to release). Also put them on the drawers and lazy susan.

Knob protectors - He can already turn the knobs.

Posted 7/18/06 10:43 AM

April already?

Member since 3/06

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

where and what did everyone buy the things to secure the furniture?

Posted 7/18/06 11:09 AM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

We have a few things but really need to get working.....

We have the cabinets (lower ones) where the garbage and cleaning supplies are magnetized (it's even hard for me to open).

A gate by stairs (going up to LR - apt is split level)

A gate around the TV, DVD, DVD and CD tower.

A toy of his blocking the end table corner (although starting TODAY he realized he can climb on that to get on the couchChat Icon )

Outlet covers

Our next thing is we really need to start securing things to the wall................

ETA: we got most of our stuff at BRU

Message edited 7/18/2006 11:24:48 AM.

Posted 7/18/06 11:24 AM


Member since 5/05

11726 total posts


Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

Posted by pugmama

where and what did everyone buy the things to secure the furniture?

I got the furniture straps from TRU , but I'm sure they have that at BRU. I also saw them at Target

Posted 7/18/06 11:26 AM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

We did:
outlet covers
furniture straps
cabinet locks
door handle lock for basement door
knob covers for the stove
door lock for stove (only after he pulled the oven door down onto his head!
Chat Icon )
padded corners for coffee table
wire guards
tv/vcr guards
gate for top of stairs

We've added things as he's gotten more active and more mischievous...

Posted 7/18/06 12:56 PM

boy mamma

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Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

ALl I did was babygates on stairs, outlet covers and cabinet locks for the under the sink cabinets. Imo, I dont care if Bryan takes out every pot and pan from the cabinets they arent harmful and its part of a babies nature to explore. I keep the bathroom door closed but once he starts to walk I will get one of those door knob covers

Posted 7/18/06 1:13 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

2598 total posts


Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

I'll add that I actually bought toilet seat locks but DH refused to install them and said I was getting ridiculous!

Posted 7/18/06 1:15 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

The only thing we really did so far was by a gate to block off the kitchen.....we don't allow her in there at all because of the cat food and water which she dumped 2x's already. We also bought outlet covers and the covers that go over the outlets when things are plugged in. I would like to get something for the bottom of my tV stand because it has two glass doors and she has learned how to open them. For now i just taped them shut.

Posted 7/18/06 1:39 PM


Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Re: Let's talk babyproofing....BTDT moms come in!!

Posted by Dani00518

The only thing we really did so far was by a gate to block off the kitchen.....we don't allow her in there at all because of the cat food and water which she dumped 2x's already. We also bought outlet covers and the covers that go over the outlets when things are plugged in. I would like to get something for the bottom of my tV stand because it has two glass doors and she has learned how to open them. For now i just taped them shut. I'm sure once we move into a house I'll have to do more....but for now i think I'm ok!

Posted 7/18/06 1:40 PM

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