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Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

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it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

Yesterday, I went for my weekly Dr. visit. I'm 38 weeks, have been dilated 1-2 for a couple of weeks and 50% effaced. After my internal I feel a gush, so I ask the Dr. what that was. A large amount of blood came out, Dr. decides to use the speculum and says it was just that my cervix is thinning and it was sensitive. If the bleeding continued I needed to go to Labor and Delivery. It stopped last night. Dr. told me weeks ago since I am having a picture perfect pregnancy I didn't need any more sonos (last one was at 20 weeks). So now she tells me she wants me to get a sonogram before my next appt next week, just to see babies size no biggie I thought.

I just came back and feel like I should be concerned. The baby is weighing 5.2lbs. According to the technician all the measurements were good but I feel like there was more to it because the Dr. who read the report said I need to come twice a week now for sonograms and to get hooked up to the belt to check babies movement. That seems a bit excessive, no? Am I being paranoid, I feel the baby move, is this standard? How much weight can a baby gain in a couple of weeks? I hope my little peanut is okayChat Icon

Posted 1/12/06 7:16 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

It isn't all that rare that a doctor would do this. Relax if there is cause for alarm they will tell you. Just because they say the baby is a ceratin weight they can be way off (& have been on alot of occasions) The last month is when they gain the most weight.
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Posted 1/12/06 7:46 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

its natural to be concerned. but it sounds like your doctor is going to be right on top of things. so i wouldnt worry. its going to go great.Chat Icon my doctor also told me its the last couple of weeks that the baby gains the most weight. so it looks like you are in a great position.

Posted 1/12/06 7:48 PM

Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Re: Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

Well first, ultrasounds can be way off. Second, in two weeks the baby could put on at least 1 lb (toward the end they gain approx 1/2 lb a week) PLUS since it is your first you will probably go late and that gives the baby even more time to gain.

I wouldn't be too concerned about the blood. I bled frequently after internals.

As for the 2x a week visits for NSTs and ultrasounds... I think I had at LEAST 3 ultrasounds my last week and a half or so of pregnancy. Why? Because they were checking to see if the baby was too big, if fluid was too low, why he wasn't coming out since according to them I was past due, etc etc. I also had 2 non-stress tests.

They are just being cautious, probably overly cautious but it's not a bad thing at all. Everything is probably fine and you should feel a little relief once you get to see another ultrasound and see that the baby is okay. Hang in there for another couple of weeks!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/06 7:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/05

671 total posts


Re: Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

I think if the drs were concerned about something, they definately would have told you. I think they are just monitoring you closely because you are getting so close.

Posted 1/13/06 5:08 AM

it's me

Member since 5/05

11234 total posts


Re: Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

Okay, thanks for the reassurance girls. I guess I'm just getting anxious and paranoia is setting in a bit.

Posted 1/13/06 8:28 AM

Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

5889 total posts


Re: Should I be concerned? Sorry a bit long

Dont the babies gain 1/2 lb/week the last trimester? I would go ahead with the sono's that the dr suggests. I wouldnt be to concerned with the weight, they can be off a pound. According to the sonos- they though my daughter was too small and she was 6lb 15oz when she was born.
You probably wont have an 8 pounder, but im sure everything will be okChat Icon

Posted 1/13/06 8:55 AM

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