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Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

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Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

I know I have posted this before- but I need some help. Katie is 9 weeks old.
We can not get her to sleep anywhere but in our arms. We have tried the mini cosleeper, boppy in the crib, sleeping in the swing, sleep positioner, bouncy seat, car seat, and bassinet.

First of all, she is up every night until 1-2am. When she finally falls asleep, she is up a half hour later crying. I pick her up, she falls back asleep, I put her down, and she wakes up again. Eventually I get so tired we go to sleep on the couch together, usually I can get up to 4 hours on the couch. I am afraid to sleep with her in my bed.

I miss my bed! I miss sleeping with my husband, because one of us is always on the couch with her. Any tips?

Also, she has reflux so we can't really lay her on her back.

Posted 2/2/06 12:07 AM
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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

I am sorry I dont have any advice for you... wanted to give you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Although I dont have to hold Jacob for him to go to sleep, I do know what u mean about the couch. He also has acid reflux and he has been sleeping in his car seat. It is too damn heavy for me to schlep all over the house so i sleep on the couch at night so i dont have to carry it around. I also miss my bed and sleeping with my DH. He will not sleep in his bassinett or the crib and it is totally maddening!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon I am sorry you are going through this...

At least you can get 4 hrs on the couch, jacob is waking up like every hour and half at night. I think i might die from sleep deprivation!! I am beyond tired, it physically HURTS! hugs to you and as everyone keeps telling me, IT DOES GET BETTER... Chat Icon Chat Icon


Posted 2/2/06 12:20 AM

My Everything

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

How about the sleep positioner in your bed?

They make an inclined snuggle nest now that you can put in your bed.

At this age Miranda would go to sleep but we had to swaddle her, bounce her and carefully put her down.

I also would let Miranda sleep on her side.

Message edited 2/2/2006 12:21:30 AM.

Posted 2/2/06 12:21 AM

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Try the carseat again (she'll be snuggled up, like being in your arms and inclined) but put her down much much earlier...before she shows signs of tiredness. Put her down happy and awake.

Posted 2/2/06 9:15 AM

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by BabyAvocado

Try the carseat again (she'll be snuggled up, like being in your arms and inclined) but put her down much much earlier...before she shows signs of tiredness. Put her down happy and awake.

Putting her down happy and awake does not last longChat Icon

Posted 2/2/06 9:26 AM

My girls

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

I'm sorry, I don't have any tips for you. I just want to send some Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and let you know that this will not be forever. Hang in there, it will get better...

Posted 2/2/06 9:33 AM

Life is good!

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by monkeybride

How about the sleep positioner in your bed?

They make an inclined snuggle nest now that you can put in your bed.

At this age Miranda would go to sleep but we had to swaddle her, bounce her and carefully put her down.

I also would let Miranda sleep on her side.

We had the snuggle nest and inclined it with sheets- it didn't work. The only place we can put her down at all, even when she is awake, is her bouncy seat. She won't sleep in it though.

Posted 2/2/06 9:38 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

SWADDLE SWADDLE SWADDLE!!!!! That is the only way I was able to get sidney out of my arms. It makes them feel like they are still being held. Try the miracle blanket.

Posted 2/2/06 9:48 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by dree

SWADDLE SWADDLE SWADDLE!!!!! That is the only way I was able to get sidney out of my arms. It makes them feel like they are still being held. Try the miracle blanket.

She used to love being swaddled, but she doesn't anymoreChat Icon
She cries and fights to get her arms out.

Posted 2/2/06 10:22 AM

Life is good!

Member since 2/06

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

I know that some people will not be happy with my reponse to you, but have you tried putting her to sleep on her stomach? My daughter was the same way, she slept like an angel in my arms and the second I put her down she would scream. She had horrible gas and acid reflux and one night when I was out of ideas and absolutely exhausted I caved and put her to sleep on her stomach. She slept so well and from that night on slept on her stomach. My daughter also had great control of her head from day one so I was not as worried about that.
It does get easier, I promise. Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/06 10:23 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by smiles

I know that some people will not be happy with my reponse to you, but have you tried putting her to sleep on her stomach? My daughter was the same way, she slept like an angel in my arms and the second I put her down she would scream. She had horrible gas and acid reflux and one night when I was out of ideas and absolutely exhausted I caved and put her to sleep on her stomach. She slept so well and from that night on slept on her stomach. My daughter also had great control of her head from day one so I was not as worried about that.
It does get easier, I promise. Chat Icon

I have not tried that, but I am not sure it would work, I have laid her on her stomach and she does not really like it.

Posted 2/2/06 10:33 AM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Try sleeping in bed with her one night. I swore I would never do it but I was at my wits end. There are safe rules of co sleeping. i am on my way out but i can look them up later.
it will get better.
miranda slept the whole night in her cradle and i put her down awake.
i know how frustrating it is though.

Posted 2/2/06 11:01 AM

Life is good!

Member since 5/05

8369 total posts


Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by monkeybride

Try sleeping in bed with her one night. I swore I would never do it but I was at my wits end. There are safe rules of co sleeping. i am on my way out but i can look them up later.
it will get better.
miranda slept the whole night in her cradle and i put her down awake.
i know how frustrating it is though.

Maybe- I will look for the rules. I had to sleep with her in bed when we were at the hotel for 3 days and it scared me, I had her next to me in the boppy because I was afraid to roll on her. I thought I wouldn't roll, but ended up facing the other direction (thank goodness for the boppy!

Posted 2/2/06 11:33 AM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by smiles

I know that some people will not be happy with my reponse to you, but have you tried putting her to sleep on her stomach? My daughter was the same way, she slept like an angel in my arms and the second I put her down she would scream. She had horrible gas and acid reflux and one night when I was out of ideas and absolutely exhausted I caved and put her to sleep on her stomach. She slept so well and from that night on slept on her stomach. My daughter also had great control of her head from day one so I was not as worried about that.
It does get easier, I promise. Chat Icon

My sister had to do this with my niece as well. She simply would not sleep on her back.

Posted 2/2/06 11:47 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

I did this with both of my kids - they were belly sleepers. They would cry for a minute or 2 & then conk out for hours. If they were on their backs, they'd only sleep for 20-35 min.

I would start out with letting her sleep on her belly for a nap in her crib - no blanket, no stuffed animals, hard mattress - not on your bed if you have a soft bed. Other ideas are to take the sheet you have her sleeping on - and sleep on it overnight. Babies are very attuned to smell.

Posted 2/2/06 12:28 PM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by sunny

Posted by dree

SWADDLE SWADDLE SWADDLE!!!!! That is the only way I was able to get sidney out of my arms. It makes them feel like they are still being held. Try the miracle blanket.

She used to love being swaddled, but she doesn't anymoreChat Icon
She cries and fights to get her arms out.

You can try just swaddling from the chest down. We did that with Kevin when he started wanting his arms free but he still got the comfort from being swaddled.
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/06 12:46 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

I heard that putting them in bed with you is not good because of SIDS...

Posted 2/2/06 12:53 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Sorry, I don't have advice for you since my little guy is only 9 days, but just wanted to give you Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/2/06 1:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Need help- desperate tired Mommy here

Posted by MM2004

Posted by sunny

Posted by dree

SWADDLE SWADDLE SWADDLE!!!!! That is the only way I was able to get sidney out of my arms. It makes them feel like they are still being held. Try the miracle blanket.

She used to love being swaddled, but she doesn't anymoreChat Icon
She cries and fights to get her arms out.

You can try just swaddling from the chest down. We did that with Kevin when he started wanting his arms free but he still got the comfort from being swaddled.
Chat Icon Chat Icon

Or even just leave one arm out...Sidney would scream while we were wrapping her up but once she got the boob she would calm down. Plus you have to swaddle pretty darn tight so they can't even wiggle their arms. Then they stop trying to move them. Did you read Happiest Baby on the Block?? or get the DVD?

Posted 2/2/06 9:56 PM

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