Finally, my dh has told me what he thinks about everything the new RE said....(updated at bottom)
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Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05 1610 total posts
Name: Jaimie
Finally, my dh has told me what he thinks about everything the new RE said....(updated at bottom)
I wish I hadnt said that I wanted his thought/opinions. Originally, he said whatever I wanted to do was ok with him, now this is the plan he has come up with.
This month is out, next cycle we are going to be in FL so the first cycle we can start with the new RE is Sep and he wants to try a natural cycle. In other words no drugs, nothing just monitor me then an insemination. Then the following month or two use the injectables, and then wie will discuss IVF. In the meantime, I am sticking to my diet, starting to excercise, and leaving my part-time job in Oct (thats as early as I can, due to obligations there).
My question to you is this, yes I am ovulating on my own, and yes right now they cant find anything wrong (its an age issue they say) so would you try a natural cycle?
I still haven't decided what I am doing. or if I want agree with him.
Message edited 8/7/2006 12:56:51 PM.
Posted 8/6/06 8:29 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Finally, my dh has told me what he thinks about everything the new RE said....(sorry a bit long)
I just have 2 questions first. How old ar eyou again? And have they tested your FSH levels? If so do you know what they are?
ok-3...Did you have an HSG to see if your tubes were open?
BAsically my DH felt the same way at first. He wanted to keep trying naturally for a while. It took us a few more months of not getting PG for him to understand we WERENT GETTING PG...that way...
I think froma medical standpoint, and Im NO expert at all, but the older you are, obvioulsy the less likely its gonna be easy. You have less eggs plain and simple, but that just typically equals ( if no other factors) more time. It doesnt mean you have to rush to IVF if nothing else is wrong with you. But they tend to suggest it, because it could make the difference in you getting PG in a few months or much much longer if you keep trying naturally.
So Time really is the deciding factor I think.
But whos to say you wont get Pg naturally?
I wish you the best of luck This jjourney tests every part of your life. Its not easy.
Posted 8/6/06 10:52 AM |
Foxy Lady

Member since 6/05 1610 total posts
Name: Jaimie
Re: Finally, my dh has told me what he thinks about everything the new RE said....(sorry a bit long)
Thank you for your reply. I am 40 and will be 41 in January and yes they tested my FSH and its been anywhere from 8 to 13 more lower numbers thank g-d. The higher numbers are when I was on the clomid.
And, yes I had an HSG and everything there looks great.
So we decided since both my previous dr's just put me on clomid and then did the iui's I am going to take this drs suggestions and quit my pt-time job, lose weight and start walking everyday to help with weight and stress. Then, in Sept we are going to start with one month natural IUI, then do injectables which I am not sure how long yet then in January we will seriously consider IVF.
So, maybe this cycle and next cycle (the end of Aug) since we cant do anything with the drs (I will be in FL next cycle and too late for this cycle) we will get lucky and all of this will be for nothing, but I am not going to count on that.
Baby Dust to all of you.
Posted 8/7/06 12:55 PM |
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