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update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

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Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

soooo...I passed the 1 hour test.

I saw my baby(26 weeks) measuring great.

They said they need to see me every 2 weeks since I am not taking my weight seriously..In 3 weeks, I gained 6 pounds..At 26 weeks, I am up 41 pounds..Chat Icon its a lot, I know..what I don't understand is that it just keeps coming on..

so I have to up the exercising from just walking. I am really nervous to overdo anything. I haven't had a cramp or any spotting and I don't want to bring on anything.

I think I over did it today. I am sitting here with incredible guilt. I lifted laundry, I vacuumed..I lifted groceries..I am trying not to stress, but if I did anything to hurt the baby I don't know what I would do with myself.

am I over reacting?


Posted 9/14/06 8:51 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

I think it is normal to be afraid of hurting the baby, but remember that exercise is normal too.

Aside from keeping your weight down, exercise will help you increase your stamina which is supposed to make labor easier (you don't get tired as soon). And even better, when you exercise and build muscle, you help yourself get back in shape faster after baby is born.

I haven't stopped exercising since I got my BFP because it makes me feel great. I think being pg has a way of making us always feel bloated but I don't feel that way after exercise.

Just listen to your body and stop when it feels like it is too much. But try not to be so paranoid that you don't want to do anything.

You can do it!!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 9:05 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

Congrats on passing the 1 hr! Chat Icon
As far as the weight...i would just keep an eye ONLY bc now that I hit 29 weeks it comes even faster then before this. I am up about 12 pounds but I swear this appt I might be up like 5 and I hear that happens alot weeks 30-40. I am nervous myself about going up from here. Weren't u seeing a nutritionist?

Posted 9/14/06 9:23 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

Maybe my story will put you at ease.........
with my first pregnancy I gained OVER 100LBS
and my 2nd pregnancy was in the 90lb range

Both my girls were healthy and no one could figure out why I gained so much weight
I even rode my bike over 4 miles everyday until I was 7 1/2 mths pregnantChat Icon

I think some women just tend to gain alot I said I am fine and my children are also

hope this makes you feel betterChat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 9:24 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue


the nutrionist is on vacation, comes back in 2 weeks. I have been following the plan dina posted. I seriously do not get it. I have no junk in this apt except pretzels..wheat bread, skim milk..I am at a loss..

Posted 9/14/06 9:26 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2

Maybe my story will put you at ease.........
with my first pregnancy I gained OVER 100LBS
and my 2nd pregnancy was in the 90lb range

Both my girls were healthy and no one could figure out why I gained so much weight
I even rode my bike over 4 miles everyday until I was 7 1/2 mths pregnantChat Icon

I think some women just tend to gain alot I said I am fine and my children are also

hope this makes you feel betterChat Icon

your story always makes me feel better.Chat Icon When my mother was preggo with me, she put on 60 pounds, lost it all, then ranged with her other pregnancies from 28 lbs to 50 lbs..I wish I felt big, I just don't..I am in denial. I am still active, I still feel good, I think I look okay..

Posted 9/14/06 9:28 PM


Member since 5/05

7267 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

I didnt eat like a PIG either I ate normal but still gained over 100lbsChat Icon
I mean I did get Mr Softee in the summer but come on that wouldnt make you gain 100lbs.................I cant believe I am only up to 22lb weight gain at 26 weeks I thought for sure this would be the same but its not and I am eating SOOOOO MUCH MORE THIS PREGNANCY
Go figureChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 9:30 PM

Mama to 3!?!?!?

Member since 7/06

8069 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

I'm glad you passed the 1 hour. Isn't that a relief?

About the weight, I really think it's something that sometimes we have no control over. One of my friends ate the healthiest food and still gained alot. Her dr. gave her a hard time about it, but she ate so healthy. And exercised. I really think it's in our genes. I also know people who ate tons of junk food and didn't gain alot. The friend who gained alot of weight had a very healthy, happy, extremely good baby.

I know where you're coming from on overdoing it. I have done that a few times and felt guilty. It's hard because I feel so good, I feel like I can still do everything I used to and then I overdo it and regret it. I'm sure you didn't do anything to the baby. Just take it easy and don't overdo it again.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 9:43 PM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

Posted by Janice

Posted by MamaNDaddyof2

Maybe my story will put you at ease.........
with my first pregnancy I gained OVER 100LBS
and my 2nd pregnancy was in the 90lb range

Both my girls were healthy and no one could figure out why I gained so much weight
I even rode my bike over 4 miles everyday until I was 7 1/2 mths pregnantChat Icon

I think some women just tend to gain alot I said I am fine and my children are also

hope this makes you feel betterChat Icon

your story always makes me feel better.Chat Icon When my mother was preggo with me, she put on 60 pounds, lost it all, then ranged with her other pregnancies from 28 lbs to 50 lbs..I wish I felt big, I just don't..I am in denial. I am still active, I still feel good, I think I look okay..

If your mom gained 60 total...maybe its genetic. I wouldnt worry too much. Your nutritionist will be back and hopefully she will have some type of advice. Just think...your tests are coming back thats all that matters right now. If there were health issues that would be another story.

Posted 9/14/06 9:50 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

24460 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

Jan, don't worry to much.
as long as you eat healthy and exercise, you should be fine.

Congrats on passing the test.Chat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 10:18 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

27567 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

thanks guys..its just so crazy, I am eating less then prepreggo and not drinking...

Posted 9/14/06 10:20 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

i think you should try to stay calm
i would try & walk/exercise a little more- don't over- do it- just take a nice 10 minute walk every night!

Posted 9/14/06 10:26 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

If you exercise regular than maybe just continue but if you dont I wouldnt start. I think it might to much stress on the baby. If you passed the glucose test then I wouldnt worry to much about how much weight you have put on. As long as both you and the baby are healthy

Posted 9/14/06 10:48 PM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

18538 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

Just do the best you can. I know it can be discouraging as the scale climbs upwards, but as long as you're growing a healthy baby and your health has not been negaitively impacted, then try not to beat yourself up. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 10:49 PM

I'm Getting Teeth!!!

Member since 4/06

1307 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

As long as the baby is measuring fine I woudn't worry too much. Everyone is different. I gained 9 lbs in 1 mo. and the next mo. I gained 1 lb. and 1 lb the following... it's wierd. Also, I am at 31 weeks and gained 24lbs. but it's mostly all baby. I am heavier than normal, but I am more belly than anything. Everyone is different. Also, as long as you passed your glucose and your pressure is good... you should be ok. You are going to start getting more hungry ( as I have ) and grow tired now so don't over do it too much!

Posted 9/14/06 11:19 PM

My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05

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Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

I went to a nutritionist my entire PG and still gained 75 lbs with DD. I ate NO junk food with her and still blew up. Everyone is different. Your body can just be adjusting to the whole PG different than other people. Try not to stress about it. Just make sure they keep a close eye on your BP because in the end they found out that I was toximic and that is why i blew up. I was tested for it 4 times and all the test said i didn't have it but during delivery they realized the test were wrong. Good luck you are doing fine. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/14/06 11:36 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

I have been going to the nutritionist almost my whole pregnancy and still I am up 40 lbs at 32 weeks Chat Icon . Although, I will say that I am gaining a lot less now than I was in the middle of the pregnancy. The worst was the first trimester where I gained over 15 lbs. All I could eat was bagels. Now I am slowing down and gaining about 1 lb a week. I know that's not ideal, but considering what I was is much better!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Just keep up the walking and eat the best you can without starving yourself or your baby. You will also notice that your appetite will be significantly less (at least for me it is now) as you get further along.

Also, some lifting isn't going to hurt you or the baby. Just don't be moving furniture or anything, but the laundry and light house work is OK.

Posted 9/15/06 10:19 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

I don't know why your doctor is giving you such a hard time. If you are healthy and eating right and exercising, this may just be your body reaction to pregnancy. Some women gain a lot of weight and it has nothing to do with what you eat.

As far as vacuuming, lifting groceries and such, I did that throughout my pregnancy as well as everything else I used to do and it's completely fine. It's better to do as much as you can then do very little.

Posted 9/15/06 10:49 AM

I'm a Big Brother

Member since 5/06

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Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

want to offer some
Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I've gained just about as much as you (if not more) so I know how you feel. I also know that I am retaining a ridiculous amount of water weight. Do you think that may have something to do with it? Don't stress yourself out over'll lose it after you have a beautiful healthy baby!!!

Posted 9/15/06 11:35 AM


Member since 9/06

2365 total posts


Re: update on me-went to the dr...weight is the issue

Maybe try not to stress about it..I know that even before I was pg, when I stressed about losing weight or not gaining, I tended to gain more. Try to eat healthy foods and drink a lot of water. Stay positive!!Chat Icon

Posted 9/15/06 12:50 PM

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