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Member since 5/05 1372 total posts
Name: caroline
baby shower games
Hi! I know this has been asked a thousand times and I just tried doing a search and can't come up w/ anything.
Does anyone have any good games you played?
Posted 4/27/06 2:16 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: baby shower games
My mother did the planning for my shower. I told her ahead of time that I really didn't want games. So what she did was had a timer, I think she set it for every 2 or 3 minutes, when the timer went off the gift I was opening - the person it was from recieved a gift.
Posted 4/27/06 2:20 PM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: baby shower games
This is a really cute site for ideas:
Baby Showers
Diaper Bag Memory Pack a diaper bag with an assortment of baby care items. Each guest gets 30 second to sort through the bag and try to remember what is in it. When everyone has looked take the bag away and pass out paper for everyone to list what they remember.
The Price is Right shower game Get 10 to 20 items relating to babies and list exactly how much each item cost. Show all of the guests one of these items, and ask them one at a time what they think each item cost and to also write down the cost so that this can be remembered. Repeat this process with each item. The guest who guesses the most and closest price to the right price wins the game. Examples of items: Baby food, Baby Toy, Rattle, Diapers, Baby's bottle, Diaper pins, Bib, Teether, and so on. It would help the guests to figure out the price if you could tell the guests which store each item was bought from.
Footprint & Handprint Advice Make copies of baby feet and hand prints and cut them out. At the shower ask each guest to write advice on one and a helpful hint on the other. Then put them in a scrap book for the mom-to-be to refer back to as needed.
Message edited 4/27/2006 3:09:08 PM.
Posted 4/27/06 2:44 PM |
I'm two!

Member since 5/05 4320 total posts
Name: Ann
Re: baby shower games
At my shower, my sisters taped a newborn pamper under everyone's chair. One of the pampers had a "prize" in it. So everyone had to reach under their chair and pull off the diaper and open it. My aunt got the one with the prize in it - it was a melted Reese's PB cup Which she got to exchange for a little gift. Everyone thought that was pretty funny!
Posted 4/27/06 2:51 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: baby shower games
I had three games:
One is these lotto scratch off tickets I ordered online. They had to scratch off and see what daddy needed to make the baby stop crying and the winning ticket was mommy. I had a big group so I ordered 4 packs and had 4 winners.
Then we did a diaper game. Where every table picks one person from their table and they had to diaper them with toilette paper. Then all the contestants had to line up and the winning "baby" won a prize as did the whole table.
Then we played this game where I took a baby bottle and filled it up with little m&m candies and the guests had to guess how many candies were in the bottle. I handed out little slips where people filled out their names and the amount guessed and the person who came closest to the number won the prize.
The diaper game is hillarious!!!!!!!!!
Posted 4/27/06 2:59 PM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: baby shower games
We didn't play any at mine but I love the Bingo game
Posted 4/27/06 8:41 PM |
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