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Pump & Dump

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My Boys

Member since 6/05

1019 total posts


Pump & Dump

Chat Icon Now not only is Frankie sick, I am too.... I had to be given a shot of Decadron yesterday and was put on some heafty duty decongestion pills. The allergies here in Texas are So BAD! I am starting to think that is why Frankie is so sick as well. I took him in again for the 3rd time to the doctor, because his respiratory status is not improving any; even after 5 days of the Albuterol Treatments at home. She did an RSV swab and it came back NEG thank God, but still he is sick. All the doc could say is that he has asthmatic broncholitis and could be due to any kind of virus or even allergies. So now that I am on all these meds, I have to pump & dump Chat Icon What a waist of milk. Our trip to NY next Friday right now just doesn't seem possible. I so badly want to go, but with Frankie being sick for so long, I just don't feel comfortable taking him on the airplane and it is cold there. We are use to 85+ degree weather and I think that might make his breathing even worse. I am just fustrated with him being sick for so long Chat Icon and now me getting sick on top of it all. Thank for letting me vent. Chat Icon

Posted 3/8/06 11:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

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Re: Pump & Dump

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Actually cold makes breathing easier - particularly with RSV. That's why you have a cool mist humidifier. It reduces the swelling of the broncioles. (think of a swollen ankle & putting ice on it).

Just an FYI on the Albuterol (Joseph's been on it a few times). Be aware while the drugs leave his system in a few weeks - side effects can last a few months while their adrenal gland re-regulates itself. Frankie is still an infant so he probably won't have any behavioral issues like Joseph did. I wouldn't want anyone to have to go through the worry that I did with a toddler and later as a pre-schooler, it was basically 'roid rage.

I hate when they get sick. Hang in there - and of course let us know if you do decide to come up!

Posted 3/9/06 9:10 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Pump & Dump

Pump & Dump is AWFUL!!! I am totally here to support much that must hurt.
I hope everyone gets better VERY quickly!!

Posted 3/9/06 1:14 PM

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