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Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

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me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

OK...we got the fence installed Friday....Boomer did GREAT with doing his business (DH was home all day). He LOVES being outside.

Yesterday....actually last night...after I got home from work (around 6:15) at some point he peed in our bed (my side, where the pillows lay). Strip the bed, clean it up, etc put new sheets on, we get into bed to go to sleep--he pees RIGHT IN FRONT OF US WHILE WE'RE IN BED!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

DH puts the older dogs' cage together, and he made them both sleep in their cages last night since they've been restless lately and keeping us both up at night with fidgeting, licking, etc.

Needless to say, Boomer peed in his cage overnight (I had a towel in there for him). He pooped this AM when DH let them out, and then I got him to pee outside while I was playing ball with Bailey. Gave him LOTS of praise and a treat.

Any ideas on WHY he may have regressed so badly? He was doing AWESOME with no accidents in the house and being such a good boy that we were both bragging about how great he's been. I want my good dog back.

Posted 11/6/05 9:07 AM
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Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

Did you just move...or are you doing something around the house. I know you have the baby coming, maybe he is sensing that and reacting to that.
I am not an expert by any means, but when it is sort of on purpose, it usually means they are stressed about something.
Maybe try just giving him some extra attention and taking him for walks.
I know with Misty, if we don't walk her it's hit or miss wether she will do her business in the back yard or if we will find a surprise in the bathroom in the morning.

Posted 11/6/05 9:11 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

I would take him to the vet. It's very unusual for dogs to go to the bathroom where they have to sleep and this could be indictive of a medical problem.

Is the cage too big for him? Meaning, can he go to the bathroom on one side and move to the other and not get dirty?

Posted 11/6/05 9:17 AM

Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

Shana, I'm trying to remember...when you adopted him, didn't he have a bladder problem? When he got neutered - something like that? Maybe it's "acting up" - maybe he needs to go to the vet? Poor Boomer Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/05 4:07 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

thank you all for responding...I'll try to answer all the questions.

MrsTC: that was the bassett hound we were considering at the pound.

Boomer does not sleep in his cage, he's only in there when we are not home. He has had accidents in there-it's a perfect size for him.

gertyrae: we've been in the house since May, we did have issues then, but we got over those. The fence was jsut installed a few days ago, so it could be a combo of that and him getting used to roaming back there and not using his leash.

We're having a better day today--no accidents. I'm thinking he just got mad at us that he had to go last night before bed and we were preoccupied with cleaning up the first pee mess.

Posted 11/6/05 6:49 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

Maybe still take him for a walk evedy day -- 2 or 3 times? Our yard is fenced in but Ebony doesn't like to go back there -- I think they need a change of scenery...

Posted 11/6/05 11:30 PM


Member since 5/05

13736 total posts


Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

Take him in the yard on his leash when you want him to go out to do his business until he gets used to have free roam ...

Also it may sound silly but our Bailey knows to "go potty" if we tell him to ... Tim trained him well as a puppy. Could be worth a try to have a trigger word. (Max sorta got conditioned too but now his hearing is so on & off, I don't think he's quite going on command anymore!).

I would also keep the bedroom door closed so he can't get in the bed.
We have a room in the house that isn't carpeted that we may put one of them in if they are having an issue so we only have to mop to clean.

Posted 11/7/05 9:34 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

He may very well havea UTI. i'd take him to the vet.
OR, he may just want attention.

Posted 11/8/05 12:26 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Who's good with behavior issues? (long..sorry)

thanks Wendy and Lolita....

we are having better days the last 3 days. No accidents. I find that putting them outside separately works well, and when Boomer does his business, I'll let Bailey out to play with him.

Posted 11/8/05 8:53 AM

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