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august mommies to be - how are we doing??

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Little Angel

Member since 10/05

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august mommies to be - how are we doing??

I will be 23 weeks on Sunday. I can't believe I'm almost six months pregnant. Time is really flying by. I went last week for the fetal echo and everything was normal. That will be my last big test before our little girl is born. The cyst is still there, but there are no indications that anything else is wrong. What a relief. We went and registered right after that test Chat Icon

How is everyone else feeling? I have been feeling the baby move like crazy and DH got to feel her last week. I can actually see my belly thump sometimes. Soooo COOL!

Posted 4/21/06 9:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

I'm actually 24 weeks today. I can't believe how fast time is going. I feel Chat Icon moving around all the time and i too have just recently been able to see my stomach move. Right now we are working on getting the room done. I'm just waiting for the carpet to be put in. I went with a pink and choclate brown theme. I'm going to the Dr on Tues for another check up. Looking forward to seeing how much I've gained since my last appt. Last time I was only up 6lbs. Hope all the august mommies are doing well. Our time will be here before we know it.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/21/06 9:25 AM

My Children

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

I am 25 1/2 weeks and I am feeling really good. My Chat Icon moves a lot but mostly while I am sleeping. When I went to the Dr 3 weeks ago all was well. My next appointment is Tuesday. Let's see how much weight I have gained. So far I have only gained 12 lbs but the good thing is that my pants still fit me, I only need to go into maternity shirts. I hope all the other August moms are doing well too.

Posted 4/21/06 9:28 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

I'll be 23 weeks on Monday. I have been feeling great. We had a doctor's appointment last night and I got to hear the baby hiccuping. It was so cute. I have to start making appointments for lamaze and other classes. We leave for our "babymoon" on Sunday.

Posted 4/21/06 9:30 AM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

shamrock12472 you are one day behind me!! Where are you delivering? Everyone sounds great! Last time I went to the doctor I have gained 14 pounds total. I go to my regular doctor on Wednesday so we'll see how much I gained this month. Chat Icon

Posted 4/21/06 9:52 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

Posted by smith1234

shamrock12472 you are one day behind me!! Where are you delivering? Everyone sounds great! Last time I went to the doctor I have gained 14 pounds total. I go to my regular doctor on Wednesday so we'll see how much I gained this month. Chat Icon

I'm delivering at Stonybrook and hopefully, right on time, if not earlier!

Posted 4/21/06 10:47 AM

Little Angel

Member since 10/05

1745 total posts


Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

me too! have you signed up for any classes yet? i'm giong to ask my doc on Wednesday when i should.

Posted 4/21/06 11:15 AM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

I am 23 wks and am doing very well.

I haven't felt the baby move a lot. Just a little bit here and there.

I go to an endocronolgist today to see about my thyroid since it is high and I gained quite a bit of weight very quickly. But the good news is, I only gained 3 in about 1 mth or so, which is an improvement from what its been.

DH and I also just put a bid on a house with an estimated close of 6/1 which will be enough time to move in and get ready before baby. So hopefully that works out!

Posted 4/21/06 11:16 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14021 total posts


Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

Posted by smith1234

me too! have you signed up for any classes yet? i'm giong to ask my doc on Wednesday when i should.

Nope, I haven't signed up for any classes yet. I will when I get back home next week. I guess we will go in June or July. Maybe we'll be in the same class...small world!

Posted 4/21/06 11:33 AM

So Big... So Fast!

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

I'm 21 1/2 weeks with twins and am doing pretty well. I am still pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight, but have put 12 pounds back on. I go for a cervix check every two weeks and a growth sono every three weeks. So far, everything is right on track.

Posted 4/21/06 7:46 PM

Disney cruise bound!

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

Hey August mommies to be! I'm bringing up the rear here (EDD 8/31) I'm 21 wks and doing well so far. Baby has been moving more and more each day. I went for my level II on Monday but have to go back for part II this morning as my stubborn child did not completely cooperate with the sono tech!

Posted 4/22/06 10:29 AM

This is how I play basketball!

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

hi there
i'm 25 weeks today- its so exciting! things are going well- but my appetite is ridiculous! i'm eating so much! i'm still on the small side though- if someone else tells me how small i am, i'm going to lose it! strangers can't believe that i'm this far along. i guess i should be grateful, but its really very annoying. feeling great, baby is moving around a bit, especially when i'm laying down at night. we'll be there before you know it! EDD- August 6th

Posted 4/22/06 12:07 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

I'm 22 1/2 weeksChat Icon So far I'm up about 12 lbs. and am starting to pop a little. I am only 5' so it's getting very obvious that I'm pg.

Have a monthly checkup Wednesday. Feeling good but can't stop peeing! DH and I started to register (overwhelming) and won't start the nursery until we move into our new house in June.

Starting to think about taking some classes. I saw the post on the Huntington Hospital classes...that's where I'll beChat Icon

Posted 4/23/06 5:10 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

Hi everyone. I will be 23 weeks on Tuesday. I feel good, feel the baby moving around and it's such a cool feeling! We just closed on a house on Friday, so we are doing some work in May and then we'll move in in June. I'm excited to have a room for the baby now!! Chat Icon

Posted 4/23/06 7:56 PM

Train Ride

Member since 5/05

3127 total posts


Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

HI!!! I'm almost 24 weeks!!! I'm Feeling great!!! gained about 12-15 pounds so far.

Posted 4/24/06 7:57 PM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

how cool, i hope my little girl gets a date twin. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/24/06 8:01 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/05

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Re: august mommies to be - how are we doing??

hello all...23 1/2 weeks here. feeling pretty good. i go for the glucose tolerance test on friday.
let's see how much i've far it's only 8lbs. but i have been eating like there's no tomorrow lately.
glad to hear all is well with everyone.
talk to everyone soon..

Posted 4/25/06 2:21 PM

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