December Mommies to Be - Check in!!
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LIF Infant
Member since 6/05 241 total posts
December Mommies to Be - Check in!!
How are we all feeling? It's really getting down to the wire and I am so hoping that I don't have a Christmas baby and am not in the hospital for Christmas....but my due date is the 23rd so I probably will be.
I've had a pretty easy pregnancy but this month has been sooo uncomfortable. I developed a pregnancy rash called PUPPS which is horrible and only goes away after giving birth. Fortunately, it doesn't hurt the baby.
Does anybody else get really bad hip pain from sleeping on your side? My body is definitely not used to the extra weight and I've been waking up in tears b/c of hip pain. UGH!!!
At my last appointment (Tues), I was 60% effaced and 2 cm dilated. I think I might be losing my mucous plug today b/c I am having a lot of clear jelly like discharge. I hope so....I really want things to start happening!!!
8 days and counting......... How is everyone else feeling?
Posted 12/15/05 4:11 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Toddler

Member since 7/05 474 total posts
Re: December Mommies to Be - Check in!!
I'm sorry but I can't relate bc I just found out that I am pg! Just wanted to say I hope you feel better and hopefully that baby comes out SOON!!!! Keep us posted!
Posted 12/15/05 8:08 PM |

Member since 5/05 6856 total posts
Re: December Mommies to Be - Check in!!
4 days until my due date...but no progress. Everyone tells me it's just going to "happen" one day- We'll see. I still feel ok, I also get some hip pain from laying on the same side too long, and sleep has become a chore! I am SO ready for this little one to be born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Labor vibes to you, and fingers crossed for no Christmas babies!!!!
Posted 12/15/05 9:03 PM |

Member since 5/05 3416 total posts
Re: December Mommies to Be - Check in!!
I am anxious and have had just about enuf!!! 5 days till my due date and I am still 1 cm..80% effaced... i want to meet my little man already!!! Labor vibes to us all girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 12/16/05 5:02 PM |
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