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Member since 1/06 1018 total posts
Name: Jill
HSG test
I am having an HSG test next week. Does it hurt? I am suppose to have it at Good Sam. in West Islip. Just want some ideas of what I can expect. Is there any truth to reports that you are more fertile after(for 3 months?) Thanks
Posted 2/2/06 10:06 PM |
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Member since 5/05 5475 total posts
Name: Mommy to twins
Re: HSG test
I had mine last Friday. It doesnt really hurt, its just uncomfortable and yes it does increase your change to conceive by 30%.
The only thing I had was bad stomach cramps. Hope this helps.
Posted 2/2/06 10:51 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: HSG test
It is very umcomfortable. It is like having bad AF cramps.
Posted 2/3/06 7:18 AM |
Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: HSG test
I conceived right after mine. There are different theories out on why it can increase conception chances.
If they use an oil based dye...that lubricates the tiny hairs inside the tube, and helps them move the sperm along. (they are like fans). Also Dr. Scher, explained to me that the ends of the tubes ....are like tenacles and very having the dye losens them up,making, them more able to grab the egg.
However, one of the doctors I met with said, they no longer use the oil based dye...and now they use a water soluble one...which doesn't have the same affect.
Honestly, anything that can remove mucus in the tubes seems like a good thing to me. I may be getting another hsg pretty soon...
Remember to take a bunch of advil or motrin prior to the exam that will help ease the cramping. The exam is very short and I had just AF cramping during it...nothing following it.
Posted 2/3/06 8:49 AM |
Cake from Outer Space!
Member since 5/05 14021 total posts
Re: HSG test
When I had mine, it really didn't hurt at all. I took 3 motrins before hand. The most uncomfortable part was the spectrum(sp). I felt a period like cramp when the dye was inserted but even that wasn't too bad. I had some slight cramping during the day but I went back to work and I was fine.
The anticipation is really worse then the actual procedure. Make sure you ask to be able to see the screen as the dye is in because that is pretty interesting to watch.
Good luck and I'm sending you hugs
Posted 2/3/06 9:31 AM |
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