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Ladies I need your opinions and help!

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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

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Ladies I need your opinions and help!

I just talked to my RE. I don't know what to do?Chat Icon She said that I have Endo all over, that I'm not just showing signs of it, that it is there. They removed the Endometriomas, but it's still all over that they can't remove the rest of it. She said that she can't see me being able to get PG. She still can't believe that I got PG with my son the first month we tried. She REALLY, REALLY wants me to do a 3 month shot of Lupron to hopefully shrivel up the Endo that's there that she couldn't remove, and then start TTC#2 right after that. She doesn't think that I will get PG otherwise. She believes the best chance I have to get PG is to do the Lupron for 3 months. I am SOOOOO AGAINST Lupron. Everyone I know says not to take it either, that it's horrible. Chat Icon She did say that we should be ok if we started immediately with TTC and try for 1-2 cycles and if nothing, I would still need to do the Lupron. Chat Icon It's the hardest thing to hear when someone tells you that they can't see you being able to get PG, and that they don't know how I got PG with my son??? I am sooo devastated right now you have no idea.Chat Icon Please, tell me what you would do? Would you TTC for 2 cycles and then go on Lupron for 3 months and then start again, or just go on Lupron right away? She's afraid of it growing back, but said we should be ok, but only if it's 1-2 cycles. Ladies, if we started TTC right away, I would need a Christmas miracle! My chances of conceiving on those 2 cycles, even after Lupron are slim to none.Chat Icon What would you do? My gut says to TTC for 2 months and then if nothing, I'll bite the bullet and go on Lupron. I think I would regret it if we didn't try. HELP!

Posted 12/8/05 5:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Dad you finally did it!!!

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Go with your gut!!! Only you know what is best for yourself!! Try it the next two months and then try the lupron if that's what your gut is telling you to do!! I want to send you lots ofChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and tell you I am so sorry you are going through this!! My thoughts are with you and Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon you can get a BFP on your own!!

Posted 12/8/05 5:46 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Thanks for the reply! Chat Icon

If it was up to me, I wouldn't do the Lupron at all. Chat Icon It's definitely not what I want to do. My RE just doesn't believe that I can get PG with there being so much Endo all over. She feels the Lupron will shrivel up what's there and keep the cysts from growing back. Then we would TTC after that and hope we get PG before it grows back either way! Chat Icon It's such a hard decision for me to make. My gut does say to TTC right away and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY that we PG. Christmas is the time for miracles! Chat Icon Thanks again!

Posted 12/8/05 6:50 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

I am so sorry you had to hear news like that. However, you have something wonderful on your side, and that's the fact that miracles obviously happen to you and I am sure they will again.

Is your dh willing to ttc right away ? I would definitely give that a go...

However, I would also get in touch with Dr. Alan Beer. He is California, but I would call his office and see if they have any doctors who studied with him in your area. He is a revolutionary doctor who believes endometriosis is related to immune issues.

Posted 12/8/05 7:07 PM

Best Friends

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree that only you and you DH can make this decision. Is he willing to TTC right away? Also I am on day 3 of Lupron and having no side effects (knocking on wood) so its not that bad. Hope that makes you feel a little better.

Posted 12/8/05 7:18 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Is there a reason you are so against Lupron?

How does your DH he willing to jump on the TTC bandwagon at this point?

If so...I give it a can't succeed if you don't try. Good luck and much baby dust to you.

Posted 12/8/05 8:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Im so sorry your faced with this. All I can do is say what I would do. I would go on the Lupron in a heartbeat. Its that worth it to me. So thats what I think you need to seriously think about. IS IT worth it? If yes, go for it.

I wish you so much luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 8:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Posted by dm24angel

Im so sorry your faced with this. All I can do is say what I would do. I would go on the Lupron in a heartbeat. Its that worth it to me. So thats what I think you need to seriously think about. IS IT worth it? If yes, go for it.

I wish you so much luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I agree with Donna.

Best of luck to you and DH.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 8:27 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

I agree, why are you so against being on Lupron??

Posted 12/8/05 9:00 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

I just keep hearing horror stories about it. I really don't want to be put into menopause even though it's only temporary. For those of you that are taking it right now, it's just for a VERY short period of time, right? I would have to take it for 3 months!!! That just scares me. What if it screws up my system?

If my DH says that it's ok to TTC for 2 cycles, do you think I should? If we don't get PG, then I would definitely be taking the Lupron.


Posted 12/8/05 9:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

I would do the Lupron liek I said in hopes of getting a chnce to conceive again. Your chances will be lower without it.

Can I ask what your DH is telling or hinting towards? Are you at least openly talking to him about all this right now? Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/8/05 9:24 PM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Well... I talked to my DH last night and he said we can TTC right away and then if nothing go on Lupron and then TTC again.

It's such a hard decision. I've been waiting for my DH to say yes to TTC #2 for a LONG, LONG time. I couldn't believe he said yes. In my heart, it says to go for it. You've been waiting for him to say yes. I'm just so worried, that what if by miracle I got PG, and just had a miscarriage because of the Endo. Do I just go for it for 2 months? Chances are slim, but it feels wonderful that my DH said yes! Like I said, my RE said we should be fine, that she was just worried about it growing back.

I just can't believe all of this is happening.Chat Icon I feel too young to be going through this.

I REALLY want to TTC for a couple of cycles. Even the thought of waiting at least 3 months because of the Lupron seems like an eternity to me after my DH saying yes to right now! I don't know what to do? Chat Icon

Message edited 12/9/2005 6:48:38 AM.

Posted 12/9/05 6:47 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

If your doctor says it is safe, I think it's okay to try, right? I Chat Icon for a new year's miracle for you!

Posted 12/9/05 9:00 AM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

go with your instinct but maybe get a 2nd opinion.

Posted 12/9/05 9:18 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

I'm sorry you are facing all these difficult decisions, Melissa

I have a few different opinions on this , but in the end its YOU, your doctor and your husband that really need to sit down and make the best decisions for you.

Before anything else really, if this were me being faced with such a tough choice, I might actually seek a 2nd opinion. You seem so very against the Lupron, which is your choice, and I feel as though perhaps if you had reassurance from another professional that can review your case and examine you, you might feel more confident in which type of protcol to continue with

Above all else, though, try to stay positive (as hard as that is right now). YOU did have your son and that in and of itself was a miracle, especially given what the doctors have just told you about the severity of your endo. I know that the endo is a scary thing -- I was absolutely SURE I would never have a child and was terrified when I was diagnosed with it myself.. but a few months after my lap, I did conceive.. Yes I did miscarry, but PLEASE do not let those statistics and fears prevent you from TTC. I was told that my M/C had NOTHING to do with the endo, and I believe that fully.

Also I cannot emphasize how may ladies, no matter what the severity of their condition, go onto have more than one child even with this condition. The doctors might not have been able to remove ALL your endo, but they did remove a substantial amount and I'm sure that will only increase your chances in TTC now... so until you can figure out what you want to do with the Lupron, I would start TTC naturally and see what happens.. I believe that a miracle can happen again for you!

But in the end - you have to determine HOW much you want this. And further to that, despite your fear of being on the Lupron, if this were me I would do whatever it is that needs to be done in order to achieve your dream of having a child.

Botton line, though - its important that you and your husband are BOTH onboard with your decision, no matter what that may be

I wish you all the best, you know I'm here if you ever need to talk. I do truly feel that it is all going to work out for you - try to keep the faith Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 12/9/2005 10:08:51 AM.

Posted 12/9/05 10:01 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Thanks so much ladies... Chat Icon


How could I get a second opinion? My insurance only covers where I've been going and I believe that all the doctors that they have there all worked on my LAP? So I'm pretty sure they all have the same opinion. I don't have infertility coverage, but even if I did it would only be through Duke.

I'm having such a hard time dealing with this. My DH on the other hand when I told him that it's a lot more sever than we thought he's been nothing but supportive. He kept telling me that we always like to prove people wrong, and that we've always been out of the norm for so many things. He even went into how they told Lance Armstrong he was going to die from Cancer and here he is today going strong and winning more medals. He was soooo sweet. We didn't talk about it last night. He would just come up to me out of the blue and just give me the biggest, longest hug!Chat Icon How much do you think it would cost to get a second opinion? I also wouldn't know where to go? I'm in NC so I don't think there's much down here.

Posted 12/9/05 10:33 AM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

Here is a link to other reproductive clinics, if you decide to get a second opinion

Posted 12/9/05 10:54 AM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

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Re: Ladies I need your opinions and help!

You have to do what feels right and everyoneis different. That said, I would probably forge ahead with the Lupron

Good luck with whichever decision you decide

Posted 12/9/05 11:09 AM

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