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2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05 4377 total posts
Name: MaMMa
Newborn and Constipation
Help!! I didn't get a chance to formally introduce myself here at Parenting because ive been so busy with my little one.
Julia was born on February 23 - 2 weeks ago - she is just the sweetest angel - but since yesterday she hasn't pooped and has been crying almost the whole day making grunting noises and straining. all day
I breastfeed for the first week but now she is on formula - Similac Advance w/Iron. I know she must be gassy and constipated - what can i Do???? Shes quiet one second and screaming the next.
Please help. i tried the drops, bicyclying her legs...anything else
Posted 3/9/06 4:53 PM |
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Member since 2/06 2840 total posts
Name: Angela
Re: Newborn and Constipation
you can try the thermometer
Posted 3/9/06 4:56 PM |
Re: Newborn and Constipation
Maybe mention it to your PED, when we switched to formula they told me that Similac Advance was sometimes rough on their little tummies.... perhaps he'll have you switch to the the regular.
Posted 3/9/06 4:59 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Newborn and Constipation
Odds are its probably the switch to formula making her constipated. Once her body adjusts she should be OK. We had some issues with Miranda when she was that young and my office said if you she didn't go for 3 days to call otherwise just wait it out. I know its so frustrating though. At 5 months my little peanut is still battling constipation. You can try the thermomether trick but it never seemed to help us. They suggested a warm bath and also a warm rag stimulating her rectum. Hope she goes soon.
Posted 3/9/06 5:02 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 1982 total posts
Name: Nikole
Re: Newborn and Constipation
My sister used to use a qtip and vaseline to help stimulate the muscle. It was a great relief to both of them!
Posted 3/9/06 6:22 PM |
me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05 12013 total posts
Name: Shana
Re: Newborn and Constipation
ask your dr about'll help the constipation. Even 2 oz.
when Aly was gassy i diluted the mylicon in water and she'd take some
Is julia really gassy ALOT? it might be the formula and it could be her sysem being Aly got older the gas tapered off in frequency but got louder!!
also for gas, go for dr browns bottles
Posted 3/9/06 6:25 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1535 total posts
Name: Kimberly
Re: Newborn and Constipation
Try infant suppatories (spelling) my Dr said it is okay if they are struggling with going. I have given my DD one a few times now.. She doesnt evenseem to be bothered by it either but it makes her go.. Shes 10 weeks
Posted 3/9/06 6:37 PM |
The Boys!

Member since 5/05 2065 total posts
Name: Erin
Re: Newborn and Constipation
My son has been constipated from about 4 weeks old on. I have used the q-tip with ky, but it never worked. If need be (when my son hasn't gone in 3-4 days) I used pediatric glycerin suppositories (cut off the top point and then cut in half again) and that always did the trick. My doctor currently has my son (10 weeks old) taking 2 oz. of pear juice a day and he seems to be more regular.
Posted 3/9/06 6:55 PM |
Member since 5/05 4729 total posts
Name: Shari
Re: Newborn and Constipation
Sara is also constipated or she was. Doc said NO to the thermomoter or prune juice it just tricks their little bodies. He said it is ok if they dont go for a few days. Sara wenpoop 2 days in a row Their bodies have to get used to formula. I called the doctor 3x because of this
Posted 3/9/06 8:11 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2246 total posts
Re: Newborn and Constipation
My son has had this problem since he came home (he is now almost 4 months). We used to take his temp and that would help. He would go several days and be miserable.
First thing I would do is take him of the similac advance with Iron. We went through every formula and finally settled on Similac SOY. He went but not regularly and it was very dry and hard. So we started using Malte Supex (sp?). You can buy it at CVS behind the counter - ask the pharmacist - he may have to order it. Anyway this was the best thing ever! I wish we would have gotten it in the beginning and saved us so much stress. Anyway, 1 scoop a day in the bottle and she will become regular. It is like MAGIC!!! It is $100 for a bottle, lasts like 6 weeks. WORTH EVERY PENNY!
Posted 3/10/06 11:21 AM |