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This is a great article It so explains my MIL

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But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


This is a great article It so explains my MIL

Message edited 5/20/2005 3:11:53 PM.

Posted 5/20/05 3:11 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

designer mutt

Member since 5/05

4239 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL


I can definitely see how it could be a cause of divorce. Honestly, our #1 argument is about his family (mother in particular).

He agrees with me 90% of the time but I just get so frustrated because my family would NEVER DARE to talk to John or treat John the way his family (mother in particular) treats me.

So, my big question is: Why do they think it's okay to be so obnoxious? Like when my MIL bought a white gown with mini-train to wear to the wedding when all I had ever done was ask that our moms not wear black, white, or off-white.

Posted 5/20/05 6:09 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL

Sue... Probably for the same reason my MIL bought a purple dress that match my Girls dresses exactly after I asked her not to. Then she had the b*lls to Cry to my sister in law that she was losing a son! Chat Icon In the meantime she up and left her whole family (including her husband who is still married) to move to florida 2 years prior.

I asked her not to wear the purple dress her SON asked her not to wear the purple dress and 2 nights before the wedding she showed my SIL the purple dress (the orginal dress she bought was the same dress but in periwninkle)When my SIL comented on how I asked her not to wear a purple dress she told her "well what is Kristin going to do not let me go to the ceremony ask me to leave?"

Not the way to start off a relationship and I will never forget that!

Posted 5/20/05 10:55 PM

2012--A year of new beginnings

Member since 5/05

4402 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL

Kristen, I can't believe she said that!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/05 9:46 AM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL

Posted by NewYawkah

Kristen, I can't believe she said that!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Did I ever mention that The night we got engaged we went to their house (When she still lived in NY) And the first words out of her mouth were "I already paid for my daughters wedding Im done paying for weddings" Not that I asked. They didn't give us a cent for the wedding!

The night of the rehersal dinner I lined everyone up the way I wanted them to walk down the aisle. The next thing I know I see my BIL walking his grandmother and grandfather down the aisle. Im like W T F? So My MIL turns around and says She needs to escorts uhhh no she doesnt then she says were is your mother walking. I said shes walking me down with my dad. She went off the deep end SHE CAN'T WALK YOU DOWN THE AISLE!!! I was like she can walk anywhere she wants since she paid for this shindig! She is a physco thank god she lives in Florida!

Message edited 5/21/2005 12:14:02 PM.

Posted 5/21/05 12:10 PM

designer mutt

Member since 5/05

4239 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL

Posted by june262004

Posted by NewYawkah

Kristen, I can't believe she said that!!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Did I ever mention that The night we got engaged we went to their house (When she still lived in NY) And the first words out of her mouth were "I already paid for my daughters wedding Im done paying for weddings" Not that I asked. They didn't give us a cent for the wedding!

The night of the rehersal dinner I lined everyone up the way I wanted them to walk down the aisle. The next thing I know I see my BIL walking his grandmother and grandfather down the aisle. Im like W T F? So My MIL turns around and says She needs to escorts uhhh no she doesnt then she says were is your mother walking. I said shes walking me down with my dad. She went off the deep end SHE CAN'T WALK YOU DOWN THE AISLE!!! I was like she can walk anywhere she wants since she paid for this shindig! She is a physco thank god she lives in Florida!

I can still top you. I will ALWAYS top EVERYONE.

When we got engaged, she said, "I just want 2 things from you: Respect ME, respect my son, and don't get divorced"

And, we had been to a few weddings at our church before we got married. The Italian tradition is to throw coins at the bride and groom. I told my MIL that I didn't want anyone to do that because I didn't want to slide or fall down the concrete steps.

So, instead, she ran up to us as we were about to make our "grand exit" from the church and pelted us with coins. then, she ran outside so she could throw the rose petals at us. A few of our guests snapped pictures right after she threw the coins at us. You should see those pictures! I look like I'm going to tear someone's face apart.

Posted 5/21/05 3:40 PM

But I love the Snow!

Member since 5/05

15379 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL

OMG SUE!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/21/05 3:46 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

13973 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL

Posted by suvenR

When we got engaged, she said, "I just want 2 things from you: Respect ME, respect my son, and don't get divorced"

Apparently, she can't count either Chat Icon

Posted 5/23/05 4:13 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05

2642 total posts


Re: This is a great article It so explains my MIL

Oh MIL I have stories to make one of them short she tried to take control of our daughters christenign party trying to tell me when should have it and what I should do and things like that thatI got into a major arguement with FH and he told her to stop but she didn't listen. Now with the wedding we told her that we don't want kids at our wedding becuz there are too many on both sides and that we are paying for the wedding ourselves and can't afford the kids so she has the nerve to say well only have the kids on our side your neices and nephews and don't worry abotu the kids on Jenns side they are jsut cousins to her not important well when FH told me this I flipped I told him I am closer with my little cousin then you are with your nieces and nephews I am like an aunt to them so there are no kids. MIL and I got into a convo about the wedding and she brought up the kids and was like well if there are no kids then what are you gonna do with your daughter I said that is OUR daughter and she is in the wedding party so she will be at the wedding. Then she is like and what about your brother he will not be 16 so he shouldn't be there either I said he will be 15 and thats my brother and yes he will be there cuz he is walking my mother down the isle so he is part of the wedding. Oh I can go on and on with stories with her. Oh this is one that tops the cake she told my FH that she wants to help out withthe wedding but the only way she will do that i s if we find out if my parents are gonna help out and what they are gonna contribute to the wedding. W T F is that all about

Posted 5/23/05 4:25 PM

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