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Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

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Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

that thinks they are way overrated? Chat Icon

I just bought two new ones. I had the Baby Neptune and Jake didn't care for it so I figured I'd try out some others, maybe that particular one was just not his thing. But he doesn't care for Baby Mozart either. I gotta say, I watched them and I don't blame him for being bored. Chat Icon

He LOVES the Lots to Learn video but the newer ones aren't out yet. The Baby Van Gogh is going back to the store. What does your baby like besides Baby Einstein?

Posted 4/29/06 7:55 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Ryan likes basically anything on Noggin. He does however love Baby Einstein also. Anything that has bright colors and movement keeps his attention.

Posted 4/29/06 8:21 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Baby Crack went over huge with at our house. Besides using it to entertain them so I can take a shower, we used to put it on in the mornings if they were wide awake but we needed more sleep. They also liked Brainy Baby, Barney (gasp!)and almost anything on Noggin.

Posted 4/29/06 8:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Gianna never took interest in Baby Einstein. A friend lent us a bag of them, so I was lucky not to waste the $$. She has always loved Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends. The colors are so vivid and everyone is always laughing and having fun on the show. Now that she's older, I appreciate that they send a nice message about being good to oneanother. She LOVES Jack's Big Music Show and Sesame Street also.

Posted 4/29/06 8:31 PM

Love my Family!

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Julia doesn't watch Baby Einstein, I got the Baby Genius videos for her and she loves watching them. Try them and see how he likes it.

Posted 4/29/06 8:38 PM


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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Jacob too i hafta say isnt that interested in baby einstein.. i just had bought two, baby bach and baby mozart, and i caught him gazing around the room alot. He loves anything on Noggin, mostly Blues Clues and Jack's Big music show, and Dora...

Posted 4/29/06 8:53 PM

me and baby #3!

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Posted by MelTodd604

Julia doesn't watch Baby Einstein, I got the Baby Genius videos for her and she loves watching them. Try them and see how he likes it.

I've seen these around and wondered how they are....same concept?

Alyson just watched Sesame Street the other day for the first time and was entranced.

Yesterday we watched Bear in the Big Blue House and she was talking back to them!

Posted 4/29/06 9:09 PM


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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

I have the entire 15-DVD set and only 3 are open..... They were not used here at all, Andrew didn't care for them.... He was never a big TV/video watcher, so I saved them and we'll see how baby #2 does.

Posted 4/29/06 9:16 PM


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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Jared loves them..except the little caterpillar in the beginning...he gets so scared and starts freaking out...

Posted 4/29/06 11:27 PM

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Mikey loves the baby crack but he also loves the new sesame beginnings dvds they are so cute.

Posted 4/29/06 11:28 PM


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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Hayley loves her Baby Einstein DVD's...Baby Van Gogh is her FAVORITE!!!. She also has Baby Da Vinci, Baby Bach and I just got Baby Noah. I can sit her in her highchair in front of the TV in my bedroom and she won't even notice I am not in the room with her.

Posted 4/30/06 7:56 AM


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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

The girls love them As does Patrick still.

Posted 4/30/06 9:45 AM

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Don't you wish you had invented them, that lady is worth an absolute MINT

THey are so simple its idiotic!!!

Posted 4/30/06 12:18 PM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

never even got them.

she likes shows on nicj.Chat Icon

Posted 4/30/06 12:47 PM

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

John never took to them. He loves the Elmo's World DVD and most recently the Backyardigans. He may watch Blues Clues from time to time, and just starting (ugh) Barney.

Posted 4/30/06 12:59 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Ugh, I hated them. We only have baby mozart and I think it is the dumbest thing in the world. I could put on mozart and roll a ball around the house for the same effect. Emily never liked it either. Now, at almost 22 months, she likes Sesame Street and the Wiggles, and that is it.

Posted 4/30/06 7:21 PM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Baby Einstein is a savior in my household. It is the only way to get Kevin to nap (besides car rides or walks in his stroller). I tend to fall asleep before him some days!

He pretty much loves them all - only certain ones he naps to (neptune, Van gogh, beethoven) and others are more for entertaining (animals, old macdonald)......he really doesn't watch any other tv - he can't be bothered.

Posted 4/30/06 9:34 PM

Happy New Year

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Posted by Kris

Ugh, I hated them. We only have baby mozart and I think it is the dumbest thing in the world. I could put on mozart and roll a ball around the house for the same effect. Emily never liked it either. Now, at almost 22 months, she likes Sesame Street and the Wiggles, and that is it.

Thank you!! I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's just that the Lots to Learn seem way more educational to me and Jake is way more into those so I'm looking for something similar. L2L is the baby crack for him...the other ones he's completely bored. Chat Icon

Melissa (MelTodd) - are the Baby Genius the same style as the Baby Einstein? Is it just flashing pictures and stuffed animals moving around back and forth?

The Sesame Street is sounding good too, I'll have to try those. Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 9:02 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Baby Genius, it takes them on little journeys, like to the aquarium, the beach, the park, the zoo, Animal adventures, Four seasons, mozart and friends, Nursery rhymes. There is no flashing pictures, but I never saw baby Einstein to compair it to. Its like a mini movie for them, its cute. It keeps Julia's attention so thats good for me!

Posted 5/1/06 9:22 AM

Making big changes

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

They can only capture Christopher's attention for minutes, if that. Then again, he seems to get bored very easily....lucky me Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 5/1/06 9:26 AM

my princess

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Re: Baby Einstein videos - am I the only one

Antonio only likes Baby Bach...he cries with Baby Mozart and Gallileo are on. He adores Sesame Street!

Posted 5/1/06 9:28 AM

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