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1st Trimester and missing work??

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1st Trimester and missing work??

Has anyone taken alot of time off work during the first trimester? I feel soooo tired, weak and emotional, I have a 9 hour day in front of me and can't shake these feelings, I should've called in sick, but I think I should be saving those days for when I am REALLY sick. I haven't had m/s yet, just a little nausea. I want to go home so badly, but now that I am already here, I feel as if I can't pick up and leave - I get the office started and then boss goes in the field to work - I am the only one here, if I leave, the office part closes. Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 8:10 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

Can you go home at lunch and take a nap?
If not, do you have an office where you can close your door and take a mid day rest?

Posted 1/11/06 8:38 AM

Cake from Outer Space!

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

I have only called in once since I found out I was pregnant and I was just so drained from not sleeping and being sick. Only one coworker knows because she and I are good friends. I'm trying not to really use up my days because I don't know when I'm really going to need them.

Try putting your head down on your desk or sit back in your chair and close your eyes. I have found that the tiredness comes and goes through out the day and I just have to plow through it.

Posted 1/11/06 8:43 AM

Happy New Year

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

I didn't take any time off during the 1st trimester. Later on I got sick with a really bad cold and that's the only time I took off because I really wanted to save up my time. With all the Dr appts, I knew I'd be taking alot of time as it was so I didn't want to take any unnecessary time.

Posted 1/11/06 9:30 AM

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

i didn't take any time off, but i did go home straight after work and passed out on a daily basis!

Posted 1/11/06 9:32 AM

Happy Summer !

Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

thank you girls - I wish someone would tell my husband all this so he doesn't think I am making it up - I feel so guilty going home and going to sleep at 6:30!

I can't take nap at work and I get NO Lunch hour - eat at my desk. this Really *****, I feel like a teenager who partied until 4:00am and had to be at work by 8:00.

Posted 1/11/06 9:48 AM

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

I work from home and travel to see clients. I definitely did not see as many clients as I should have in my first trimester. Everyone is different, but I had no m/s, just extreme fatigue. I mean like I had mono or something. I would sometimes nap in my car between seeing clients.

Can you talk to your boss about a lunch hour? Or half hour? Is there a place where you can go in a conference room or your car and sleep?
I am not a lawyer, but if you are working an 8 hour day aren't you entitled to a lunch break? I don't think it matters if you are salaried or hourly.

Posted 1/11/06 10:05 AM

2 1/2

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

Posted by KittyCat

Has anyone taken alot of time off work during the first trimester? I feel soooo tired, weak and emotional, I have a 9 hour day in front of me and can't shake these feelings, I should've called in sick, but I think I should be saving those days for when I am REALLY sick. I haven't had m/s yet, just a little nausea. I want to go home so badly, but now that I am already here, I feel as if I can't pick up and leave - I get the office started and then boss goes in the field to work - I am the only one here, if I leave, the office part closes. Chat Icon

In the beginning I felt ok and then all of a sudden I was sick and tired.. I called in a lot.. but since we are covered by the labor law we cna not be fired.. I also take the subway in so if I did not feel good when i got up no chance was I going on the subway..

Posted 1/11/06 2:55 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

I am about to begin my 3rd trimester and I have felt fine, so I have never called in sick b/c of my pregnancy. I am saving that for later on - I am afraid of what is to come Chat Icon

Posted 1/11/06 3:04 PM

LIF Adolescent

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

Posted by mable

Posted by KittyCat

Has anyone taken alot of time off work during the first trimester? I feel soooo tired, weak and emotional, I have a 9 hour day in front of me and can't shake these feelings, I should've called in sick, but I think I should be saving those days for when I am REALLY sick. I haven't had m/s yet, just a little nausea. I want to go home so badly, but now that I am already here, I feel as if I can't pick up and leave - I get the office started and then boss goes in the field to work - I am the only one here, if I leave, the office part closes. Chat Icon

In the beginning I felt ok and then all of a sudden I was sick and tired.. I called in a lot.. but since we are covered by the labor law we cna not be fired.. I also take the subway in so if I did not feel good when i got up no chance was I going on the subway..

What do you mean we are covered by the Labor Law. This is good to know.

Posted 1/12/06 9:44 AM

2 1/2

Member since 12/05

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

i was told if your company is part of the family plan act you can not be fired for being pregnant or sick to do pregnancy..
by the end of the 05 I had used most of my sick days so I was not getting paid while I was out..

Posted 1/12/06 9:50 PM


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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

I was out a lot in the beginning because I was so sickChat Icon

Posted 1/12/06 10:50 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: 1st Trimester and missing work??

I missed a couple days in the beginning. Once they knew they were fine with me calling out or coming in late if I felt bad. I still felt guilty about it but had to take care of myself and the baby.

Posted 1/13/06 12:17 AM

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