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Bedtime Routine

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Member since 5/05

2636 total posts


Bedtime Routine

What is your bedtime routine. When did you start establishing on. DD is 6 weeks old and it seems like we just put her to bed wheneer she falls alseep.


Posted 2/12/06 8:12 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Bedtime Routine

Our bedtime routine is 20 mins or so of play, then bath (every other day), quick baby massage with baby lotion, change into PGs, dinner (1 jar of veggies) and a bottle. I keep him sitting up for about 20 mins after the bottle then off to bed, turn on the FP aquarium, and lights out.

I started establishing a bedtime routine at 7 weeks.

Posted 2/12/06 8:34 AM


Member since 5/05

1854 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine

Posted by BabyAvocado

Our bedtime routine is 20 mins or so of play, then bath (every other day), quick baby massage with baby lotion, change into PGs, dinner (1 jar of veggies) and a bottle. I keep him sitting up for about 20 mins after the bottle then off to bed, turn on the FP aquarium, and lights out.

I started establishing a bedtime routine at 7 weeks.

Ours is pretty much the same. Its worked so far (TG)!

Posted 2/12/06 8:39 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine

I did mine a little different when they were small. First dinner, then bath/massage part (when they start with solids you might prefer the bath after LOL), then some playtime - nothing too active, just some gentle playtime, final bottle and then sleep. Shes still so small at 6 weeks but you can start trying to do it that early. You may have to vary at times depending on if she has a fussy period in the evening but she will grow to love the routine. So will you.

Posted 2/12/06 8:47 AM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: Bedtime Routine

dinner @ 6
baby massage

We started at 2 months.... when he hit 4 months and started cereal, we through that into the beg. of the mix.

Posted 2/12/06 8:50 AM


Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine

how do i do a bedtime routine at 7 weeks old when he still eats every 3 hrs???? sometimes he's awake from like 4pm until 1am in the morn with no sleep at all.... Chat Icon

Posted 2/12/06 3:48 PM

Family of 5!

Member since 5/05

15364 total posts

<3 Mommy <3

Re: Bedtime Routine

well...@ 1st I didnt start at the same time every night....I just did things in the same order:

Bath, baby massage, relax til he went to sleeep (even if it was only 3 hrs)

Then I started noticing between 8-9 he did nothing but scream! I called it the witching hour....

I then thought, hmmm maybe he's crying cause he's over tired... So started his routine @ 7... and made his last bottle @ 8, and sure enough he'd fall asleep during it....

Then I realized, that was still too late, and RJ needed to be in bed by 7....and made the routine begin @ 6...

It was all trial and error, and seeing how he worked with different things....

I still give him a beddy baba (I top him off...even if its not time for him to eat, I wanna make sure he's nice and full)

He sometimes falls asleep, and if he dosent I just put him in his crib, and je falls asleep on his own..

Posted 2/12/06 4:13 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

1468 total posts


Re: Bedtime Routine

Michael's routine is

6pm - dinner
7-8 - some family playtime
8:15 - bath

After bath we go to his room, comb our hair, get nice fresh diaper on, lather up with some baby lotion, get PJ's on, brush our teeth and hit the glider for a bottle

I REALLY want to get a nighttime book in after the bath, but I keep forgetting to get a new bulb for his little light...

"night night" around 9pm.

Posted 2/12/06 5:18 PM

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